“Love” and acceptance are 2 different things. You can love someone with Godly love hoping they repent and stop sinning. But that does not include accepting their sin as OK.
Biden, controlled by the Jews, the Jesuits, the Masons/Illuminati. To collapse the USA so that it can be totally controlled even though degraded. He wants to finish the job. Jill the c*** pushed him into this to save precious crack head hunter. Any questions?
"Fellow Jesuits"... Enough said,
Francis just admitted he is a sexual abuser.
He is fucking despicable...
He is. Pope Vigano said to Trump that there's a deep state and a deep church.
“Love” and acceptance are 2 different things. You can love someone with Godly love hoping they repent and stop sinning. But that does not include accepting their sin as OK.
Helping them to stop hurting others.
You could definitely phrase that in a better way (as you did). But when the Pope himself by all optics appears to be an abuser himself, well...
Give him a mill stone and send him to the bottom of the ocean.
If they earnestly repent their sins before paying for them with their lives, I dont see why God wouldn't cut them some slack on the other side.
It's not going to wash when the dirty laundry finally gets an airing, popey
He is not wrong, but they deserve to be hung nonetheless.
jesuit pope with strong ties to free masonry
Translation - There are sex abusers among the clergy.
Everyone on the planet is a child of God. Jesus counseled us to love everyone.
It doesn't mean to accept or tolerate the behavior. I sure won't.
You would think this guy would actually read the Bible sometime.
Yeah, love Ala Jack in the Shining.
When Kanye said this about Hitler, they ripped him apart. In case you didn’t already have enough evidence of the double standard.
The word, repent, does not exist in a modernist mind when in fact it is most apropos.
Biden, controlled by the Jews, the Jesuits, the Masons/Illuminati. To collapse the USA so that it can be totally controlled even though degraded. He wants to finish the job. Jill the c*** pushed him into this to save precious crack head hunter. Any questions?
Giving “carte’ blanche” to pedophiles, sexual abusers and gays.