Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection
COVID-19 is no longer classed as a global health emergency by the World Health Organization, but scientists are still working hard to understand more about the virus and its impact – including how the coronavirus affects the body and leads to death.
remdesivir got them to the vents.
^ this
Just gave you the 17th upvote.
It's disturbing how articles like these always seem to include cautionary statements advising the reader not to draw the conclusion that the information points to. It's as though covid is a sacred source of fear and we mustn't undermine that fear by acknowledging information that downplays it. I envision every published paper being typed out in the presence of an overseer holding a gun to the writer's head.
Remember the first 3-6 months when hospitals were rolling people in positions that exacerbated pneumonia symptoms? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
It wasn't until later that they realized they did extra harm. This shit got memory holed
I lost a family member to hospital protocols. She was crying for the vent within three days of admission to the hospital.
After they gave me Remdesivir, they wanted to put me on a respirator, but I could still scream: NO! and they didn't do it. Otherwise, I would be dead, instead of on GAW!!
They tried to put my brother on Remdesivir. He checked out of the hospital AMA, and got monoclonal antibodies instead and recovered.
We anons are proven correct again's very hard to be so right about so many wrongs.
Blessings for all truth to be exposed
We knew 2 people who succumbed to this deadly hospital protocol and knew from the beginning once they entered the hospital they would not be coming out alive and we were right.
3rd leading cause of death after heart and cancer is medical error.
There is no covid 19. These fucks get so close to the truth but are afraid to admit it.
Remember NY Gov Cuomo crying about ventilators before he was caught hoarding ventilators.
Did he hang himself or was that someone else? Maybe my timeline is still off.
Andrew Cuomo hanged himself from his nipple rings like A Man Called Horse
I get Mario and Andrew mixed up.