I've noticed when filling out applications for various stuff that I'm forced to specific my ethnicity. The choice includes White non-Hispanic. This is a subtle implication that Hispanic people are white. And that explains the misnomers in your photo.
Great post, by the way... showing the slippery slope of definitions contrived to create a narrative.
Per the Democrats, Hispanics are "a voting block" lolol When they stop voting for Democrats then they are WHITE. Kinda like Brandon's comment "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black."
Yeah, I always decline on race and gender when filling out applications. Something like 1/6 corporations go out of their way not to hire whites for muh diversity. And white males? Fuhget aboud it..
To the topic of the post, I really feel they are mislabling the races of hispanics to whites on purpose. They're clearly not white. There's an agenda here, and its to fudge the stastistics. Not necessarily to make whites look bad, theres enough of those that do that just fine. Its to make hispancs look better so they can justify more immigration.
What, X% of these illegal central/south americans are violent criminals? No, no, no you racist. It says here that all the violent criminals are in fact whites...
Putting that they’re white may still skew statistics somehow but whoever posted this is posting a doctored photo (this is why citing our content should be a rule but whatever). See link here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives
Well it’s the most recent and that’s how they list it so it doesn’t really matter. I’m guessing the one posted was still doctored cause that’s how they list things.
This is not the same picture. The most likely thing that happened- they got called out for this and immediately added the (Hispanic) tag in the wanted posters. This image absolutely may be doctored, and the wayback machine does have the (Hispanic) tags as far back as the page has been archived.
The picture circulating does accurately reflect the reality of how the statistics are counted. Every one of these is officially counted as "White", even with the Hispanic tag.
In the Texas DPS official stats for "Arrest Data By Race" (page 75 of this document- it's ), there is no Hispanic tag, everything is rolled up into "White". There is a second page of "Hispanic" and "Not Hispanic" arrests, but this is clearly a way to hide how little white people commit certain crimes compared to other ethnicities.
The total numbers on the tables of the last two pages should add up, and they don't, which is odd- most are close and a couple are exact. But looking at the "Arrest Data By Race" population counts there are some extreme discrepancies: for example, there are 2,996 Robbery arrests assigned to "White" people with nearly 3,000 for Black/Indian/Asian/Hawaiian combined, and on the next page (Labeled "Arrest Data By Ethnicity) there are 3,907 "Not Hispanic" arrests for robbery by ethnicity with 1,985 "Hispanic" arrests. This means that around 2/3 of arrests for robbery classified as "White" were actually Hispanic.
How the table SHOULD read for Robbery Arrests:
1,011 White
1,985 Hispanic
2,846 Black
84 Other
With Not Hispanic "White" people accounting for around 1/6 (just under 17%) of Robbery Arrests, despite being 2/5 ((40%) of the state's population.
How the table DOES read for Robbery Arrests:
2,996 White
2,846 Black
4 Am. Ind. /Alas. Nat
25 Asian
55 Hawaiian/ Pac. Isle
And "White" people account for 1/2 of Robbery Arrests.
Looking at "Sex Offenses (Except Rape), nearly 80% of them are committed by "White" people, but in the next page, it shows that half of those are actually "Hispanic". This fits, as 40% of the population is "White" and they account for 40% of the Sex Offenses are perpetrated by "White" people.
If there was not an attempt to lie- there would be tables with all of these included. On another table in another document for the "Hate Crimes", "Hispanic" is not even listed as a possible perpetrator, with everything rolled up into "White". You can peruse at your leisure here:
Also in the current top-10 list, Zaed Fawaz Rashid is still a "White Male". Because "Middle-Eastern" is not recorded.
I've noticed when filling out applications for various stuff that I'm forced to specific my ethnicity. The choice includes White non-Hispanic. This is a subtle implication that Hispanic people are white. And that explains the misnomers in your photo.
Great post, by the way... showing the slippery slope of definitions contrived to create a narrative.
On the 2010 census form there was no distinction for Hispanic. Only designation was White. That is why all data is so incorrect.
Photo was doctored https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives
Hispanic isn't really a race, never was but it has been treated as if it was until now when the government decides it doesn't fit their narrative.
Per the Democrats, Hispanics are "a voting block" lolol When they stop voting for Democrats then they are WHITE. Kinda like Brandon's comment "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black."
You’re all making fine points but this photo was doctored. Each of them say “White (Hispanic) Male/Female”
Good catch
Yeah well I decided to look after I posted it on instagram just in case. Luckily I think I managed to delete it before anyone saw it 😂
Custodes Vero
Yeah, I always decline on race and gender when filling out applications. Something like 1/6 corporations go out of their way not to hire whites for muh diversity. And white males? Fuhget aboud it..
To the topic of the post, I really feel they are mislabling the races of hispanics to whites on purpose. They're clearly not white. There's an agenda here, and its to fudge the stastistics. Not necessarily to make whites look bad, theres enough of those that do that just fine. Its to make hispancs look better so they can justify more immigration.
What, X% of these illegal central/south americans are violent criminals? No, no, no you racist. It says here that all the violent criminals are in fact whites...
Photo is doctored: https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives
Thanks, I didnt even notice.
I always wondered about that myself and wondered when the heck Hispanics got lumped in with Caucasians.
The photo was doctored. The original says “White (Hispanic)” https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives
Yes, yes, yes! I am sick of having to identify as White NON Hispanic.
It looks like the photo could have been doctored
Thank you to the users who have spotted this
The Texas department of public safety currently seems to list Hispanic fugitives as White (Hispanic)
Thanks for adding this as a sticky at the top. I wish we all could pin the relevant Comments at the top when needed.
You could ask for it by modmail if necessary.
It would just be handy for image posts so we could pin our link to the top.
You can write a modmail and ask for a feature. The mods would consider its feasibility and drawbacks.
Screenshot is from an even older style of the page, but here's the earliest wayback archive of that page, which features a couple of the same guys, and they're listed as White (Hispanic) as well - https://web.archive.org/web/20170826225610/https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives
Abbreviated as "White."
It might of been doctored or it might of still been true. They're all different people on your list compared to OP list
But here, a clearly Arabic man called Zaed fawaz Rashid Labeled as a white male
It still says White Hispanic.🤪🤪😂😂🤡🤡
Putting that they’re white may still skew statistics somehow but whoever posted this is posting a doctored photo (this is why citing our content should be a rule but whatever). See link here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives
Thanks for pointing that out but then again, the people in your post are not the same people.
Well it’s the most recent and that’s how they list it so it doesn’t really matter. I’m guessing the one posted was still doctored cause that’s how they list things.
I agree with you or else they've recently changed their reporting structure. As long as we are guessing either is possible.
This is not the same picture. The most likely thing that happened- they got called out for this and immediately added the (Hispanic) tag in the wanted posters. This image absolutely may be doctored, and the wayback machine does have the (Hispanic) tags as far back as the page has been archived.
The picture circulating does accurately reflect the reality of how the statistics are counted. Every one of these is officially counted as "White", even with the Hispanic tag.
In the Texas DPS official stats for "Arrest Data By Race" (page 75 of this document- it's ), there is no Hispanic tag, everything is rolled up into "White". There is a second page of "Hispanic" and "Not Hispanic" arrests, but this is clearly a way to hide how little white people commit certain crimes compared to other ethnicities. https://www.dps.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/crimereports/18/citch9.pdf
The total numbers on the tables of the last two pages should add up, and they don't, which is odd- most are close and a couple are exact. But looking at the "Arrest Data By Race" population counts there are some extreme discrepancies: for example, there are 2,996 Robbery arrests assigned to "White" people with nearly 3,000 for Black/Indian/Asian/Hawaiian combined, and on the next page (Labeled "Arrest Data By Ethnicity) there are 3,907 "Not Hispanic" arrests for robbery by ethnicity with 1,985 "Hispanic" arrests. This means that around 2/3 of arrests for robbery classified as "White" were actually Hispanic.
How the table SHOULD read for Robbery Arrests:
1,011 White 1,985 Hispanic 2,846 Black 84 Other
With Not Hispanic "White" people accounting for around 1/6 (just under 17%) of Robbery Arrests, despite being 2/5 ((40%) of the state's population.
How the table DOES read for Robbery Arrests:
2,996 White 2,846 Black 4 Am. Ind. /Alas. Nat 25 Asian 55 Hawaiian/ Pac. Isle
And "White" people account for 1/2 of Robbery Arrests.
Looking at "Sex Offenses (Except Rape), nearly 80% of them are committed by "White" people, but in the next page, it shows that half of those are actually "Hispanic". This fits, as 40% of the population is "White" and they account for 40% of the Sex Offenses are perpetrated by "White" people.
If there was not an attempt to lie- there would be tables with all of these included. On another table in another document for the "Hate Crimes", "Hispanic" is not even listed as a possible perpetrator, with everything rolled up into "White". You can peruse at your leisure here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/crime-records/crime-texas
Also in the current top-10 list, Zaed Fawaz Rashid is still a "White Male". Because "Middle-Eastern" is not recorded.
Great digging fren. Good info. Thank you.
How many of these are illegal? Asking for a friend!
Not sure but the photo is doctored: https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives
It’s the Amish again.
Prison population only includes black or white , go figure
Wow! It looks like a lot of "white" males had a bad case of sunburn or have been out in the sun too long because......you know......Texas.
The media manipulates things to fit the agenda.
We used to have:
Negroid - Blacks
Caucasians - Europeans, Indians, Hispanics, Near East people, Central Americans from Europe
Mongoloid - Far Eastern people, Native Americans in both N and S America
Now, Hispanics are White when convenient and the left/media have invented the Hispanic race to use when it suits them.
You can be Black and Hispanic. These people are White Hispanic. They are mestizos. One half European and one half native American.