George Washington, the war hero and President AND Abraham Lincoln, who put down the Democrat’s attempt to violently rip the nation apart - these men get ONE DAY.
MLK, who pointed out the ongoing Democrat racism via Jim Crow laws, he gets ONE DAY.
1.1 MILLION Americans who put on a uniform and gave their last breath in service to country, get ONE DAY.
But a bunch of perverts and pedophiles get an entire MONTH to be “proud”.
America 2023
Saw somewhere else today a stat from John Nolte that says pride month is for 2% of population. I did a search and found via this:
(This is just veterans that are currently alive)
The 2021 American Community Survey estimated the U.S. had 257.1 million people 18 years and over, and of those, 16.5 million, or 6.4 percent, were veterans.
Just a reminder
Servicemembers get a day.
Faggots get a month.
Got this comment from a Breitbart article:
George Washington, the war hero and President AND Abraham Lincoln, who put down the Democrat’s attempt to violently rip the nation apart - these men get ONE DAY.
MLK, who pointed out the ongoing Democrat racism via Jim Crow laws, he gets ONE DAY.
1.1 MILLION Americans who put on a uniform and gave their last breath in service to country, get ONE DAY.
But a bunch of perverts and pedophiles get an entire MONTH to be “proud”.
America 2023
Saw somewhere else today a stat from John Nolte that says pride month is for 2% of population. I did a search and found via this:
(This is just veterans that are currently alive)
The 2021 American Community Survey estimated the U.S. had 257.1 million people 18 years and over, and of those, 16.5 million, or 6.4 percent, were veterans.
It's not right.
I think about this pretty much all the time.
I can't stand it.
I think this will be the last "pride" month ever. They are obviously going after the kids. This will not stand.
So does BLM, albeit the shortest month of the year lol