posted ago by TrumpFan2000 ago by TrumpFan2000 +52 / -0


Donald Trump just informed us all that starting memorial day 2025, we will enter into a year long celebration for our nations 250th birthday.

I know a lot of you don't feel like celebrating, but we know Trump. When he says there will be a celebration, then there will be a celebration. Every claim Trump has made has come through, and even his Presidential election for 2020, although was stolen, he never claimed he would be in office during this time.

So this celebration will be the END.. It will be after all of Q has been completed, because the deep state will not be celebrating with us.

So now for the doomers, you have your celebration day. But moreover, please understand that Q lets us know "Celebrate means so much", and to elaborate, let me share some posts.

QPOST 2357 Says:

CELEBRATE, PATRIOTS!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWYrcnehito "Let us reaffirm America's destiny of goodness and good will." -Ronald Reagan Q

QPOST 1681 Says:

Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence. It also links to the youtube video here: https://qposts.online/post/1681

QPOST 2355 Says:

Celebrate - this means so much.

Now here is the REALLY JUCY bit. Checkout the date for Ronald Reagans "Peace through strength" speech, linked by QPOST 2357.. JULY 17... NOT SAYING ANYTHING MORE ON THAT...

Now also, consider 1681, where it says "Today as patriots we celebrate our independence." Q is preparing us for the biggest celebration of all time.