After having done some research into the potential human breeding farms underground, my worst fears are worse than an actual Hellraiser movie made manifest. My worst fears have a ton of underground cities, with millions of humans who have never seen the light of day, never known kindness, love, or anything except horror, body parts removed at random, chained up since birth, blood extracted whenever by tubes with permanent blood valves courtesy of Baron Harkonnen from Dune, with the main source of these millions of people's meals coming from other "harvested" humans.
Some days I throw in actual legitimate higher dimensional entities (sometimes called demons) literally eating these people's souls... just because, who the fuck knows?
I seriously doubt it's 1000 times worse than MY worst fears...
theres not enough rich billionaires in the world to feed it.
If each harvesting of adrenochrome kills a person, and there are thousands, or tens of thousands of adrenochrome consumers, that's a lot of people required to feed that addiction. That's just one of the possible uses for humans. There's also humans as food, organ harvesting, scientific research, and sex, and that's just off the top of my head.
Think of them as a resource, like cows, or "cows with benefits" and you can perhaps imagine the possibilities.
a high risk , cost and for what?
That there exist multiple underground "cities" is not in question. See Denver Airport, NORAD, or even Manhattan for example. That there exist numerous "town" sized underground systems is also not in question. That there exist underground highways that connect these places is not in question. That they do in fact hide shit down there is also not in question.
What is questionable is, how many cities are there, how connected are they, what do they really do there, how deep do they really go, and are there some that even the military doesn't know about? Hell, there are underground cities that exist from before (thousands of years ago), though it would be more appropriate to call them "towns" I suppose, but they are very sophisticated (cisterns, plumbing, compartmentalization, etc.). They were almost certainly used for survival at some tumultuous period of our past. But who knows how many such "aforetime" places exist that the PTB know about that have been hidden from us?
There is NO RISK involved, because a) almost no one knows about these things, b) no one thinks about these things, c) no one can go there that isn't shown the way and allowed to get in, d) any "leaks" are controlled the same way that all other leaks are controlled, which is to say, trivially, when you own all the media.
according to that recent child trafficking documentary some "clients" like to rip infants in half with their dick so a medical team is on standby to harvest the usable organs after. so..............theres that kind of evil.
Let's hope he's not talking about our worst fears.
Right? If we think they're killing children and using adrenochrome to stay young... imagine THAT times 100, sheesh
After having done some research into the potential human breeding farms underground, my worst fears are worse than an actual Hellraiser movie made manifest. My worst fears have a ton of underground cities, with millions of humans who have never seen the light of day, never known kindness, love, or anything except horror, body parts removed at random, chained up since birth, blood extracted whenever by tubes with permanent blood valves courtesy of Baron Harkonnen from Dune, with the main source of these millions of people's meals coming from other "harvested" humans.
Some days I throw in actual legitimate higher dimensional entities (sometimes called demons) literally eating these people's souls... just because, who the fuck knows?
I seriously doubt it's 1000 times worse than MY worst fears... that should make some people feel better.
Reading a picture you just painted is unlikely to make anyone feel better. Man...
while thats horrifying where is the market for all these millions of people?
theres not enough rich billionaires in the world to feed it.
so unless there is something demonic going on it seems like a high risk , cost and for what?
If each harvesting of adrenochrome kills a person, and there are thousands, or tens of thousands of adrenochrome consumers, that's a lot of people required to feed that addiction. That's just one of the possible uses for humans. There's also humans as food, organ harvesting, scientific research, and sex, and that's just off the top of my head.
Think of them as a resource, like cows, or "cows with benefits" and you can perhaps imagine the possibilities.
That there exist multiple underground "cities" is not in question. See Denver Airport, NORAD, or even Manhattan for example. That there exist numerous "town" sized underground systems is also not in question. That there exist underground highways that connect these places is not in question. That they do in fact hide shit down there is also not in question.
What is questionable is, how many cities are there, how connected are they, what do they really do there, how deep do they really go, and are there some that even the military doesn't know about? Hell, there are underground cities that exist from before (thousands of years ago), though it would be more appropriate to call them "towns" I suppose, but they are very sophisticated (cisterns, plumbing, compartmentalization, etc.). They were almost certainly used for survival at some tumultuous period of our past. But who knows how many such "aforetime" places exist that the PTB know about that have been hidden from us?
There is NO RISK involved, because a) almost no one knows about these things, b) no one thinks about these things, c) no one can go there that isn't shown the way and allowed to get in, d) any "leaks" are controlled the same way that all other leaks are controlled, which is to say, trivially, when you own all the media.
Imagine what a vampire demon would do to a child. That's all you need to know.
There are stories of underground reptilian lairs beneath Los Angeles.
Maybe they are the angels -- fallen angels.
Demons. Yes. I heard about the maze of tunnels.
according to that recent child trafficking documentary some "clients" like to rip infants in half with their dick so a medical team is on standby to harvest the usable organs after. so..............theres that kind of evil.
Dude, hanging is too good for these people…