I actually worked for a funeral home during that time and put people into body bags from nursing homes and private residences. Said it was a hoax then and still say it to this day.
When you have to bribe the public with free beer, pot, hot wings, lap dances, money, cars, and a plethora of other incentives in return for jabs, it should be fairly obvious it's not an actual pandemic.
Knew out the gate this shit was hyped up to the max. Similar to the "terror alert" red, yellow, green traffic light scale the MSM used for years following 9/11. Its all fear and control. Social engineering at its finest... err, worst.
When the big box stores like Walmart, Home Depot ... can stay open, but smaller stores, gyms, churches... must close, you're dealing with a scam and not a true pandemic.
Free doughnut for every death shot. Krispy Cream hasn't been good in over ten years. I don't see the appeal for the free doughnuts but they were wrapped around the building.
I actually worked for a funeral home during that time and put people into body bags from nursing homes and private residences. Said it was a hoax then and still say it to this day.
When you have to bribe the public with free beer, pot, hot wings, lap dances, money, cars, and a plethora of other incentives in return for jabs, it should be fairly obvious it's not an actual pandemic.
Knew out the gate this shit was hyped up to the max. Similar to the "terror alert" red, yellow, green traffic light scale the MSM used for years following 9/11. Its all fear and control. Social engineering at its finest... err, worst.
100%.....and don't forget the vax lottery! All bullshit.
When the big box stores like Walmart, Home Depot ... can stay open, but smaller stores, gyms, churches... must close, you're dealing with a scam and not a true pandemic.
Masks are allowed to come down to nibble on trail mix on an airplane. THEN IMMEDIATELY BACK UP because Science.
We know a teenager who got it at school in exchange for fruit snacks. FRUIT SNACKS!
Free doughnut for every death shot. Krispy Cream hasn't been good in over ten years. I don't see the appeal for the free doughnuts but they were wrapped around the building.