Hmmm.... I find it hard to think that DeSantis is anything but Kayfabe at this point. I really do not get the feeling that DS is in any sort of control. The timing all seems too perfect.
I suspect the indictments are simply templates set up to widen the overton window so that Obama and others can be indicted. At this point, I don't see the DS operating any of the levers, which includes being able to get DeSantis to run.
Musk takeover of Twitter - pre-planned. Carlson moving to Twitter - pre-planned. Schedule of Mar a Lago raid - pre-planned. Biden documents discoveries (4+) - pre-planned. Trump indictments - induced. Pence, DeSantis runs - pre-planned.
Personally, I think the patriots are running rings around the DS at lightening speed.
You are exactly on target once again on all points. u/FractalizingIron. đź‘Ź
Every scene in this movie is pre-planned. These indictments and all other actions are showing just how corrupt our system is and has been. They are awakening normies at an exponential rate now.
6 months ago I was a lot more skeptical about how much was being orchestrated and how much was DS squirming and attempting to counter the Patriots.
But the past 6 months and everything that's been happening makes me think that the room for the DS squirming is being reduced all the time, and there is less and less they can do with each passing week. If they have less room to squirm and resist, the logical implication is that the patriots are moving steadily forward and occupying more and more of the game board.
To use the chess metaphor, to win the game, you don't have to knock all the enemy's pieces off the board. You simply need to occupy (increasingly) the positions of power and control, and you can essentially force or dictate what the enemy will do.
The game is a process. In the current 5G war, it includes the psychological aspect which is the waking up of a whole nation of people (or enough of them) so that they will break out of the group think matrix and trance, and realize that they have to step up, to step up and be We, the People in action and in name. However, the war also includes claiming / grabbing the key positions on the game board, and increasingly forcing the enemy into less and less space with less and less maneuverability.
So there is a dual process here: one, increasingly defeating the Cabal enemy, while setting up everything for a re-boot (demolition of their system and creation of a new system of freedom with the built-in safeguards that ideally would have been put in place centuries ago but which could not be) plus a preparation of the key players - aka The People - to step up and accept their legitimate and necessary role as the true custodians of the nation(s).
The former will not be successful without success in the latter. Which is why a timeline with necessary markers and inflection points had to be gamed out and planned, so that at the necessary time, the two streams will converge.
Where once I saw the DS reacting, counter-operating, and fighting, now I see that in fact, they were being forced into those actions by the moves of the Patriots, and that now, they have less and less room to do anything.
It was hard for me to see that whole picture 8 or more months ago, even though I def. trusted DJT and knew with certainty that the Q operation is fully legit, but I could not see quite how the pieces fit together as they do now.
In the beginning of my introduction to Q almost 7 years ago my thought process was more reactive. Now, I have such confidence and peace of mind as a result of taking emotions out of the equation and weighing each happening through logical thinking and digging.
POTUS is calmly focused on his mission of continuing to educate & awaken, dropping comms continuously.
I trust God. I trust The Plan. I know in my very core that POTUS was chosen by God for such a time as this.
Not a popular perspective, perhaps, but its the one that makes most sense to me. If it turns out I'm wrong, I'll modify my perspective. But there are just too many data points now.
FTX exposure - controlled. BRICS gold currency moves - planned. Debt Ceiling issue - controlled. etc. When I say the Trump indictment news, I felt blackpilled for approximately 2 minutes. Seriously. These days, the negative energy in those pills just bounce off me. Not because I'm using hopium. I'm hopermectin all the way.
My top recommendation is to realize that "the Great Awakening" means you yourself have to undergo a steady process of self-discovery and self-recovery that leads you to examine yourself in new ways and recognize flaws you never knew existed and perceive potentials that you never knew you had. As you do that, your inner world will become more and more robust, so that the mayhem and the chaos and the 'bad news' that you perceive out there in the world will have less ability to alter your state of mind.
Then, you need to recognize that there are narratives being spun everywhere, and that to only real way to successfully navigate them is to recognize them as such and distinguish between what you know and what you think you know because you are being told by <media> <govt> <organizations> <other people> that it happens.
When you think about a President’s schedule, and how he will take a trip to some country to meet the heads of state, all of that has to be planned out months in advance. Routes, fanfare, events, dinners, all of that requires time, and when the trip actually happens, the President has everything scheduled down to the hour.
Now if we already know White House staff and Secret Service are doing this for a fairly basic trip, what do we think is happening behind the scenes, in the war room? Surely these things are also planned out months and years in advance as well, with contigencies built on contigencies. Not only is that not hopium, I think it’s actually naive to believe it could work any other way.
Obviously there would be smaller details that couldn’t be totally predicted, but what kind of impact would the smaller events actually have on the main events? It would seem to me that the way to do this would be to lock in certain events and dates and then start to fill in the dates between them, then refine that further and further until you basically have a fairly accurate map of future world events. Add the surveillance state on top of this, where the enemy’s plans are being monitored and their movements tracked, and it’s probably not that difficult for military analysts to work this stuff out using probabilities and game theory. Add possible secret tech like Project Looking Glass on top of this and it’s even easier.
Ps. Your description of the timeline element is confirmed by Q 2679. There is an inbuilt flexibility in the timeline, necessary because it unfolds via moves and countermoves. But once the key logistical positions (points of control, etc) are secured, then the game can be forced to proceed in a specific direction, so that it becomes not a matter of if, but when. But the idea of locking in certain events and dates is intriguing. I think that makes a lot of sense.
Also in a game of chess, a loss by the opponent can become a logical necessity within a set number of moves. If the cabal has been boxed into that type of an inevitable loss, then attempting to trigger a civil war would be equivalent to a chess player overturning the board and scattering the pieces to avoid the loss.
A chess player overturning the board and scattering the pieces necessitates that the player can reach out to flip the board.
My view is that the Patriots will have, of necessity, incorporated a plan that involved advancing the occupation of the game board in a manner such that by the time the Cabal realized they had no option except, for example, to initiate a 'civil war', that the Cabal would by then have no ability to do that.
If the chess player still thinks they can win or escape the situation, they keep attempting to do that in their own self-interest. But if at some point in the game, unbeknownst to them, their arms have been tied down to the chair and their legs have been bound and they cannot even flip the board, all they will do is swear, shout abuse, maybe attempt to roll over the chair. There may be some collateral damage, but minimizing such collateral damage at the right point will have to have been part of the original game plan by the Patriots.
And just another point, 'civil war'? Who the heck is the civil war going to be against? There are no equally armed, equally capable North vs South here, not in the population. The only possible conflict resembling all out war between two sides could be the US military vs the Population. That possibility would have been neutralized a long time ago before the plan could get to the stage where the Cabal thought they could viable do that. In my opinion.
Hmmm.... I find it hard to think that DeSantis is anything but Kayfabe at this point. I really do not get the feeling that DS is in any sort of control. The timing all seems too perfect.
I suspect the indictments are simply templates set up to widen the overton window so that Obama and others can be indicted. At this point, I don't see the DS operating any of the levers, which includes being able to get DeSantis to run.
Musk takeover of Twitter - pre-planned. Carlson moving to Twitter - pre-planned. Schedule of Mar a Lago raid - pre-planned. Biden documents discoveries (4+) - pre-planned. Trump indictments - induced. Pence, DeSantis runs - pre-planned.
Personally, I think the patriots are running rings around the DS at lightening speed.
Enjoy the show.
You are exactly on target once again on all points. u/FractalizingIron. đź‘Ź
Every scene in this movie is pre-planned. These indictments and all other actions are showing just how corrupt our system is and has been. They are awakening normies at an exponential rate now.
Q prepared us many times.
Pray. Have Faith. We have it all.
You are watching a movie.
Enjoy the show.
6 months ago I was a lot more skeptical about how much was being orchestrated and how much was DS squirming and attempting to counter the Patriots.
But the past 6 months and everything that's been happening makes me think that the room for the DS squirming is being reduced all the time, and there is less and less they can do with each passing week. If they have less room to squirm and resist, the logical implication is that the patriots are moving steadily forward and occupying more and more of the game board.
To use the chess metaphor, to win the game, you don't have to knock all the enemy's pieces off the board. You simply need to occupy (increasingly) the positions of power and control, and you can essentially force or dictate what the enemy will do.
The game is a process. In the current 5G war, it includes the psychological aspect which is the waking up of a whole nation of people (or enough of them) so that they will break out of the group think matrix and trance, and realize that they have to step up, to step up and be We, the People in action and in name. However, the war also includes claiming / grabbing the key positions on the game board, and increasingly forcing the enemy into less and less space with less and less maneuverability.
So there is a dual process here: one, increasingly defeating the Cabal enemy, while setting up everything for a re-boot (demolition of their system and creation of a new system of freedom with the built-in safeguards that ideally would have been put in place centuries ago but which could not be) plus a preparation of the key players - aka The People - to step up and accept their legitimate and necessary role as the true custodians of the nation(s).
The former will not be successful without success in the latter. Which is why a timeline with necessary markers and inflection points had to be gamed out and planned, so that at the necessary time, the two streams will converge.
Where once I saw the DS reacting, counter-operating, and fighting, now I see that in fact, they were being forced into those actions by the moves of the Patriots, and that now, they have less and less room to do anything.
It was hard for me to see that whole picture 8 or more months ago, even though I def. trusted DJT and knew with certainty that the Q operation is fully legit, but I could not see quite how the pieces fit together as they do now.
I guess that means future proves past?
Anyway, my $0.02
Thanks very so much for the feedback, daughter.
I appreciate your detailed analysis.
In the beginning of my introduction to Q almost 7 years ago my thought process was more reactive. Now, I have such confidence and peace of mind as a result of taking emotions out of the equation and weighing each happening through logical thinking and digging.
POTUS is calmly focused on his mission of continuing to educate & awaken, dropping comms continuously.
I trust God. I trust The Plan. I know in my very core that POTUS was chosen by God for such a time as this.
You got that one right!
Praise God! Praise Christ!
Oh man, I couldn't have said it as well as that!
Not a popular perspective, perhaps, but its the one that makes most sense to me. If it turns out I'm wrong, I'll modify my perspective. But there are just too many data points now.
FTX exposure - controlled. BRICS gold currency moves - planned. Debt Ceiling issue - controlled. etc. When I say the Trump indictment news, I felt blackpilled for approximately 2 minutes. Seriously. These days, the negative energy in those pills just bounce off me. Not because I'm using hopium. I'm hopermectin all the way.
The NY indictment blackpilled me for a minute. The new one in Miami had no effect. I immediately saw it as an opportunity for Trump.
Hopermectin…HA!! Beautiful, gotta remember that 💯
:D (
You are thinking like a true Anon.
I hope you're right. That's basically all I have left is hope at this point.
I get that, fren. you need some hopermectin.
My top recommendation is to realize that "the Great Awakening" means you yourself have to undergo a steady process of self-discovery and self-recovery that leads you to examine yourself in new ways and recognize flaws you never knew existed and perceive potentials that you never knew you had. As you do that, your inner world will become more and more robust, so that the mayhem and the chaos and the 'bad news' that you perceive out there in the world will have less ability to alter your state of mind.
Then, you need to recognize that there are narratives being spun everywhere, and that to only real way to successfully navigate them is to recognize them as such and distinguish between what you know and what you think you know because you are being told by <media> <govt> <organizations> <other people> that it happens.
My favorite reinforcer these days: "Defected". Strongly recommend you check them out.
Start with any episode.
Good luck. And remember: true hope comes from true knowledge.
Thanks for your thoughtful response.
When you think about a President’s schedule, and how he will take a trip to some country to meet the heads of state, all of that has to be planned out months in advance. Routes, fanfare, events, dinners, all of that requires time, and when the trip actually happens, the President has everything scheduled down to the hour.
Now if we already know White House staff and Secret Service are doing this for a fairly basic trip, what do we think is happening behind the scenes, in the war room? Surely these things are also planned out months and years in advance as well, with contigencies built on contigencies. Not only is that not hopium, I think it’s actually naive to believe it could work any other way.
Obviously there would be smaller details that couldn’t be totally predicted, but what kind of impact would the smaller events actually have on the main events? It would seem to me that the way to do this would be to lock in certain events and dates and then start to fill in the dates between them, then refine that further and further until you basically have a fairly accurate map of future world events. Add the surveillance state on top of this, where the enemy’s plans are being monitored and their movements tracked, and it’s probably not that difficult for military analysts to work this stuff out using probabilities and game theory. Add possible secret tech like Project Looking Glass on top of this and it’s even easier.
I like the way you're thinking. You bring up some very relevant points.
It's not hopium, wolf, it's hopermectin
Ps. Your description of the timeline element is confirmed by Q 2679. There is an inbuilt flexibility in the timeline, necessary because it unfolds via moves and countermoves. But once the key logistical positions (points of control, etc) are secured, then the game can be forced to proceed in a specific direction, so that it becomes not a matter of if, but when. But the idea of locking in certain events and dates is intriguing. I think that makes a lot of sense.
Also in a game of chess, a loss by the opponent can become a logical necessity within a set number of moves. If the cabal has been boxed into that type of an inevitable loss, then attempting to trigger a civil war would be equivalent to a chess player overturning the board and scattering the pieces to avoid the loss.
A chess player overturning the board and scattering the pieces necessitates that the player can reach out to flip the board.
My view is that the Patriots will have, of necessity, incorporated a plan that involved advancing the occupation of the game board in a manner such that by the time the Cabal realized they had no option except, for example, to initiate a 'civil war', that the Cabal would by then have no ability to do that.
If the chess player still thinks they can win or escape the situation, they keep attempting to do that in their own self-interest. But if at some point in the game, unbeknownst to them, their arms have been tied down to the chair and their legs have been bound and they cannot even flip the board, all they will do is swear, shout abuse, maybe attempt to roll over the chair. There may be some collateral damage, but minimizing such collateral damage at the right point will have to have been part of the original game plan by the Patriots.
And just another point, 'civil war'? Who the heck is the civil war going to be against? There are no equally armed, equally capable North vs South here, not in the population. The only possible conflict resembling all out war between two sides could be the US military vs the Population. That possibility would have been neutralized a long time ago before the plan could get to the stage where the Cabal thought they could viable do that. In my opinion.