The thing you hear most often is "Are they crazy?....Go woke, go broke!....Their stock is in the shitter!!...." The boards and CEO's of these corporations are being instructed by the hidden hands to do all of this...or else. They don't care about profits and stock prices. The keymasters such as Blackrock, Vanguard, etc. are orchestrating everything and they know they have an endless stream of fiat cash being printed to prop up all of the nonsense. The end goal is to humiliate and demoralize as a way to soften up the population (especially the middle class) for what's to come. You can almost hear them smirking and giggling with glee.
Comments (17)
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I can't help thinking that if there was a way for all of us frens and pedes to get together and pool our resources, we could build an investment company to counter these companies. Problem is vetting and then keeping the cabal's fingers out of it.
At this point, by default, I no longer trust anyone I don't know personally, and only half those I do.
You’d have to revamp the slanted monetary system first or you’ll always be trying to compete against the cronyists’ easy fake money by using our hard-earned money
You are right. The left stick together because they are blackmailed.
Our 401k' S are funding this, blackrock manages mine,I have no choice in the matter.
Exactly. Keep us beaten down and divided. Blackrock and Vanguard require these companies to have ESG departments and policies as the price of doing ANY business. Unless they bow down the banks will cut them off.
Get woke, go broke, and those keymasters are fools to think it won't happen to them, too.
I think it’s more they want to stop us from identifying with companies that brand America as America. Our corporations are part of our identity! Coke! KFC! McDonalds!
In order to get the Great Reset going properly, we must identify with our world and not just our country.
I’m sure the companies are being richly compensated.
Agree. Antichrist may be sentient AI. They know with AI like precision how to trigger and offend, create coalitions, and demoralize. They don't understand the soul factor though.
It’s money. Money is the “necessary evil” for our survival in a cabal owned/operated system. Learn to barter. Lady up the street who needs her lawn mowed prob makes a pretty mean meatloaf WITHOUT any decorative flags. Use cash, dump credit. Liquidate accounts and buy land/real estate. Stack silver. Know your neighbors. Know your friends. Help those awakening. We got this. Let them have their money games all to themselves. Game is over when we all stand up…..
Blackrock and Vangaurd are owned by their investors. Who invests in these funds? Other funds and so on and so fourth….. Who votes for you?
As a bonus, its a short that also bankrupts all of the 401K's they control.
Have you seen those little mini-flags on a toothpick? CB now has one with a rainbow on it and they're sticking them in the meatloaf and burgers being served. Really pissing grandma off. :)
Oh man! I love Cracker Barrel! Why, why, do these companies do this? CB got in "trouble" with whoever a few years ago because they were branded as "homophobic" or something, due to supposed treatment of homos working there. For a chain that makes them out to be "down home America", pretty stupid to go along with the woke crap, but it's stupid for ANY company to do it, so once again, why? At most it would increase business by a couple percent, but as in so many cases, it results in MASSIVE loss of customers.
The general store sells rainbow striped chairs, I believe.