The bigger the city the less of "God's green Earth" there is.
The feel of grass under your feet, the shade and coolness provided by a large oak tree and the sounds of nature's song every morning and evening. I'll stay where I am.
Newsflash to the WEF: We don’t care what you want! You’re unelected, no one anointed you, and so you’re meaningless to the people of the world! Kindly drop dead!
As the world witnessed with the covid pandemic, global institutions working with governments and corporations are happy to hype up false threats and inspire public hysteria if they think they can use that rising fear to whittle away our individual rights. The hype over “greenhouse emissions” is no exception.
The vast majority of climate and carbon policies appear to be aimed at the west, and this is one of the reasons why we know the claims behind them are fake. China alone accounts for around 32% of all global carbon emissions, with the US accounting for only 14% and the EU accounting for around 8%. Yet, think-tanks like the World Economic Forum and globalist havens like the UN are hyperfocused on the US and Europe while China does as it pleases.
Why? Perhaps because the Chinese population is already well under control and there is no need to use climate fear as a weapon to subdue them? In any case, the greenhouse gas issue is superfluous because there is zero evidence of a causation relationship between carbon emissions and global warming. Even the evidence of correlation is highly suspect. And, if you ask any climate alarmist where there is proof of the “climate crisis” they always rant about, they will predictably point to normal weather events (or wildfires) which have been common since human records started.
We have been hearing a lot lately about efforts to diminish or ban natural gas stoves in the US, to throttle agricultural production in Europe and to restrict meat in the public diet, but the most pervasive carbon restrictions are planned for cars and private transportation. The WEF has recently published a blueprint for reducing individual car ownership by 75% by the year 2050.
The white paper, titled 'Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility' establishes various guidelines for shifting the majority of the human population over to mass transportation within compact “smart cities.” The WEF also suggests that over 70% of all people will have to live in these smart cities by 2050 – Currently, 45% of the world lives in rural areas, requiring another 15% of the population to be forced into cities in the next couple decades. Not only that, but 2nd and 3rd tier cities would have to be combined into single homogenized networks. In other words, megacities.
Well they def aren't doing a good job by making cities look sellable. As far as I'm concerned, cities are the shit holes of poverty crime and the lack of community worth. Def not looking into moving somewhere that allows homeless cretins shit on the sidewalk while masterbating all while I eat dinner with my daughter at a restaurant.
Hard pass
I think the smart cities won't happen until nohide laws or some other draconian take over happens. It's to much of a segregationist idea to be plausible right now. The suburbs won't change the rural won't change, the only thing that will change is all the subhuman will stay in the old cities while the complicit law abiding idiots go to the smart cities . I'm assuming they will be consistently within the area of large older cities. Thoughts?
I want 75% fewer WEF members breathing air... in and out...
Lol they want depop? I suggest they go first and we can see if the "healthy world changes" are what they claimed.
The thing is that if we did depopulate the WEF and their ilk, the world would change for the better.
But not necessarily 'climate change'. Thats going to happen naturally with or without humans.
The bigger the city the less of "God's green Earth" there is.
The feel of grass under your feet, the shade and coolness provided by a large oak tree and the sounds of nature's song every morning and evening. I'll stay where I am.
Want in one hand, shit in the other - all I got. I love my car and I hate cities - living in suburbs bad enough.
I also want so many things
Newsflash to the WEF: We don’t care what you want! You’re unelected, no one anointed you, and so you’re meaningless to the people of the world! Kindly drop dead!
WEF and their supporters can lick my ass.
From article
As the world witnessed with the covid pandemic, global institutions working with governments and corporations are happy to hype up false threats and inspire public hysteria if they think they can use that rising fear to whittle away our individual rights. The hype over “greenhouse emissions” is no exception.
The vast majority of climate and carbon policies appear to be aimed at the west, and this is one of the reasons why we know the claims behind them are fake. China alone accounts for around 32% of all global carbon emissions, with the US accounting for only 14% and the EU accounting for around 8%. Yet, think-tanks like the World Economic Forum and globalist havens like the UN are hyperfocused on the US and Europe while China does as it pleases.
Why? Perhaps because the Chinese population is already well under control and there is no need to use climate fear as a weapon to subdue them? In any case, the greenhouse gas issue is superfluous because there is zero evidence of a causation relationship between carbon emissions and global warming. Even the evidence of correlation is highly suspect. And, if you ask any climate alarmist where there is proof of the “climate crisis” they always rant about, they will predictably point to normal weather events (or wildfires) which have been common since human records started.
We have been hearing a lot lately about efforts to diminish or ban natural gas stoves in the US, to throttle agricultural production in Europe and to restrict meat in the public diet, but the most pervasive carbon restrictions are planned for cars and private transportation. The WEF has recently published a blueprint for reducing individual car ownership by 75% by the year 2050.
The white paper, titled 'Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility' establishes various guidelines for shifting the majority of the human population over to mass transportation within compact “smart cities.” The WEF also suggests that over 70% of all people will have to live in these smart cities by 2050 – Currently, 45% of the world lives in rural areas, requiring another 15% of the population to be forced into cities in the next couple decades. Not only that, but 2nd and 3rd tier cities would have to be combined into single homogenized networks. In other words, megacities.
"Smart Cities" = Democratic-run shitholes where no one's armed except the criminals.
No thanks!
The WEF can get the fuck out.
The World Enema Fungus can fuck themselves sideways with a chainsaw
WEF can cram it straight up their ass.
Well they def aren't doing a good job by making cities look sellable. As far as I'm concerned, cities are the shit holes of poverty crime and the lack of community worth. Def not looking into moving somewhere that allows homeless cretins shit on the sidewalk while masterbating all while I eat dinner with my daughter at a restaurant. Hard pass
Most large cities are run by Democrats and people are leaving them in droves
I think the smart cities won't happen until nohide laws or some other draconian take over happens. It's to much of a segregationist idea to be plausible right now. The suburbs won't change the rural won't change, the only thing that will change is all the subhuman will stay in the old cities while the complicit law abiding idiots go to the smart cities . I'm assuming they will be consistently within the area of large older cities. Thoughts?
smart city, like Kensington PA or LA? haha, they want us to all be packed in these shit hole democrat run camps
It none of their damn business.
I cannot stand how everything is "smart". The more "smart" the more we lose...
It's called a Smart Car because if they called it a motorized roller skate, people might not be willing to be caught dead in one.
Yeah we are supposed to be rounded up like sheep and chicken.
Not cattle though, because they fart too much
a dumb phone with a fancier computer chip
a dumb car with a fancier computer chip
you get the idea