We (humans) made cake and pie and breads delicious. We like them because they tell our brains "hey, there's easy caloric energy in this food".
But things like cake and pie aren't really "healthy" for you per se.
But animals? We didn't make those. Evolution (and/or God) made animals taste good to us. Why? Because they're good for us to eat. Well, a lot of them anyway. Don't eat the fugu liver.
Same goes for plants and veggies.
Don't eat the processed insects. That's just wrong.
Of course it does. A cow just mills about the field trimming the grass and fertilizing the soil, occasionally dropping a few gallons of milk, others provide 1000lbs of purest beef. YOU CANNOT GET MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY than that.
CO2? yes, please, another beneficial side effect
LAB MEAT? Oh you mean CANCER grown in chemical baths? no thanks.
But they expect you to believe coronavirus was naturally occurring, zoonotically transferred to humans from bats, was not genetically engineered, didn't undergo gain of function research, wasn't bioweapon and yet killed millions of people.
I wonder, "how environmentally friendly was the production process of both the coronavirus as well as the vaccine?"
Protein Privilege - how consuming fats and protein hurts the planet, and is a prime example of white, toxic, masculine, and wealth privilege.
We're just supposed to subsist on carbohydrates alone, cuz muh climate change. Nevermind that without fats you will become unhealthy, and without protein you'll eventually die.
[edit: sigh, I spoke too soon. This is already a thing. Headline from an article I just saw: "The Perceived Impact of Protein Choices on the Environment". On foodinsight.org.... I crack a joke about something I think is crazy, and realize crazy is already here. 😞 Clown world is indeed here🤡🤡🤡
The increased levels of CO2 are associated with the fossil fuels needed during purification processes that supply cultured cells with nutrients. The elimination of endotoxins is crucial when creating cultured meat as bacteria in the environment release these toxins. Even a small amount of these toxins in the growing medium can hinder the cells from reproducing.
That's still a fraction of the amount of gas released into the air by lab-grown climate activists.
My theory --- war on biodiesel.
Grow plants ---- extract oil ----- tons of cattle feed leftover. Everyone eats steak.
This solves two problems ---- but the globalists lose control.
Also a zero to negative carbon footprint.
Pffft, Hahahahahah
Farming wins again
Animals are tasty!
We (humans) made cake and pie and breads delicious. We like them because they tell our brains "hey, there's easy caloric energy in this food".
But things like cake and pie aren't really "healthy" for you per se.
But animals? We didn't make those. Evolution (and/or God) made animals taste good to us. Why? Because they're good for us to eat. Well, a lot of them anyway. Don't eat the fugu liver.
Same goes for plants and veggies.
Don't eat the processed insects. That's just wrong.
Just my simple thoughts.
Then they just say "Welp, guess you guys just aren't getting meat then." and continue to try and starve us.
Of course it does. A cow just mills about the field trimming the grass and fertilizing the soil, occasionally dropping a few gallons of milk, others provide 1000lbs of purest beef. YOU CANNOT GET MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY than that.
CO2? yes, please, another beneficial side effect
LAB MEAT? Oh you mean CANCER grown in chemical baths? no thanks.
Only ignorant lunatics would eat CANCER
Think on this:
They can (and do) grow meat in a lab.
But they expect you to believe coronavirus was naturally occurring, zoonotically transferred to humans from bats, was not genetically engineered, didn't undergo gain of function research, wasn't bioweapon and yet killed millions of people.
I wonder, "how environmentally friendly was the production process of both the coronavirus as well as the vaccine?"
Ummm, they took the jab, Fren.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. There's nothing more efficient than the animal itself for producing meat.
The US had 60,000,000 bison.
That packaging graphic is horrendous. You’d think they at least try harder to make it appear like appetizing food.
You mean, like a picture of a cow?? The jokes just appear like magic!
Up next:
Protein Privilege - how consuming fats and protein hurts the planet, and is a prime example of white, toxic, masculine, and wealth privilege.
We're just supposed to subsist on carbohydrates alone, cuz muh climate change. Nevermind that without fats you will become unhealthy, and without protein you'll eventually die.
[edit: sigh, I spoke too soon. This is already a thing. Headline from an article I just saw: "The Perceived Impact of Protein Choices on the Environment". On foodinsight.org.... I crack a joke about something I think is crazy, and realize crazy is already here. 😞 Clown world is indeed here🤡🤡🤡
Can't imagine anyone thinking this is a good idea.
I'm a dumbass, but these folks are worse.
hmm fossil fuels needed...
Oh but we're in danger of running out of fossil fuels, remember?
That's how we outpaced the Saudis during Trump's first term... Because our natural resources were so scarce.
Sick of the lies, I am.
They don't care about that, it's the cancer causing properties that they're interested in.
That little gremlin needs to take a trip on a sub.
Good news for Globalists who may want to colonize Mars. We should