You're not their target. Little kids are. Hence the bright and colorful rainbow, which has always been associated with children, before it was made gay.
That looks like "Current Interests" on Windows 10 (right click -> current interests) or "Widgets" on Windows 11. (right click -> taskbar settings -> widgets).
It shows various tiles throughout the day based on things you've viewed in browser. Considering how much anti-groomer stuff conservatives tend to look at, it likely misunderstood as "interested in lgbt issues" or something.
Mine tends to swap between weather and currency conversions lol.
Interesting symbolism, a pyramid vomiting a pride rainbow
Linux here we come
If you haven't been using Linux the last 20 years, here's your sign
31 years for me - started in 1992.
👏 my first was knoppix in 2002 or so. Switched to Debian in 06 and then Fedora in 15.
Looks kind of sexual, male part going into female part?
They don't believe in male/female
Valid point. Sadly.
just right-click, go to "Search >", un-select "Show search highlights" - it will be gone and you'll still have a search box.
That worked.
absolute legend thanks fren
Nothing like doubling down on a strategy that isn't All they're doing is waking people up. Everything they try backfires.
You're not their target. Little kids are. Hence the bright and colorful rainbow, which has always been associated with children, before it was made gay.
At work, so when I got to the computer my first though was someone in Pink floyd died, not gonna lie..
Ironic, because they need to "leave those kids alone".
"Hey! Groomer! Leave those kids alone!"
You will taste the rainbow
Linux mint.
Can you not delete or uninstall MS Edge?
It's not edge, it's Windows in the Cortana search bar.
thanks for the info, no wonder my windows 7 machines are still safe. No woke AI assistant.
Safe is a relative term.
the colors yellow and blue are emphasized because you know, ukraine...
And this is why I switched to Ubuntu.
Me too. How can I get rid of the search bar?
Not at my desktop, but you should be able to right click on the taskbar and unselect or sumpthin' like that.
Edit: right click taskbar, Search, Hidden for win10
Thanks I'll give it a try.
It worked! Thanks
That looks like "Current Interests" on Windows 10 (right click -> current interests) or "Widgets" on Windows 11. (right click -> taskbar settings -> widgets).
It shows various tiles throughout the day based on things you've viewed in browser. Considering how much anti-groomer stuff conservatives tend to look at, it likely misunderstood as "interested in lgbt issues" or something.
Mine tends to swap between weather and currency conversions lol.
Accurate imagery tho. It seems the 🏳️🌈 is entering or exiting the pyramid which matches up to 2023. Props.
with linux, nothing can be downloaded or installed without your expressed permission.
None of this, "oh hey we decided to download the next update for you"