Of course, they will. This is exactly why they've been building up and hyping "deep fake" shit for the past 2 years. They know all their satanic shit will be coming out and this is how they will be denying it.
Devil's Rejects, Robocop films, Westworld, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs.... Just to name a few. In sure there are a plethora of other examples.
My point is that anon suggesting "that's why GotG3 character is this way... to inject narrative X" is moot. It's been done 100x before, just because some pedo produced garbage hit the theatres recently has absolutely zip zero nadda to do with supposed contents of supposed unseen snuff video.
Fuckin nicholas half-a-face cage in Face off. With that creepy ass scientologist fucker cant remember his name. The one with the retard kid he sacricificed for fame. Asshoe from Grease.
I remember years ago when this first popped up. Lots of talking but no video. We had video of the christchurch shooting within hours. Footage of the tranny that shot up that christian school in a day. Video of soldiers getting their legs blown off, all the time. If they can't suppress footage of the flashes of light coming from two different floors at the same time during the las vegas shooting then is it reasonable they could completely memory hole this one?
I'm not convinced they don't have some super-AI video / topic scrubber that they can unleash if something really damning leaks out, but until this video slips past the filters and a bunch of us confirm it, it may as well be a ghost story.
Btw, yes, I am sure they do rape / torture / eat kids as part of their twisted rituals. I wish it wasn't true, but I've seen too much to believe otherwise.
it might be difficult to claim since at one point it is said she removed the girl's face and puts it over her own like a mask.. perhaps something " deep fake" would have difficulty with? Just an idea anyway.
AI enhanced deep fakes get better and better. Slapping some low video quality and compression artifacts on it, some poor lighting, etc. and it could easily pass.
It's not like CGI in movies, where they are doing it in controlled, well lit sets in high definition camera quality.
Plus, we see it constantly -- development companies, both video games and movies, are full of low work ethic union workers who are afraid of a little crunch time. Third parties almost always do the work better nowadays.
You can hide the uncanny valley of Hollywood with a few tricks that aren't suitable for the big screen, but are for "found footage" or "hidden cam".
Also re: "multi million dollar movies"
Keep in mind we already know a lot of those dollars end up being laundered through overpriced stuff in order for executives to pocket as much of the revenue as possible without paying royalties from profits.
Deep fake is good for making jokes, like Biden in Skyrim and stuff. But it's not so good you could make a totally fake video out of it and no one would suspect
Of course, they will. This is exactly why they've been building up and hyping "deep fake" shit for the past 2 years. They know all their satanic shit will be coming out and this is how they will be denying it.
I'm convinced this is why the bad guy in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 had his face peeled off, leaving him looking bloody and horrible.
Because now people will say, "That was just a movie, you idiot!"
It's great cover for this. I have not seen frazzled.rip but I do believe it is real.
Those who know cannot sleep
It's been done in several movies prior to GotG3.
Devil's Rejects, Robocop films, Westworld, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs.... Just to name a few. In sure there are a plethora of other examples.
True Detective season 1 it was described by Matthew McConaughey’s character as a method of torture used by drug cartels.
Excellent example.
My point is that anon suggesting "that's why GotG3 character is this way... to inject narrative X" is moot. It's been done 100x before, just because some pedo produced garbage hit the theatres recently has absolutely zip zero nadda to do with supposed contents of supposed unseen snuff video.
Fuckin nicholas half-a-face cage in Face off. With that creepy ass scientologist fucker cant remember his name. The one with the retard kid he sacricificed for fame. Asshoe from Grease.
I remember years ago when this first popped up. Lots of talking but no video. We had video of the christchurch shooting within hours. Footage of the tranny that shot up that christian school in a day. Video of soldiers getting their legs blown off, all the time. If they can't suppress footage of the flashes of light coming from two different floors at the same time during the las vegas shooting then is it reasonable they could completely memory hole this one?
I'm not convinced they don't have some super-AI video / topic scrubber that they can unleash if something really damning leaks out, but until this video slips past the filters and a bunch of us confirm it, it may as well be a ghost story.
Btw, yes, I am sure they do rape / torture / eat kids as part of their twisted rituals. I wish it wasn't true, but I've seen too much to believe otherwise.
Your downvoter sucks balls.
it might be difficult to claim since at one point it is said she removed the girl's face and puts it over her own like a mask.. perhaps something " deep fake" would have difficulty with? Just an idea anyway.
That's what Wilson is...also on ellen degeneres hoodie
AI enhanced deep fakes get better and better. Slapping some low video quality and compression artifacts on it, some poor lighting, etc. and it could easily pass.
It's not like CGI in movies, where they are doing it in controlled, well lit sets in high definition camera quality.
Plus, we see it constantly -- development companies, both video games and movies, are full of low work ethic union workers who are afraid of a little crunch time. Third parties almost always do the work better nowadays.
You can hide the uncanny valley of Hollywood with a few tricks that aren't suitable for the big screen, but are for "found footage" or "hidden cam".
Also re: "multi million dollar movies"
Keep in mind we already know a lot of those dollars end up being laundered through overpriced stuff in order for executives to pocket as much of the revenue as possible without paying royalties from profits.
JFK had a conversation with Forrest Gump looked pretty real to me.
Deep fake is good for making jokes, like Biden in Skyrim and stuff. But it's not so good you could make a totally fake video out of it and no one would suspect
Kek biden dies look like a tard npc from skyrim. A breton retard farmer.
Nope. He is Joevahdkiin...Dragonborn!