There's actually far more information out there about it than people might think. The issue is, proving it's legitimate without anyone being able to say otherwise. There's symbolism and the drops actually point to it more than I previously recognized.
Certainly you see people alluding to it in movies and other media.
What do you think, though?
Do you think adrenochrome is real and legitimate? The child harming version.
"The Fountain" (2006) also has some interesting juxtapositions showing the Spanish Inquisition leaders lust for blood was remarkably similar to the so-called "savages" of Central America doing ritual blood sacrifice and murder. No outright references to adrenochrome, but the focus on blood and genetics and their relation to knowledge, power, and time dilation cannot be missed.
It basically shows that it is the same sort of Satan-worshipping demons doing both, and alludes to the Catholic Church being controlled by demonic forces since waaaay back into the 1400s.
"You don't have to believe anything about adrenochrome to understand that regardless of what it is, the powerful and elite believe in it the way a nun believes in God. That is what we are dealing with" -Something a retired LAPD cop once told me
The true power of human blood for healing, health, and transmission of vitality has been hidden from us. It is the ultimate gift from God, and stealing it and using for evil purposes is the ultimate affront to God being intentionally done for that reason by these satan-worshipping demons.
Gifted people can paint a picture that has many definitions depending on the level the one viewing it can see.
This is like speaking in tongues. We need an interpreter.
One thing I hear is this junk is highly addictive. While others claim blackmail.
My question is.
If this is highly addictive and these people know this. Why blackmail? Just get them hooked on it. If one can rape a child, they can rape an adult and force a drug on them.
Once they take this sickness then and only then do they become one of them. No one knows how it is until they do it. Only a very rare person would be able to fight against this addictive chemistry.
We watch it in movies all the time. When they are bit by the zombie they get addicted to the chemicals and become one of them.
The whole premise of a that is a zombie has chemicals that mix with the one they bite and it turns to the person. It makes them -see- as a zombie.
It is both a physical and spiritual transformation.
The blood of Jesus is what God requires for Him to know any of us. Without that we are not seen and yet He will still allow the just and unjust to be fed. Blood is a chemical. Saliva is a chemical. Adrenaline is a chemical.
This andrenochrome is highly addictive from what we hear. Does chemicals decide? No. So what happens when a person forces another to take a chemical? Just like a zombie biting and transferring a chemical.
If someone drugged a person with this andrenochrome what would happen to that person? If it is highly addictive their flesh would react to it just as any other person. They would become a zombie.
Can a zombie be cured? Most movies say no. Yet I know only one who was addicted to something that was very addictive and recovered. The percentage of this is very very very low.
This is why they will make another take- this. By deception or by force. It is very evil.
Since andrenochrome is a thing masked by those in power do we know what happens when comes down on it? Do they shake? We only see those things that say they start aging but we have no idea about the effects on the persons behavior or the rush it has. Yet I am sure many know.
I saw an interview with Jim Caviezel on Warroom a few weeks ago. It is posted there because I rewatched some of it to clarify some notes I missed. I took notes on what he said. Jim was speaking of the sex trafficking of children and brought up the organ harvesting part. He said that adrenochrome has a molecular structure that is known as C9H9N03 and that it is listed under the NIH. It is 10x more powerful than heroine. Then he said that a barrel of oil goes for $77, but a barrel of organ parts is $77,000 sold to biolabs. He said the street name for adrenochrome is ambrosia.
There's a lot of hidden-in-plain-sight symbology throughout film. They seem to dance all they do before us in movies. A line that particularly stood out to me was from the movie 'Prisoners'
Evil is real, for everything they do seems to be a corruption of Gods work. The devil cannot create, only pervert, twist and intimidate. Everything these monsters do seems to be an intentional insult to God.
All of Mels films are catholic church funded white washings of history.
Braveheart for example was a propaganda piece against King Edward I (who kicked out the churchs money lenders.....)
Apocalypto was painting the mayans as bloodthirsty human sacrificers. Funnily enough this was the reason why the church felt it necessary to claim the land as their own, in order to convert the people to the churchs version of christianity. Look at how much of a shithole latin american countries are today that the church helped to 'build up'.
The Passion of the Christ was nothing but jesuit torture porn. A disgusting film.
The Vatican certainly is primed for the one world religious system known as the beast...the Jesuit theater has influenced EVERY aspect of our lives...why would movies be any different...I like Mel Gibson so I wonder if he is being used or if he is even aware of the Jesuit influence on his movies...and truly every aspect of our lves...that is how they operate...
Yes interesting there's never been a movie about certain Germanic tribes where ritual human sacrifice was common ... also add that braveheart is so inaccurate as scots didn't start wearing kilts till the the early 1800s.
There's actually far more information out there about it than people might think. The issue is, proving it's legitimate without anyone being able to say otherwise. There's symbolism and the drops actually point to it more than I previously recognized. Certainly you see people alluding to it in movies and other media. What do you think, though? Do you think adrenochrome is real and legitimate? The child harming version.
100% .. It is Gods Ultimate Sadness…
So the Devil would use Terror on young ones,. With Virgin Pineal Glands.
-If Hunter S Thompson said it was a Drug,. It was..
(notice how Johnny Depp went Down hill after hunters Death / cut-off)
"The Fountain" (2006) also has some interesting juxtapositions showing the Spanish Inquisition leaders lust for blood was remarkably similar to the so-called "savages" of Central America doing ritual blood sacrifice and murder. No outright references to adrenochrome, but the focus on blood and genetics and their relation to knowledge, power, and time dilation cannot be missed.
It basically shows that it is the same sort of Satan-worshipping demons doing both, and alludes to the Catholic Church being controlled by demonic forces since waaaay back into the 1400s.
"You don't have to believe anything about adrenochrome to understand that regardless of what it is, the powerful and elite believe in it the way a nun believes in God. That is what we are dealing with" -Something a retired LAPD cop once told me
The true power of human blood for healing, health, and transmission of vitality has been hidden from us. It is the ultimate gift from God, and stealing it and using for evil purposes is the ultimate affront to God being intentionally done for that reason by these satan-worshipping demons.
Interesting. Very interesting.
Gifted people can paint a picture that has many definitions depending on the level the one viewing it can see.
This is like speaking in tongues. We need an interpreter.
One thing I hear is this junk is highly addictive. While others claim blackmail.
My question is.
If this is highly addictive and these people know this. Why blackmail? Just get them hooked on it. If one can rape a child, they can rape an adult and force a drug on them.
Once they take this sickness then and only then do they become one of them. No one knows how it is until they do it. Only a very rare person would be able to fight against this addictive chemistry.
We watch it in movies all the time. When they are bit by the zombie they get addicted to the chemicals and become one of them.
The whole premise of a that is a zombie has chemicals that mix with the one they bite and it turns to the person. It makes them -see- as a zombie.
It is both a physical and spiritual transformation.
The blood of Jesus is what God requires for Him to know any of us. Without that we are not seen and yet He will still allow the just and unjust to be fed. Blood is a chemical. Saliva is a chemical. Adrenaline is a chemical.
This andrenochrome is highly addictive from what we hear. Does chemicals decide? No. So what happens when a person forces another to take a chemical? Just like a zombie biting and transferring a chemical.
If someone drugged a person with this andrenochrome what would happen to that person? If it is highly addictive their flesh would react to it just as any other person. They would become a zombie.
Can a zombie be cured? Most movies say no. Yet I know only one who was addicted to something that was very addictive and recovered. The percentage of this is very very very low.
This is why they will make another take- this. By deception or by force. It is very evil.
Since andrenochrome is a thing masked by those in power do we know what happens when comes down on it? Do they shake? We only see those things that say they start aging but we have no idea about the effects on the persons behavior or the rush it has. Yet I am sure many know.
Is —— Andrenochrome also known as —truth serum—?
I saw an interview with Jim Caviezel on Warroom a few weeks ago. It is posted there because I rewatched some of it to clarify some notes I missed. I took notes on what he said. Jim was speaking of the sex trafficking of children and brought up the organ harvesting part. He said that adrenochrome has a molecular structure that is known as C9H9N03 and that it is listed under the NIH. It is 10x more powerful than heroine. Then he said that a barrel of oil goes for $77, but a barrel of organ parts is $77,000 sold to biolabs. He said the street name for adrenochrome is ambrosia.
There's a lot of hidden-in-plain-sight symbology throughout film. They seem to dance all they do before us in movies. A line that particularly stood out to me was from the movie 'Prisoners'
"Making children disappear is the war we wage with God" - The kidnapper.
Evil is real, for everything they do seems to be a corruption of Gods work. The devil cannot create, only pervert, twist and intimidate. Everything these monsters do seems to be an intentional insult to God.
History goes 'round in circles.
A very Great movie but also scary 😨
Lara Logan just made a reference to the book “ Return of the gods”. She may be onto something
The convenient ziggurat pyramids are no coincidence on movie cover
All of Mels films are catholic church funded white washings of history.
Braveheart for example was a propaganda piece against King Edward I (who kicked out the churchs money lenders.....)
Apocalypto was painting the mayans as bloodthirsty human sacrificers. Funnily enough this was the reason why the church felt it necessary to claim the land as their own, in order to convert the people to the churchs version of christianity. Look at how much of a shithole latin american countries are today that the church helped to 'build up'.
The Passion of the Christ was nothing but jesuit torture porn. A disgusting film.
The Vatican certainly is primed for the one world religious system known as the beast...the Jesuit theater has influenced EVERY aspect of our lives...why would movies be any different...I like Mel Gibson so I wonder if he is being used or if he is even aware of the Jesuit influence on his movies...and truly every aspect of our lves...that is how they operate...
The shithole-ness of a country is inversely proportional to the number of Christians there
Up voted for the controversial opinion, regardless if it's accuracy. We need more freedom of thought
Yes interesting there's never been a movie about certain Germanic tribes where ritual human sacrifice was common ... also add that braveheart is so inaccurate as scots didn't start wearing kilts till the the early 1800s.