Who buys them? And how does selling them make them worthless? If I have 100 cars and sell all at once. I no longer own them, but they are still out there owned by sombody and still worth a 100 cars.
The demand for dollars is what gives it its value. The dollar is the standard for world trade. All the countries have to use it to trade with each other so our government requires them hold a certain amount for that purpose.
If the governments decide to use a different currency and give back ours their is no demand.
It like somebody puts out a teleport machine so the demand for cars disappears and nobody wants them. They just pile up in scrap yards.
The last part is perfect. A scenario us financial market retarded people can grasp. I knew they had to buy oil with the US dollar, but didn't know it was all trade. Or did I get that wrong. I did VERY well in school, yet I've learned more in the last 6 or 7 years with you guys than in school. At least useful stuff. It started at The Donald, then Patriots, the learning curve picked up steam once they all became babies (patriots.win) and I came here.
“ The vast majority of international trades, almost 90%, are invoiced in U.S. dollars or euros, according to a recent analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. As of the end of last year, the U.S. dollar accounted for 60% of total allocated currency reserves held by central banks.”
I just wanted to say I agree. Idk what happen to the donald.win. I believe when the falling out happened and they changed the domain name to patriots.win the feds moved in. Allot of good information used to come from there but now it’s a wasteland of unbased opinions.
And if they don't sell. If no one wants to buy them. They are worth absolutely nothing. The dollar would be dead at that point. My guess is the US Government would try to buy them back. I'm not sure if they would be successful.
Most people don't understand the bond market. As the price drops, the yield rises. If yields get too high, big money will sell other assets to buy treasuries, raising their price, lowering yields, until a new equalibrium is reached.
I definitely don't understand the bond market. I was always perplexed on how the Game Stop thing factored in so heavy. This is why I streer clear of the stock market. I don't have much money, but I'll just hang on to it, for now.
The game stop thing was no where near as significant as people around here imagined it to be.
I wasn't insulting your knowledge of the bond market, but commending the fact that you're asking the question and making a prediction about the other replies you'll get... from people who were hysterical over GME.
Nice find. I searched qposts for sandman, operation sandman. Nada. Makes sense if this is a front as I can't imagine 100+ countries co-operating, they are usually out for themselves. Without Putin and Xi compensating them for their losses, I don't see it happening.
I was curious because the Twitter post was yesterday in time for last night. But, I don't even know if markets were open such that it could happen on a Saturday night.
The article is from a while ago. I think the Twitter post didn't mean it would happen overnight TONIGHT, but it would happen over the course of one night, and some fateful morning Americans would wake up to a harsh precipice of a reality.
I could speculate forever as to where the effects would first show, but it does make me question more closely these cosy BRICS meetings. I tend to dismiss them as ho-hum, more of the same corruption, but what if they actually are coordinating?
There's a reason why Chinese products are so prominent on U.S. shelves, and that they own as much U.S. land and companies as they do.. They are getting their ROI.
Wouldn't this be a problem for FED since they are the ones that control the value of the dollar through interest rates on the money they lend out? If money returns from being lent out then there will be an even higher amount of money and no more interest payment. Dollar devalues and interest profit stops.
I think instead of them just dumping their dollars on the market, they would more likely go on a buying spree and snap up as many tangible assets as they can. Buying aircraft, trains, hardware, gold, all the way down to dishwashers. It would flood our economy with usd and hyperinflation would kick in.
Which title is in the past tense? The title of the post is in the simple present tense, it's an explanation of Operation Sandman, and the tweet is in the simple future tense.
How does he have access to the leaders of 100+ countries to know that they are coordinating a crash in the US dollar?
How would you even know about muh "Operation Sandman" if it weren't for a small handful of no-traffic personal blogs LARPing how great it would be if the US dollar crashed?
I'll answer all the questions for you. Chad is a "game designer" who draws girls.
He doesn't have access to world leaders to know whether they are coordinating a collapse in the US dollar.
He found out about it like you did, a load of economically illiterate schmucks circle jerking each other's financial LARP fan ficts.
My salary is based on US dollars that gets paid/converted from UK pounds and then sent to the Philippines, so I'm in a unique position to know how muh dollar collapsing is complete BS.
The amount I make now compared to 10 years ago is literally 48% higher based on nothing more than the strength increase of the US dollar. USD to PHP was approximately 37ish back then, now it's 55. Research it for yourself and do the math.
This post has you all riled up.
I get riled up when people conflate idiocy with Q, it's true. If you were on economicilliteracy.win cheering with fellow forum members about the imminent destruction of the US economy, I'd say good for you and good luck with that.
It's just a piece of information amongst many others, in a sea of disinformation.
Either you believe the post wholeheartedly or you don't. If you don't, why post it? If you do, don't be surprised when people ask about how the information is sourced and be prepared to defend it.
You first piled in on grammar, then on source. Why not go to content? I personally cannot see 100+ countries co-operating but we as inhabitants of planet Earth have never been here before. It is entirely possible that BRICS countries work together to return to a gold-backed currency which would have major consequences for the dollar.
NB: You'll find great resources in my comment 'Previously on GAW'
It wasn't a grammar mistake, it was an intentional click baiting, making it seem as though something happened when it hadn't.
It is entirely possible that BRICS countries work together to return to a gold-backed currency which would have major consequences for the dollar.
For starters, BRICS are 5 nations. That leaves 95+ countries unaccounted for.
Most who cheer about BRICS potentially using gold-back currency think it means their populations will all have access to it. Spoiler alert, they won't. It's proposed as being merely for country-to-country trades.
The hypothesis of "Operation Sandman" appears to be there are a large group of countries who want nothing more than to punish the US for being the worldwide reserve currency, so they coordinate the collapsing of the US dollar.
Now, imagine for a moment you're one of these countries participating in this scheme. Let's say you're a small country, you have a loan from the IMF that totals the equivalent of 100 billion USD in the form of SDR. USD comprises 40% of the SDR, which means you're making continual interest payments on 40 billion USD.
That means, as a country, you NEED to come up with USD to make interest payments, because you NEED to come up with SDR and 40% of SDR is USD.
That demand will make USD always retain its value. Even if BRICS says "Hey, we're going to pay you in this new gold-backed currency, is that OK?", you as a country would take that gold-back currency and convert it to SDR so you can pay off your debt, ensuring demand for USD will always exist.
But even the notion that countries want to destroy the US currency is ridiculous. China continually devalues its own currency to make it better for them to export goods. Trump complained about China devaluing their currency on-purpose many times.
Why would China all of the sudden decide its going to make its currency super strong to punish the US? If, tomorrow, the USD was cut in half, would China be happy to receive only half of the money from the US they used to get? Would they initiate that on purpose?
This "Operation Sandman" is being pushed by small, low-traffic personal blogs who are attempting to scare people into buying gold. There are no credible sources for this information.
What would make someone credible? For starters, explain how they have access to know what 100+ countries are coordinating. Who coined "Operation Sandman", certainly if 100+ countries have agreed on this terminology and plan, there should be some leader of one of these countries boasting about it. That doesn't exist.
😂 my favourite comment. can't be tonight, i'm washing my hair.
Luckily you have 2 moar weaks
Who buys them? And how does selling them make them worthless? If I have 100 cars and sell all at once. I no longer own them, but they are still out there owned by sombody and still worth a 100 cars.
The demand for dollars is what gives it its value. The dollar is the standard for world trade. All the countries have to use it to trade with each other so our government requires them hold a certain amount for that purpose.
If the governments decide to use a different currency and give back ours their is no demand.
It like somebody puts out a teleport machine so the demand for cars disappears and nobody wants them. They just pile up in scrap yards.
Dollar= car BRICS= teleportation.
The last part is perfect. A scenario us financial market retarded people can grasp. I knew they had to buy oil with the US dollar, but didn't know it was all trade. Or did I get that wrong. I did VERY well in school, yet I've learned more in the last 6 or 7 years with you guys than in school. At least useful stuff. It started at The Donald, then Patriots, the learning curve picked up steam once they all became babies (patriots.win) and I came here.
“ The vast majority of international trades, almost 90%, are invoiced in U.S. dollars or euros, according to a recent analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. As of the end of last year, the U.S. dollar accounted for 60% of total allocated currency reserves held by central banks.”
I just wanted to say I agree. Idk what happen to the donald.win. I believe when the falling out happened and they changed the domain name to patriots.win the feds moved in. Allot of good information used to come from there but now it’s a wasteland of unbased opinions.
Because to sell them all that rapidly they have to sell at a big discount.
Kind of like when people start selling their crypto and drives the value down within hours.
And if they don't sell. If no one wants to buy them. They are worth absolutely nothing. The dollar would be dead at that point. My guess is the US Government would try to buy them back. I'm not sure if they would be successful.
Buy it back with what, more printed money?
Doesn't the Fed have to buy them? Maybe I'm wrong but I think the Fed buys the Treasuries on the open market using made up money.
I don't know either, but I am going to revisit this post throughout the day for comments that may allow me to know.
Hypothetically, it could all start in Japan. They have been buying their own debt.
Gold detroys the fed
Valid comment. If the only people going to the farmers market are farmers, and they’re all selling…. Who buys?
If 100 nations all dump the dollar it doesn’t work unless the Fed steps in to buy up all the slack. And they don’t seem terribly interested lately.
Most people don't understand the bond market. As the price drops, the yield rises. If yields get too high, big money will sell other assets to buy treasuries, raising their price, lowering yields, until a new equalibrium is reached.
I definitely don't understand the bond market. I was always perplexed on how the Game Stop thing factored in so heavy. This is why I streer clear of the stock market. I don't have much money, but I'll just hang on to it, for now.
The game stop thing was no where near as significant as people around here imagined it to be.
I wasn't insulting your knowledge of the bond market, but commending the fact that you're asking the question and making a prediction about the other replies you'll get... from people who were hysterical over GME.
You didn't insult me one bit. If anything, you enlightening me a bit.
I'm stacking silver as deep as I can...
Previously on GAW:
Interesting find in the comments…
The screenshot of the news item from 2018 indicates Operation Sandman is related to human trafficking
Nice find. I searched qposts for sandman, operation sandman. Nada. Makes sense if this is a front as I can't imagine 100+ countries co-operating, they are usually out for themselves. Without Putin and Xi compensating them for their losses, I don't see it happening.
This is a different operation that was given the same name.
So... did it happen?
Not last night, maybe tonight? (tongue-in-cheek, at least I didn't say '2 more weeks')
I was curious because the Twitter post was yesterday in time for last night. But, I don't even know if markets were open such that it could happen on a Saturday night.
The article is from a while ago. I think the Twitter post didn't mean it would happen overnight TONIGHT, but it would happen over the course of one night, and some fateful morning Americans would wake up to a harsh precipice of a reality.
Ah, that's informative... and terrifying. Thanks for explaining.
Hypothetically, it could all start in Japan. They have been buying their own debt.
Har. The Bank of Japan carried out an 'unscheduled' buy of JP 10Y bonds overnight.
Which timezone?
I could speculate forever as to where the effects would first show, but it does make me question more closely these cosy BRICS meetings. I tend to dismiss them as ho-hum, more of the same corruption, but what if they actually are coordinating?
There's a reason why Chinese products are so prominent on U.S. shelves, and that they own as much U.S. land and companies as they do.. They are getting their ROI.
Too bad they're selling off to a DEFUNCT and bankrupt corporation!
Remember 1929,
Wouldn't this be a problem for FED since they are the ones that control the value of the dollar through interest rates on the money they lend out? If money returns from being lent out then there will be an even higher amount of money and no more interest payment. Dollar devalues and interest profit stops.
I think instead of them just dumping their dollars on the market, they would more likely go on a buying spree and snap up as many tangible assets as they can. Buying aircraft, trains, hardware, gold, all the way down to dishwashers. It would flood our economy with usd and hyperinflation would kick in.
Who would buy them ?
Which title is in the past tense? The title of the post is in the simple present tense, it's an explanation of Operation Sandman, and the tweet is in the simple future tense.
Who is Chad Steingraber?
How does he have access to the leaders of 100+ countries to know that they are coordinating a crash in the US dollar?
How would you even know about muh "Operation Sandman" if it weren't for a small handful of no-traffic personal blogs LARPing how great it would be if the US dollar crashed?
I'll answer all the questions for you. Chad is a "game designer" who draws girls.
He doesn't have access to world leaders to know whether they are coordinating a collapse in the US dollar.
He found out about it like you did, a load of economically illiterate schmucks circle jerking each other's financial LARP fan ficts.
Are you holding dollars? This post has you all riled up. It's just a piece of information amongst many others, in a sea of disinformation.
My salary is based on US dollars that gets paid/converted from UK pounds and then sent to the Philippines, so I'm in a unique position to know how muh dollar collapsing is complete BS.
The amount I make now compared to 10 years ago is literally 48% higher based on nothing more than the strength increase of the US dollar. USD to PHP was approximately 37ish back then, now it's 55. Research it for yourself and do the math.
I get riled up when people conflate idiocy with Q, it's true. If you were on economicilliteracy.win cheering with fellow forum members about the imminent destruction of the US economy, I'd say good for you and good luck with that.
Either you believe the post wholeheartedly or you don't. If you don't, why post it? If you do, don't be surprised when people ask about how the information is sourced and be prepared to defend it.
You first piled in on grammar, then on source. Why not go to content? I personally cannot see 100+ countries co-operating but we as inhabitants of planet Earth have never been here before. It is entirely possible that BRICS countries work together to return to a gold-backed currency which would have major consequences for the dollar.
NB: You'll find great resources in my comment 'Previously on GAW'
It wasn't a grammar mistake, it was an intentional click baiting, making it seem as though something happened when it hadn't.
For starters, BRICS are 5 nations. That leaves 95+ countries unaccounted for.
Most who cheer about BRICS potentially using gold-back currency think it means their populations will all have access to it. Spoiler alert, they won't. It's proposed as being merely for country-to-country trades.
The hypothesis of "Operation Sandman" appears to be there are a large group of countries who want nothing more than to punish the US for being the worldwide reserve currency, so they coordinate the collapsing of the US dollar.
Now, imagine for a moment you're one of these countries participating in this scheme. Let's say you're a small country, you have a loan from the IMF that totals the equivalent of 100 billion USD in the form of SDR. USD comprises 40% of the SDR, which means you're making continual interest payments on 40 billion USD.
That means, as a country, you NEED to come up with USD to make interest payments, because you NEED to come up with SDR and 40% of SDR is USD.
That demand will make USD always retain its value. Even if BRICS says "Hey, we're going to pay you in this new gold-backed currency, is that OK?", you as a country would take that gold-back currency and convert it to SDR so you can pay off your debt, ensuring demand for USD will always exist.
But even the notion that countries want to destroy the US currency is ridiculous. China continually devalues its own currency to make it better for them to export goods. Trump complained about China devaluing their currency on-purpose many times.
Why would China all of the sudden decide its going to make its currency super strong to punish the US? If, tomorrow, the USD was cut in half, would China be happy to receive only half of the money from the US they used to get? Would they initiate that on purpose?
This "Operation Sandman" is being pushed by small, low-traffic personal blogs who are attempting to scare people into buying gold. There are no credible sources for this information.
What would make someone credible? For starters, explain how they have access to know what 100+ countries are coordinating. Who coined "Operation Sandman", certainly if 100+ countries have agreed on this terminology and plan, there should be some leader of one of these countries boasting about it. That doesn't exist.
Did you read the articles that have previously appeared on GAW?