Let me first say, I know we are all getting impatient however, once you realize magnitude of the situation and how many evil people must be destroyed before the swamp can be fully drained, you should realize why it has taken so long. President Trump and our military, working with allied nations, is not just saving America, they are saving the planet. You can't just eliminate our deep state / shadow government and expect things to be better, there is a swamp as big as an ocean and ALL of it needs to be cleaned up, be patient.
The Committe of 300 is a conglomeration of oligarchs from across the planet who include the richest members of the human population, it crosses into many foreign nations. They chose our presidents, control the United Nations and have a system of organization and institutions that work under them to control everything on this planet. You will see below that some people also think they are all pedophiles.
Here is a 169 page pdf from Dr. John Coleman who explains the Committee of 300 and their global control.
This is a long read, you can get the condensed version in the videos below. I include this pdf because toward the end it gives many lists of the Committee 300 members and the organizations they own. The very last page has a schematic of the power structure within the Committe of 300 itself.
Page 147 BANKS
Page 157: Committee of 300 private institutions
Dr. John Coleman, he worked in intelligence for 35 years. He explains who the Committee of 300 are and how they control everything. This is a condensed version of the video below.
Dr. John Coleman- The Committee of 300 (1994) Full Version 1h:44m
Here is a short video of Calin Georgescu who was the Former United Nations Executive and Former President of the Club of Rome for Europe explaining that a group of oligarchs control the world. He says they decide who will be President of every country and they are all pedophiles. It is my guess he is referring to the Committe of 300. Calin thinks their system is going down and credits President Trump.
H.G. Wells Wrote an ‘Open Conspiracy’ for the Committee of 300 that Perfectly Outlined the New World Order
I found this while digging tonight, thought I would include it.
Here is a list of Epstein Island visitors. Many familiar names. It looks like the full list of Hollywood Trump haters. Imagine the reaction from the American public if all these names were dropped. I think we will eventually release the names of the Epstein coconspirators, white hats are releasing movies like Sound of Freedom to get the people demanding justice and reveal the size / scope of the situation.
This list has been floating around a few years. Is this list the real reason Hollywood actors and writers are on strike? I see Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert names attached, also Obama, Biden and Clinton's.
I found these also, couple of videos that explains the difference between the deep state and shadow government, also the level of evil coming out of Hollywood.
Out of Shadows Official Documentary full version
Ex CIA Officer Kevin Shipp Exposes the Shadow Government ~ A Mind Blowing History of the Globalist Elite Cabal
Stay safe my Frens!!!
Nice dig. Going to take a while to review, but great effort.
Initial reading has produced a flaw in the conclusions about the C-130 General Al Huq was transported in. The ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) that is suspected of disrupting the take off of the plane from Pakistan is within the frequency range of 3-300 Hertz. Human hearing is within the range of 20Hz-20kHz. The wavelengths of these frequencies are massive. We utilize ELF to communicate with submarines, while they are submerged. The data rate is so low, that one character at a time takes a very long time to transmit. The antennas for ELF are miles long and require a vast transmission line to broadcast. Submarines have a roll out line that trails behind the sub to receive ELF. There is no way a van/truck could broadcast ELF as electromagnetic energy. They can do it with a speaker to produce audible sound, but that is very difficult not to detect and the effect on and aircraft is probably non-existent. The take down is not in doubt, but the concluded weapon to do so is.
i see Joy Bahr and Whoopie are on the list, no wonder they are so evil. i also read the other day that Disney owns The View. i did not know that. another reason these nasty bitches get away with so much lying, they are fighting for their evil lives.
Disney bought ABC over a decade ago. I watched General Hospital soap for a long time. Soon after the bought ABC Disney was inserted in episodes. Family getting back from Disney trip, kids with Disney stuffed animals and dressing up in character costumes. At the time I thought nothing of it. I knew Disney owned it and I grew up going to Disney World and did as an adult several times.
I read somewhere Disney might sell ABC and other media companies due to recent financial losses.
All the Companies Disney Owns
The 100'000 ft view is...once they are removed, what's stopping humanity from just repeating their mistakes? It sure as hell isn't our ethics and virtues. As a whole (global population) we are pretty dang rotten. Think MS13, gang r*pes, murders... Think pornography, gluttony, complete lack of self control & greed... Think road rage, snapping at our families, impatience and annoyed eye rolls. We are far from perfect and more than able to repeat our mistakes. What's stopping this?
Exposure of the child trafficking will wake most people up so that pornography and deviancy are once again relegated to their rightful status of unacceptable behavior by society and penalized accordingly. Our societal norms have been slowly degraded over the years but the degradation has been accelerated in the past 5-10 years. There are more good than bad, but the good don't realize it and the bad intentionally inflate their own strength.
imo-until satan is no longer 'ruler of the world', we will never get rid of [them] 100%
Human nature is corrupt, but the Lord works to restrain evil. He does let it run its course at times. We see through the Bible that there were times when God wiped out or interrupted evil. For exmple: the flood, tower of Babel, Sodom & Gomorrah, Korahs rebellion against Moses. These cycles of evil will continue until the Lord returns and puts it down for good.
The reformation never ends… always be reforming!
Many have tried to warn us about this, Spectre, Hydra etc
I just found this last night too. The only comfort I get is that the video was back in Bill's Clintons era and so far they have not been able to accomplish there plan. People should understand how long this has been going on and how long it will take to right the ship. NCSWIC
Wow this is a goldmine of info.
Committee of 300, Council of Foreign Relations and several others that WE are not allowed to even question rule the world!
Wow - good stuff!
ABSOLUTELY my favorite post BY FAR! Thank you very much, jhartz39
Do you have any "neutral" source that gives information on John Coleman? I can't find anything on him.
I got the fact that he worked in intelligence for 35 years from the chyron at the start of the video. He worked for MI6 in UK, there might not be much info to find about his life besides what he gives you after becoming a whistleblower.
Here is an article saying he worked for MI6 which is secret intelligence for the United Kingdom.
Here is a list of 14 books he wrote.
Here is a Amazon listing for "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300". There are 1147 reviews from people who read it, I would call them neutral. I'm sure you could look up the rest of his books and reviews in the same manner.
I appreciate you taking the time to give me what you have. I appreciate that Mr. Coleman's work is probably good. Perhaps I will dig in and see if he sources his material sufficiently that I can use any of it (does he cite references?). However, without the source itself being acceptable (Coleman) , it is otherwise not useful for me in my work.
In my experience, a person who does not already know about the Cabal cannot possibly accept any evidence about the Cabal that does not come from a source they perceive as neutral or authoritative (as they define the term). My goal is to bring to others, information they can use to understand the workings of the Cabal. If I can't in any way vet the source, or otherwise give them some sort of "credential" that others will accept as meaningful, I can't use anything that source says. It lays strictly in the realm of "conspiracy theory" as opposed to evidence.
This is most certainly NOT a neutral, nor authoritative source. Not a soul who is on the "it's all a crazy conspiracy theory" side would move to the "convinced" or even "willing to listen" side by Amazon book reviews.
You can try here, most likely not neutral though:)
The last 10 pages of the link to the PDF has a section called,
I am sure he used this list to do some of his research, you could start there.