But let’s be honest, Trump has already secured your vote. The DNC aren’t going to give RFK Jr. the nomination, so you’re voting Trump over whichever Deep State puppet they wheel out for 2024 no matter what. Whether it be Biden or a new batter.
So wouldn’t it make strategic sense for Trump to try to appeal to a broader body of voters? Wouldn’t it make sense to try to appeal to the fence-sitters and Centrists who are soured on the DNC/Biden, but not fully sold on MAGA?
Trump’s base will get their red meat from Trump rallies and Truth Social. Trump will appease to his base in the pro-Trump echo chambers, but while on left-leaning echo chambers like MSM outlet NBC, it makes sense for Trump to tone down the “retribution” talk, and to cater his message for a different audience. He is trying to secure more voters.
So for those of you freaking out over Trump’s answers about Operation Warp Speed, abortions, and the transgender issue, you have to recognize Trump’s position. Trump has already secured enough public support to win 2024, barring whatever voter fraud scheme they have cooked up. All he has to do is not fuck it up, so why would he give the Left any media talking points to smear him for? Trump was dodging bullets and NBC attempts to get a sound bite so they could say he’s “transphobic” “anti-vaxxer” “anti-choice”.
He is just appeasing the MSM demons until we get to Election Day.
As for his bragging about the vaccines… this is the only thing I can’t explain. Trump has always been anti-mandate, but he refuses to openly denounce the vaccines. Which is a problem, and which is why it’s imperative that RFK Jr. join the administration in some capacity so we can put him in charge of Pharma and bioweapon production, because to this point, Trump is either clueless, or is pretending to be clueless, when it comes to the vaccines and Deep State bioweapons production.
- Clandestine
Not to mention that was the most aggressive posture an interviewer has taken w a POTUS in my memory.
I’m a conservative, I believe in the founding of this country, and the Constitution. I am not the least bit upset with any of his answers. The man has an unparalleled record governing in a way that restores America to its founding.
Totally agree, Trump needs to get In before he can make changes that benefit so many on right and left.
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he's prepping the chess board for a unified Trump/RFK, Jr ticket.
Your words to God's ear.
A very timely post. The DeSantis crowd was losing their collective mind on Twatter/X yesterday about how Trump not loudly calling for a ban on abortion makes him a liberal/leftist.
I, like most here view abortion as morally wrong. But I'm pragmatic enough to know that going that route is a losing issue. The fact that the issue is now with the states is a huge step forward. And we must persuade, not mandate via fiat if we want to win voters.
Trump understands this. And very, very good to see how many pragmatists we have here at GAW based on the comments.
We are going to need to win the hearts and minds on abortion. With the 20 something generation there seems to be major progress in that regard. It's just not that hard to not get pregnant anymore. Most of my son's friends think there should be some restriction at the very least on the stage of pregnancy. At or around the time of conception is much more theological, and I don't think there will ever be any broad consensus on that TBH.
Agree completely, HD. There seems to be some surprising sense with this new generation when it comes to abortion.
Trump has already done more on the abortion issue than any "pro life conservative" from the last 40 or 50 years. Thanks to him Roe V Wade was overturned. Only idiots are pushing for federal action on abortion
“I am the president of ALL the people…” GEOTUS
Truths slowly emerging. Likely, we are all in a much better position when Trump is elected and then works as President to investigate the truth and revealing what Big Pharma did after he is in the Oval Office with better resources. With the support of the people and a hard ass AG, he can lay accountability where it is due. It's going to be a mind blowing distraction when truth & accountability occurs.
The Master Chess player never attacks with a straight forward attack until he knows that checkmate is secure. You are watching the Master at work.
Trump was between a rock and a hard place with the vaccines, either get one out quick or endure endless lockdowns. This is war, people die in wars, he chose the "least death" option.
Many people among the Patriot ranks think that Trump must speak and act the way that we would at all times. We say it all the time with the term "speak truth." We can afford that luxury because we are digital warriors following this in the comfort of our homes. Trump is a general fighting for us while surrounded on all sides by a very real enemy. Under those circumstances, a wise general may speak conciliatorily to the enemy surrounding him while trying to bring them to his side. But make no mistake, he is actively planning the demise of his deep state enemies; just trying to turn as many as possible to his side. This is the art of war and Trump is a master of it.
We only liked him because he DIDNT appeal and bend at the knee for msm and lefties in general. This is not a good look for him and conservatives SHOULD be upset.
He should take a very strong stance against vaccines, trans loonies. If he doesnt i will vote for whoever does.
No, those comments need to come after the primaries, not before. He could hurt his chances of winning the primaries
He has no serious opposition in the primary
Exactly, we need a strong stance on those issues.
Trump has always been a centrist on social issues. He had pride events during his campaign. Maybe he can get some center left to vote for him, but will be tough the brainwashing is strong in that group.
Enjoy the show.
This is a movie. The script has been written.
Covid bad >>> psyop
Vaccine bad >>> psyop