Dan Scavino Posts Tweet of Storm over Mar A Lago... Surely just a coincidence! Right?! "What Storm Mr. President?" // "You'll Find Out."
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Came here to say THIS! 👆
EAS Test October 4th u/#q2286 u/#q2320 u/#q2344
Excuse me! Whatever Mod is CHANGING MY FLAIR TAGS?!?!
Please... continue doing this. It's fucking hilarious and I've loved them all.
Yeah no way he could have posted it just because he knows we like storms and there was actually a storm over Mar-A-Lago today.
People look for patterns, and there seems to be a need for symbolism too. Remember Scavino with his Christmas tree last year? Some of these deltas are real and some are not. Glowies lurk...
Shortly after il Donaldo NCSWIC storm post?
How does 954 connect, I don't see it.
Dan posted at 9:54
It was posted at 954 so I thought I would check out that Q post. Could be nothing.
10:54 Magadonian time though
2254 Magatary time.
Ha! That took me a second LOL.
Thats weird, time stamp says 10:54 (22:54) for me.
I am CST so I wonder if it changed it from EST automatically.
Fire those meme cannons when you see the blight in their eyes!
could I get my popcorn with Old Bay Seasoning please??
Only at AMC Theaters!