Sickening!! Those poor babies. The 'dad'....makes me want to vomit using such a word, because that's not a dad....probably killed his son for not doing what he wanted.
I would've picked up that little boy and gave him the biggest hug. Showing him that love does exist and probably something the little child has never experienced in his short little life. 💗😔
Absolutely....They teach their kids from a Very Early age to Hate Jews and its their duty to kill them whenever they can....Fucking Disgusting, i don't care what the circumstances that's NOT what you do to children...
Step back and ask why this racial hatred exists now when it didn’t 100 years ago, and Christians, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully together in Palestine.
We need to move the spotlight on to the evil bastards the KM that have brainwashed this poor man and stop blaming Palestinians, Jews and Muslims for the hatred in the world. The man has been conditioned to blame Jews for his plight. Races have been set to war against each other not being aware they are being played by a hidden hand.
The same kind of parent that would have their six year old boys' genitals removed because certainly the kid already knows what it wants to be when it grows up.
Put a round in the fathers skull and then pick up the kid and love him, the way the father should have. Kids are innocent, let them be kids. If the adults want to kill each other, fine, but the kids shouldn't be drug into those adult games.
I was tensing for the Boom. Glad it wasn't there.
Sick stuff, the brainwashing these kids go through over there. We usually wait until college to start this stage of the wash in America
They ALL do it...I Watched an 'Interview' with some Palestinians many years ago and they were asked "Aren't you afraid that your children will be injured or die when you send them out to throw Rocks and petrol bombs at the IDF"......Their answer..."God Willing , my child dies and goes to Paradise and Allah"...ALL of them!!
Purk, I begin by stating you are possibly the greatest contributor to GAW so please take this as constructive criticism. there seems to be no easy way to confirm the authenticity of this video. it would seem to me this is a staged video seeking to extract the exact emotions it has here, nevermind the reaction it gets in the normie world.
any time I see these video I assume it's not authentic until there's some proof otherwise. to me it's reminiscent of all of the staged white helmet videos with kids in Syria.
I call BS. just saying. as a true anon should be willing to do though, I will change my opinion as the facts presented to me might warrant
Purk, I begin by stating you are possibly the greatest contributor to GAW so please take this as constructive criticism. there seems to be no easy way to confirm the authenticity of this video.
Thank you and i do...As you said there is no way of confirming this, however i have seen multiple videos through the years of similar situations....Back in the 80's and 90's i worked in 'Underground' Casinos in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Israel, and a Large percentage of the 'customers' and 'Employers' were of Arab descent (in Europe)...A lot were NOT nice people, if you get where I'm going with this(I've heard, seen and been told what these people have done and are capable of doing)...Based on my experience I am 100% 'inclined' to believe what we see, but if I'm wrong ill be the first to put my hand up....
I know a few of those types and in particular a pakistani guy. he is a consummate liar that just can't help himself. they are taught lying is good I believe. that being said, even what they say can't be trusted, although logically if they are truly and largely such liars than it supports your experience/opinion that they are likely not good people. I have elected to simply not associate with the paki and currently hold the same opinion wrt to the middle east. not sure of the truth and don't care enough to try to figure it out. let's hope the USA, Russia, Poland and South Africa (that's your home base correct?), etc can be corrected and the rest of the world follows our lead
Spoke to a neighbor whose daughter and husband were called up in the Gulf War, both came back, I asked her how he was doing. She said he told her that they "should kill every boy over 8 years old" over there, because they are ruined after that age. I was shocked, it was so harsh, and I certainly do not agree, but that is what she said.Zionists keep giving them a reason to not care about life anymore though, .If the training is true as this video though, yes, we can ruin a young mind and heart in very little time.
Almost like they forgot epstien was a agent of Isreal. Not to mention the complete subversion of our entire nation by Isreal through economics, media, and food.
If you were living in palestine, what would you do.
You guys all cry here and judge others. But what do you do ?
None of us raised arms for the oppresed J6 prisoners.
Palestine is treated way worst than those. I am not naive enough to believ violence can be put aside all the time. I am not saying Hamas are heroes, but there is so much history behind all that rage.
It's not like they have anything at all to gain from them or their kids to stay peaceful.
Your analysing this with you bum sitting on a comfy couch, you can never understand their reality. Nor can i. I will certainly not be the one to judge them while they are being used by the same evil that is coming here.
Your analysing this with you bum sitting on a comfy couch
I Invite you to come spend just ONE Month here with me in SA as a white man(NOT in the tourist areas where everything seems fun and Dandy) and Tell me how 'Comfy' i am sitting on my bum, for a start..(You wouldn't last )....2 - I have Many friends in Israel and have been following events there since 1982, so Your assumption that I'm "Analyzing' this from my couch is showing your Ignorance...NEVER assume Shit....
I just see people reacting like warmongers... lets kill something! Humans are so easily controllable, even here, where we are supposedly awakening, all it took was cnn to tell you to get angry at someone. Like all the others.
all it took was cnn to tell you to get angry at someone. Like all the others
CNN?...Really? Do you really think that I watch CNN, let alone get my news from them...Do you think ANYONE here does?....Don't be so Naïve...
Conversation over...
That said in the best world it would never have happened, hamas would have never existed and palestinians would have never be deported and put into an open prison under the joug of israel
But it serves its purpose well. Somoene took the win with that move and still reaps profit todays.
And f* Hamas, they used the situation also for their benefit. Still not the palestinians fault.
Completely wrong...You comparing a 'wild' animal with built in instincts....To a human being that has a god Given Brain that should be able to think Critically, logically and reasonably....We think ahead(Some of us that is)...
Don't worry we haven't forgotten epstien was a Israeli agent or that Israel has been subverting our nation through media, food, and economics. Doing this to kids is wrong. But we have been letting these fake jews target our children for sometime with he sexualizing of children and trans shit. We are not ok with it. From either side because we know even the Israelis are taught to see everyone as cattle from birth.
I'll stand by Israel when actual hebrews are living there not khazarians.
Sickening!! Those poor babies. The 'dad'....makes me want to vomit using such a word, because that's not a dad....probably killed his son for not doing what he wanted.
I would've picked up that little boy and gave him the biggest hug. Showing him that love does exist and probably something the little child has never experienced in his short little life. 💗😔
Absolutely....They teach their kids from a Very Early age to Hate Jews and its their duty to kill them whenever they can....Fucking Disgusting, i don't care what the circumstances that's NOT what you do to children...
Step back and ask why this racial hatred exists now when it didn’t 100 years ago, and Christians, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully together in Palestine.
We need to move the spotlight on to the evil bastards the KM that have brainwashed this poor man and stop blaming Palestinians, Jews and Muslims for the hatred in the world. The man has been conditioned to blame Jews for his plight. Races have been set to war against each other not being aware they are being played by a hidden hand.
The same kind of parent that would have their six year old boys' genitals removed because certainly the kid already knows what it wants to be when it grows up.
Yip...Same fucking mentality...
same Molech mentality that has been there for millennia.
Offering their children to the fire.
Yip...All the fucking time man...I've seen it for Decades...Evil fucks
Put a round in the fathers skull and then pick up the kid and love him, the way the father should have. Kids are innocent, let them be kids. If the adults want to kill each other, fine, but the kids shouldn't be drug into those adult games.
I call it WEAK men!
If you look at all the death and destruction around the world. It comes from one type of person.
The EMOTIONAL and WEAK man (boy)!
I was tensing for the Boom. Glad it wasn't there. Sick stuff, the brainwashing these kids go through over there. We usually wait until college to start this stage of the wash in America
Its really disgusting...The little kid has no clue why he's there or for what, just his 'father' screaming at him...Innocence gone...
Arrest the adult
They ALL do it...I Watched an 'Interview' with some Palestinians many years ago and they were asked "Aren't you afraid that your children will be injured or die when you send them out to throw Rocks and petrol bombs at the IDF"......Their answer..."God Willing , my child dies and goes to Paradise and Allah"...ALL of them!!
Just shoot the adult already. Love the restarint by the soldier
Exactly...They are another breed these Palestinians...I've seen this behavior for Years...
Purk, I begin by stating you are possibly the greatest contributor to GAW so please take this as constructive criticism. there seems to be no easy way to confirm the authenticity of this video. it would seem to me this is a staged video seeking to extract the exact emotions it has here, nevermind the reaction it gets in the normie world.
any time I see these video I assume it's not authentic until there's some proof otherwise. to me it's reminiscent of all of the staged white helmet videos with kids in Syria.
I call BS. just saying. as a true anon should be willing to do though, I will change my opinion as the facts presented to me might warrant
Thank you and i do...As you said there is no way of confirming this, however i have seen multiple videos through the years of similar situations....Back in the 80's and 90's i worked in 'Underground' Casinos in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Israel, and a Large percentage of the 'customers' and 'Employers' were of Arab descent (in Europe)...A lot were NOT nice people, if you get where I'm going with this(I've heard, seen and been told what these people have done and are capable of doing)...Based on my experience I am 100% 'inclined' to believe what we see, but if I'm wrong ill be the first to put my hand up....
I know a few of those types and in particular a pakistani guy. he is a consummate liar that just can't help himself. they are taught lying is good I believe. that being said, even what they say can't be trusted, although logically if they are truly and largely such liars than it supports your experience/opinion that they are likely not good people. I have elected to simply not associate with the paki and currently hold the same opinion wrt to the middle east. not sure of the truth and don't care enough to try to figure it out. let's hope the USA, Russia, Poland and South Africa (that's your home base correct?), etc can be corrected and the rest of the world follows our lead
Eh, video is sus.
Spoke to a neighbor whose daughter and husband were called up in the Gulf War, both came back, I asked her how he was doing. She said he told her that they "should kill every boy over 8 years old" over there, because they are ruined after that age. I was shocked, it was so harsh, and I certainly do not agree, but that is what she said.Zionists keep giving them a reason to not care about life anymore though, .If the training is true as this video though, yes, we can ruin a young mind and heart in very little time.
GAW has become a rabid Israel support hub, it seems.
Both sides are either retarded (Hamas) or malicious (Israel)
Almost like they forgot epstien was a agent of Isreal. Not to mention the complete subversion of our entire nation by Isreal through economics, media, and food.
They both do this
If you were living in palestine, what would you do. You guys all cry here and judge others. But what do you do ? None of us raised arms for the oppresed J6 prisoners.
Palestine is treated way worst than those. I am not naive enough to believ violence can be put aside all the time. I am not saying Hamas are heroes, but there is so much history behind all that rage.
It's not like they have anything at all to gain from them or their kids to stay peaceful.
This isn't a freedom fighter taking up arms. It is an evil motherfucker deliberately trying to get a child killed for optics.
I WOULDNT send my kids out into the firing line to DIE....For a start...Seriously🙄
Your analysing this with you bum sitting on a comfy couch, you can never understand their reality. Nor can i. I will certainly not be the one to judge them while they are being used by the same evil that is coming here.
I Invite you to come spend just ONE Month here with me in SA as a white man(NOT in the tourist areas where everything seems fun and Dandy) and Tell me how 'Comfy' i am sitting on my bum, for a start..(You wouldn't last )....2 - I have Many friends in Israel and have been following events there since 1982, so Your assumption that I'm "Analyzing' this from my couch is showing your Ignorance...NEVER assume Shit....
I knew what was coming when he said comfy couch. Please stay safe Purkiss. We pray for SA
Also both not the US and thats a win for the media :) We dont talk about the US anymore
you can twist it however you like, Israel are the bad guys when we look at israel/palestine
In YOUR Opinion, which doesn't bother me either way.... and
Twist what? My Lived experience?....GTFOH
I just see people reacting like warmongers... lets kill something! Humans are so easily controllable, even here, where we are supposedly awakening, all it took was cnn to tell you to get angry at someone. Like all the others.
CNN?...Really? Do you really think that I watch CNN, let alone get my news from them...Do you think ANYONE here does?....Don't be so Naïve... Conversation over...
That said in the best world it would never have happened, hamas would have never existed and palestinians would have never be deported and put into an open prison under the joug of israel
But it serves its purpose well. Somoene took the win with that move and still reaps profit todays. And f* Hamas, they used the situation also for their benefit. Still not the palestinians fault.
They use their children as pawns. That is sick and unacceptable, and you are a fool
And before you open your mouth fool this is coming from a veteran
Heres an analogy, dogs are good. Lock them up with no food, one day they will eat their pup. Are they evil ?
Completely wrong...You comparing a 'wild' animal with built in instincts....To a human being that has a god Given Brain that should be able to think Critically, logically and reasonably....We think ahead(Some of us that is)...
Your poiting at the dog, i point at the person who locked the dog up.
Don't worry we haven't forgotten epstien was a Israeli agent or that Israel has been subverting our nation through media, food, and economics. Doing this to kids is wrong. But we have been letting these fake jews target our children for sometime with he sexualizing of children and trans shit. We are not ok with it. From either side because we know even the Israelis are taught to see everyone as cattle from birth.
I'll stand by Israel when actual hebrews are living there not khazarians.