David Weissman - May be Right was right about BLM! Well... duh?
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Was wondering what finally changed his mind then noticed that little star. He didn't get redpilled he's just being tribal since BLM backs Hamas.
the salt mine is great
These people and their shifting loyalties sicken me. You see the same thought process in the LGBTQ+ battles and the war being waged against JK Rowling.
Lmaooooo. Marxist vs Zionist. Leave the rest of us out of it. When I’m forced to pick a side I tend to hate both sides making me pick.
One of the main things we have been learning is that in nearly every situation, when asked to pick a side, the answer is "No".
In great part because the two sides we are often presented are actually on the same side. Hegelian Dialectic. Almost nobody on the "Right" or "Conservative" side talks about God, about Good and Evil, about Satan, and literally zero people in the public eye talk about the Synagogue of Satan. Republicans and Democrats serve the same masters.
Very good point.
The Dialectic aims itself, through its agents, at any 1: non-approved group or 2: dissenting individual to attempt to 'split' the entity apart (1: oppositional parties or 2: an alienated schizophrenic) to disperse any contention against Urstaat power.
Chapter 13: 7000 B.C.: APPARATUS OF CAPTURE
— Deleuze & Guattari, "A Thousand Plateaus | Capitalism and Schizophrenia" 1987
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Lenin
That is an interesting perspective, that the "Urstaat", the Platonic Ideal of an organized society, is part of human nature. Primitive societies have divisions of labor, almost exclusively based on the differences between men and women, and they all have male leadership. Women cannot survive harsh nature conditions without men, they do not have the strength, endurance, or disposition. We are social and have fairness and justice built into our conscience, and building relationships to solidify those things is useful.
The organizers of the state are almost always those who gather more than their neighbors- initially by virtue of excellence- but then are replaced by those who hoard through lying, cheating, stealing, intimidating, and murdering, followed by the corrupt hoarders setting up a system to protect themselves from retribution. Benevolent kings last as long as their own lifespans and are usually replaced by covetous murderous descendants within a few generations, particularly if rulership is passed down by birthright and not selected because of strength and leadership.
The left and the right were supposed to be on the same side with different beliefs on how to succeed. The problem isn't necessarily that they're on the same side, it's that they're evil, putting on a front to manipulate and divide people, and shifting the focus away entirely from things that matter in order to enact their personal agendas.
Be glad you took the little red pills. Everyone still asleep will be recieving mandatory Big Mike-sized supositories from now on.
I can’t imagine this guy took the red pill. He’s just lashing out because BLM isn’t useful to him or his case at this moment.
They had a chance to pop the smaller ones in their mouths but noooooooo
So, he thought the BLM crowd was Pro - J_ews? Where did he get that idea? Just because J_ewish George Soros formed and funded BLM and Antifa, trained them in Marxist ideology, and created Burn, Loot and Murder to divide the populace, destroy America and cause chaos and mayhem, doesn't mean they feel any allegiance to their sponsors. What a dope.
don't forget to pay your $8 Weissman
LOL seeing these always makes me happy, thanks
The tribe is strong with this one
His very name is "white man" lol
Any way the wind blows