Fear not the Cabalists day of Jihad! Put on the Full Armor of God; the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, the Sword of the Spirit, and your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace!

The sword, our only offensive weapon which is His Word. Wield it well Frens, Godspeed and may the LORD our God Bless you my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!🙏🕊
Full armor of God and a 45 for sure.
Hopefully my 9 mm will suffice - no 45 🙈
It will make them move for sure! Kek
I'm going into the city tomorrow to do some shopping and I don't even really need to. Gonna get a new flashlight and a water bladder for my backpack.
I'm not saying be carefree, but don't live in fear of these dinks either.
Yeah they're really hyping up the fearporn for tomorrow.
And the pistol of Glock.
James: Chapter 4, , (with all due respect): embrace Creator and everything else not of Him will leave you.
AMEN, fren!
And pack some heat
Yes. Agreed. But, also, keep your kids home today if possible.
Ironically I am seeing my Jewish client today. Praying there is no trouble in their area (heavily Jewish), there is definitely a distinction between the Khazars, Zionists, and your average American Jew. I love this family.
I think pray and put on your armor today. If you are out and about and anything should happen then God may have placed you there for a reason. Be vigilant my frens! God wins this battle! Go forth with his guardian angels before you, behind you and marching on each side of you ❤️
Ty u/Qanaut !! Everyday should be first thing!