posted ago by 10lbsBass ago by 10lbsBass +113 / -1

Do you understand the implications of the collapse of the Federal Reserve? When the FED collapses the whole Global central bank fiat currency Ponzi scheme comes to an end. This needs to happen. Everything the Cabal does is funded by the money they print. When their ability to print money ends, their power ends. People in the western countries are going to lose everything. People that are not prepared are going to be brought to their knees. This also needs to happen. "ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE.". We are witnessing the destruction of the old guard. Who has been guarding the world? Look around. Every generation is weaker than the last. The Western people are about to go through a trial by fire. If you are on this board you understand what is about to happen. We all have our special skills and it is up to us to help guide people through the hard times that are coming. In order to help others we need to be prepared. If you do not have physical Gold and Silver [and supplies] you are not properly prepared. Q gave us a 6-year head start. I hope everybody used that time wisely. Good luck and God bless.