Illinois gun owners refuse to comply with registration law
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This just goes to show that 0.08% of Illinois gun owners are Total Retards.
I have a hard time understanding how they know exactly how many semi-automatic weapons are actually in the populace to even suggest a % of compliance. Long ago I sold all firearms that were purchased from FFL dealers and have only purchased person to person weapons since. No one but me knows what I have and how many. All ammunition sales over the past 15 years have been cash only and no ID required. So how would they know.?
I had this democratic Canoe show up and invite all of my guns to go on a boat ride in the river. When I got home, all my guns were gone. The canoe's there and apologizing because it didn't know that none of the guns could swim.
The proper name for the exact calculation is known as JMSU - "Just Make Shit Up".
If you have EVER bought from an FFL dealer, then they know you have guns. They don't need to know exactly how many or which kinds. They just know that you own guns and where you live.
Yeah, like I said officer - legally sold them all person to person over the past 15 years. Now what.?
Imagine a policy to just go to the front door of every single house where the man has previously purchased a gun, and arrest those men and put them in camps.
Regardless of whatever guns they may or may not own today.
And then search their house and take whatever guns may be there.
Regardless of whether or not those specific guns are in their records.
See what I mean? Depending on what they plan to do with that list of names, the existence of the list is still a problem for everyone on it.
Imagine the job of having to go door to door to arrest and confiscate guns that the owner clearly understood was not in his best interest to register or turn over………maybe 80% aren’t truly ready and you arrest them and search and confiscate. It’s the 20% who are mentally prepared and/or are out of shits to give that will make that process really interesting.
Like I’ve always said. Criminals will always have guns. True patriots will always have guns. Period. No if’s ands or butts about it…
Democrats like to argue that there are limits on constitutional right, and often use the argument that "You can't yell fire in a crowed theater".
Now I ask you, if you are in a crowed theater, and a fire breaks out, what are you going to yell?
I'm yelling "FIRE", which is exactly the appropriate thing to yell.
Also, the theater is a private establishment with internal rules, and violating those rules and falsely shouting "fire" could fall under simply disturbing the peace and you could be asked to leave anyway.
But then, the left often makes fallacious arguments.
This is the correct answer. CA has demonstrated that they will exceed their authority and pursue people that diligently try to follow the law without any shame. The word has gotten out to the public that it's better to fly under the radar that try to comply. The whole country has seen what goes on in CA and is learning . If you keep beating your dog, he won't stay under your porch. If you have registered guns, sell them. Then get stuff that doesn't require FFL involvement.
Then get stuff that doesn't require FFL involvement.
Done this for decades. Bit harder to do these days but back 20-30 years ago was pretty dang easy.
Best tip I can give is this: Be attentive to estate sales, be the first at the door, and dont fuckin haggle the price.
Keep goin bro!
If you register your guns, you don't deserve to own them.😤
Technically, anything you bought from an FFL as the original buyer should be treated as such. When any gun store goes out of business, they have to turn over all records and their log book of all sales. Dealers must retain records for 20yrs, but most don't destroy them at that mark. When ffls eventually close up shop, or if they have too much attention brought to them, these records are collected by NICS, who illegally makes scannable microfilm of the 4473s and log books. The microfilm is seen as a loophole against the GCA 68 registry prohibition (how this wasn't shutv down, I don't know) TLDR, any gun purchased from a store should be treated as registered. If you do any Internet searches on gun registration or hear about the FBI retaining records, this is how they are doing it. Fun fact, they jumped the gun on their illegal registry around 2010-2013. They got caught creating a literal digital database in direct violation of GCA 1968 and got caught in the state of CA. They were forced by court order to delete and destroy all records prior to that date except handgun purchases.
Them = "Register your guns"
Me = "🖕🖕🖕🖕"
This is the way. Great job Illinois!!
They all must have lost them in a boating accident
Bullsh*t. There are hundreds and thousands of criminals with guns. Are you telling us they didn’t comply with the state’s registration. Then why should honest citizens register? That law/rule/eo needs to be repealed.
It’s amazing how much liberals believe in the power and righteousness of any written law. Compelling people to obey, just because some people in a far away city wrote down some words. And of course everyone will obey, because you know, it’s the law.
At least, until the law touches one of their sacred cows like abortion or gay rights, then feel free to ignore the law.
New York did this awhile back. My dad lived there and had a bunch. My brother insisted on registering them ‘for my dad’...didn’t want our aging dad heading into Alzheimer’s used as a test case by the state if it was found he didn’t register.
I’m still pissed at my brother.
Oh...and only a very small percentage of NYers registered.
the 0.8 % definitely voted for the baked potatus!
Nope, would never comply that Unconstitutional shit.
Honestly the cops should not enforce this.
I think they want to find that line in the sand. 2a isn't just something a lot of guys would die for to protect, it's something they'll kill for to protect.
So many boating accidents, so few lakes..... Poor Lake Michigan was just getting used to Jimmy Hoffa an company.