I argued with one of my daughters about the vax. She was sure she, with her micro biology degree, knew more than her father. She got disgusted with me and is now pretty hostile. If she gets sick, I don't think she'll even tell us. I'm hoping for no turbo cancer. I'm not very fucking happy with the plan, I'll tell you that.
The good guys should have known who was going to run this vax op and they should have killed them. It's not rocket science. They screwed the pooch hard on this.
The Cabal controls 75% of World GDP, Many governments, the press, the medical system, the education system, etc... I believe there was no way they could minimise the deaths more than they have with the plan. The cabal wanted 7 billion to die...
The suffering that would have followed is incomprehensible. You take the most complex war that has ever been fought and boil it down to the good guys should have just shot the bad guys. This isnt TV.
Do you understand there are millions of complicit people? Have you not witnessed the take down of one evil (Cuomo) only to be replaced by something just as evil (Hochul) if not more so? Do you not understand that if an awakening had not been attempted that we would be in the midst of civil war or heading to indoctrination camps? Can you not grasp the concept of how entrenched the enemy is and the unimaginable resources can bring to bear? They have had 6000 years of almost uninterrupted sovereignty over this world.
This is the type of thinking that keeps our feet firmly planted in the mud. I weep for the dead and injured. My mother and father are both vax injured. My dad with rapid onset dementia and my mom with turbo cancer. I pray they can at least make it past Christmas. But I will not use my pain for anything other than to steel my resolve.
For almost 2 years I figured I would end up in a concentration camp. It's depressing, but war is hell. We're on Earth. Fortunately life doesn't really end here, it's eternal. And even the planet will recover and the future will be bright.,
Home schooling is the most important thing each family can do right now for the future of the country. It goes with cutting the cable and holding the line against social media and other screen-based programming. The brain-twisting would not be possible in young people who were raised by their parents, not by lefty haters, to be based and self-actualized, moral, logical individuals.
I think God in heaven intended for it to happen this way friend. The people must choose to follow evil…it was their choice…and the whole push for the vax was nothing but evil and it was very easy to see. They chose evil for whatever reason? They chose poorly.
Yes. GOD is 💯 in control and Sovereign. People must be shown just how evil their hearts are. So many "Christians" I know were the first to jump on the Vax bandwagon and pushed them hard. So far I don't know any friends that have died and the rest have only very mild issues. That being said there have been many deaths of people in my extended circles from the jabs.
My oldest daughter is a teacher. Need I say more? My son is engaged to a first responder. She vaxed to keep her job. I'm worried about shedding. My youngest daughter is also a microbiologist. Her BF has RA and she apparently took one shot in an effort to protect him.
What funny is when all this started my youngest reassured me. I was not scared but was engaged in mask making in an effort to help. My daughter claimed her boss was sure we were safe. She explained about viruses and used her education and experience to strengthen her view. Several months later she was s different young woman. I blame the leftist state University she works at.
I'm not close to my oldest and haven't been for years. No real loss there. Sorry but its true. My son is the only son, of an only son. My daughter is a driven self made woman. I very proud of her and my son. I'm praying I don't lose any one of them.
We can not judge our children who took the shot we can only pray for them. Its so hard becare we have invested so much love and time raising them. In my case 40 years. At times I dispare that if I lose my children, I have no legacy. But God hears our prayers and they are also His children and knows their hearts. Just keep praying.
When you consider that, back in the day, women got pregnant something like every other year and the population basically didn't grow, we've come a long way.
I'm am so sorry for your sons friend. What a terrible thing to happen! Many, many prayers for his family and friends.
Had a Dr appt with my 87yo Dad. He was telling the Dr about us kids and he said we were his babies. We are ages 65 down to 58.
I know how hard first tesponders and all.med personnel were "required" to get vaxxed. Some did it against their wishes, some never questioned. My grand daughter in law is a nurse. Got the vaxx now has had 3 miscarriages and wil never have the big family she wanted her whole life. Very sad for her. And for her little boy she already had? I pray... PRAY she didn't get him vaxxed. I ask her to promise me she would not. She didn't promise so I fear the worst and when I see photos of him I notice something. Like a vitality I used to see, it is gone. I want to be wrong.
I argued with one of my daughters about the vax. She was sure she, with her micro biology degree, knew more than her father. She got disgusted with me and is now pretty hostile. If she gets sick, I don't think she'll even tell us. I'm hoping for no turbo cancer. I'm not very fucking happy with the plan, I'll tell you that.
The good guys should have known who was going to run this vax op and they should have killed them. It's not rocket science. They screwed the pooch hard on this.
The Cabal controls 75% of World GDP, Many governments, the press, the medical system, the education system, etc... I believe there was no way they could minimise the deaths more than they have with the plan. The cabal wanted 7 billion to die...
You did your part... They refused to listen.
The suffering that would have followed is incomprehensible. You take the most complex war that has ever been fought and boil it down to the good guys should have just shot the bad guys. This isnt TV.
Do you understand there are millions of complicit people? Have you not witnessed the take down of one evil (Cuomo) only to be replaced by something just as evil (Hochul) if not more so? Do you not understand that if an awakening had not been attempted that we would be in the midst of civil war or heading to indoctrination camps? Can you not grasp the concept of how entrenched the enemy is and the unimaginable resources can bring to bear? They have had 6000 years of almost uninterrupted sovereignty over this world.
This is the type of thinking that keeps our feet firmly planted in the mud. I weep for the dead and injured. My mother and father are both vax injured. My dad with rapid onset dementia and my mom with turbo cancer. I pray they can at least make it past Christmas. But I will not use my pain for anything other than to steel my resolve.
Yep, some can't comprehend the 40k ft view. This was never going to be clean, we were fucked either way, just less fucked than civil or nuclear war.
For almost 2 years I figured I would end up in a concentration camp. It's depressing, but war is hell. We're on Earth. Fortunately life doesn't really end here, it's eternal. And even the planet will recover and the future will be bright.,
Home schooling is the most important thing each family can do right now for the future of the country. It goes with cutting the cable and holding the line against social media and other screen-based programming. The brain-twisting would not be possible in young people who were raised by their parents, not by lefty haters, to be based and self-actualized, moral, logical individuals.
I think God in heaven intended for it to happen this way friend. The people must choose to follow evil…it was their choice…and the whole push for the vax was nothing but evil and it was very easy to see. They chose evil for whatever reason? They chose poorly.
Yes. GOD is 💯 in control and Sovereign. People must be shown just how evil their hearts are. So many "Christians" I know were the first to jump on the Vax bandwagon and pushed them hard. So far I don't know any friends that have died and the rest have only very mild issues. That being said there have been many deaths of people in my extended circles from the jabs.
I think many people sincerely trusted the experts enough to think we were wrong to oppose them.
My oldest daughter is a teacher. Need I say more? My son is engaged to a first responder. She vaxed to keep her job. I'm worried about shedding. My youngest daughter is also a microbiologist. Her BF has RA and she apparently took one shot in an effort to protect him. What funny is when all this started my youngest reassured me. I was not scared but was engaged in mask making in an effort to help. My daughter claimed her boss was sure we were safe. She explained about viruses and used her education and experience to strengthen her view. Several months later she was s different young woman. I blame the leftist state University she works at. I'm not close to my oldest and haven't been for years. No real loss there. Sorry but its true. My son is the only son, of an only son. My daughter is a driven self made woman. I very proud of her and my son. I'm praying I don't lose any one of them. We can not judge our children who took the shot we can only pray for them. Its so hard becare we have invested so much love and time raising them. In my case 40 years. At times I dispare that if I lose my children, I have no legacy. But God hears our prayers and they are also His children and knows their hearts. Just keep praying.
When you consider that, back in the day, women got pregnant something like every other year and the population basically didn't grow, we've come a long way.
I'm am so sorry for your sons friend. What a terrible thing to happen! Many, many prayers for his family and friends. Had a Dr appt with my 87yo Dad. He was telling the Dr about us kids and he said we were his babies. We are ages 65 down to 58.
I know how hard first tesponders and all.med personnel were "required" to get vaxxed. Some did it against their wishes, some never questioned. My grand daughter in law is a nurse. Got the vaxx now has had 3 miscarriages and wil never have the big family she wanted her whole life. Very sad for her. And for her little boy she already had? I pray... PRAY she didn't get him vaxxed. I ask her to promise me she would not. She didn't promise so I fear the worst and when I see photos of him I notice something. Like a vitality I used to see, it is gone. I want to be wrong.