My husband and I have seven kids together. We've been married 30 years and they're all mine and all his (no half siblings or step siblings, etc.) We have been faithful to each other, no drugs, no issues with alcohol or gambling or whatever vices people can have. We have always been homeowners, taxpayers, and we created and still have a successful business (although nowadays things with it aren't great- our goal now is just to survive until better times.) All this to say that we weren't what society might consider "bad"- except for having aLL ThOsE kIdS.
People think it's fine to ridicule you in public if you have a bunch of kids and aren't in some kind of religious group like the Amish. We are just regular Christians and we heard some of the absolute ugliest things AT CHURCH from other Christians. Because we had seven kids. My own family was embarrassed of us because we had so many kids, so much so that my Grandmother wouldn't tell her friends how many kids we had. Again- we were successful in every other aspect of our lives. We never had any kind of assistance or had to ask for people to help us support our kids. As a mom I was always careful that everyone was well groomed with nice clothing, etc. We haven't always been super well off but we always took care of ourselves. I was always a stay at home mom, even before the business took off. We gardened, we canned, we raised livestock for meat and milk and eggs, we homeschooled, we did not vax after the first child, and WE. WERE. HAPPY.
The Bible literally calls kids a blessing. Right now we struggle a bit with some of our grown kids (mainly I think due to their ages- early 20s- and the general lack of hope that generation feels right now. I'm believing for better times and restored relationships in the future.) I do not regret my big family and I'm glad to see that someone is calling for larger families like this to become more normalized again.
I did this. I have a double digit number of children and we moved to Russia. Being helped by the Russian government in the immigration process. Have appeared on TV several times. Amazing amount of respect for us here even though we’re very different with a huge family and not great language skills yet.
What a load of cobblers, trying to twist fertility as a bad thing.
He is encouraging the population to have more children. He mentions that having seven or eight children was normal in previous generations. What is so morally reprehensible, exactly?
The basic resource of a nation is their people. No babies = no labor, no soldiers, no engineers, no professors, no miners, no farmers. To destroy fertility like we have in the West is the death of a nation. That's why even birth control and divorce must be outlawed and made criminal offenses. The future belongs to those who show up.
The only way we can reverse the fertility issue is to have life extension technology. The healthy birth window for a woman is 15-30 and they spend most of those years in school or “partying”
Nothing can stop what’s coming
The plan of the cabal won’t be stopped. It will play out. But we’ll develop new tech to reverse the damage. But normies must walk yo the precipice.
My husband and I have seven kids together. We've been married 30 years and they're all mine and all his (no half siblings or step siblings, etc.) We have been faithful to each other, no drugs, no issues with alcohol or gambling or whatever vices people can have. We have always been homeowners, taxpayers, and we created and still have a successful business (although nowadays things with it aren't great- our goal now is just to survive until better times.) All this to say that we weren't what society might consider "bad"- except for having aLL ThOsE kIdS.
People think it's fine to ridicule you in public if you have a bunch of kids and aren't in some kind of religious group like the Amish. We are just regular Christians and we heard some of the absolute ugliest things AT CHURCH from other Christians. Because we had seven kids. My own family was embarrassed of us because we had so many kids, so much so that my Grandmother wouldn't tell her friends how many kids we had. Again- we were successful in every other aspect of our lives. We never had any kind of assistance or had to ask for people to help us support our kids. As a mom I was always careful that everyone was well groomed with nice clothing, etc. We haven't always been super well off but we always took care of ourselves. I was always a stay at home mom, even before the business took off. We gardened, we canned, we raised livestock for meat and milk and eggs, we homeschooled, we did not vax after the first child, and WE. WERE. HAPPY.
The Bible literally calls kids a blessing. Right now we struggle a bit with some of our grown kids (mainly I think due to their ages- early 20s- and the general lack of hope that generation feels right now. I'm believing for better times and restored relationships in the future.) I do not regret my big family and I'm glad to see that someone is calling for larger families like this to become more normalized again.
You can just count my updoot as 10.
I am the youngest of 8 kids. I feel sorry for the kids that have few or no siblings. It was a blast growing up as part of a fleet.
True. I regret every day that my son has zero siblings. If I could have more I would. Just beyond the ripe date now! Kek!
You are top tier enemies of the globohomos. Bless you all. You've done God's work.
Thank you.
YOU are blessed!
Welp. That did it. Moving to Russia.
I have a feeling I'm gonna need some milk.
I did this. I have a double digit number of children and we moved to Russia. Being helped by the Russian government in the immigration process. Have appeared on TV several times. Amazing amount of respect for us here even though we’re very different with a huge family and not great language skills yet.
What a load of cobblers, trying to twist fertility as a bad thing.
He is encouraging the population to have more children. He mentions that having seven or eight children was normal in previous generations. What is so morally reprehensible, exactly?
It’s morally reprehensible because it’s white people having a lot of kids!
Its not a color, its all the colors that make the white color.
The basic resource of a nation is their people. No babies = no labor, no soldiers, no engineers, no professors, no miners, no farmers. To destroy fertility like we have in the West is the death of a nation. That's why even birth control and divorce must be outlawed and made criminal offenses. The future belongs to those who show up.
And the only way to show up is to be born.
The only way we can reverse the fertility issue is to have life extension technology. The healthy birth window for a woman is 15-30 and they spend most of those years in school or “partying”
Nothing can stop what’s coming
The plan of the cabal won’t be stopped. It will play out. But we’ll develop new tech to reverse the damage. But normies must walk yo the precipice.
Awesome! Have Trump issue a similar policy after purging the Deep State, and deporting all the illegals!
PDJT plans to give baby bonuses. At least that is what he's been talking about this election, in addition, to the 10 new cities.
I hope all of Trump’s plans and dreams for America come true. I’m only 30, I’ll live to see it all come to fruition
Putin declares 2024 to be "The Year of the Family."
Such an alt far right extremist !/s
We need govt support for women to have more kids..and commercials