Anonymous = CIA (and yes, people will be surprised when they find this out, along with many other "alt media" outlets)
They didn't ask him about Q and your title is misleading as you continue trying to infest this board with that LARP "QOfficial" / "QTheStormm" account.
Why should I help train your algorithm? If you can't see that site for the bullshit it is, lurk more newfag
edit- you've been here long enough to be able to spot a LARP. Furthermore you claim Q not posting with a signature for 63 posts equates to Anonymous = Q. You forget or gloss over the "Anonymous" hacker group who posts cryptic AI- generated videos on YouTube with a Guy Fawkes mask since like 2010's. So you think Q = Anonymous in this context? Come on now what happened to you fren
Then why would they not just say Q or QAnon? Nobody has ever conflated Anonymous with Q. Q / QAnon is obviously how it is known in the public consciousness.
var CartItemsHeader = function CartItemsHeader() {
var ProductGallery = /#PURE/
It seems like an amateur setup the side via some sort of retail website template. They maybe did not remove code they did not need. It certainly does not seem like something from Q, whom said; No outside comms...
Why are you accepting a count down clock that resets, and misquotes from the original posts?
Does it sound like we have not been tracking this site?
It is not even as accurate as an actual broken clock. But by all means, watch it count down again and again; date fagging all along the way. If something interesting happens let us know.
Wait for Gadot also, please. Report when he finally shows up too.
Because there are tons of people referred to as Anonymous. Because when mainstream talks about Q they always say Q Anon. Because we have seen Trump being asked in the past about Q referred as "Q Anon".
I have seen all your arguments in this post. If you wish to continue this discussion further, please make sure you include the full clip. Don't complain later I did not give you a fair warning.
"There are tons of people referred to as Anonymous." So why (logically) would the reporter ask Trump who Anonymous is, if the reporter is talking about 'tons of people?'
Are you really this slow? Don't you get why I keep asking for "context" ? Don'y you understand why I asked you to post the full clip? Because thats how we answer the question "Which Anonymous is being referred to here?"
Seems like a logical fallacy and failure on your part to realize that the reporter probably meant "QAnon," but misspoke and said Anonymous.
Do you always leap across Grand Canyon when jumping to conclusions ?
Remember, that at the time, Anonymous was not really relevent
At what time? See, again, why context is important? I dont even know when exactly this clip was from, and you refuse to do your job and dig it up before making assumptions that, frankly, sounds like covering up for the fact that you blatantly mistitled the post.
I don't even know what you are refering to as far as a 'full clip.' what else is there to see.
Alright, looks like I have to spell it out what should be obvious for any self respecting researcher of anything.
Full clip = the full video of this interview, or at least the clip that includes what they talked about before this question.
What else is there to see? Here are some of the things we need to know before jumping to conclusions.
When was this interaction?
What events were happening on the news cycle during that specific time?
What were they discussing before the reporter asked this question, in that interview?
So, your BS sorry excuse of an argument is basically as dead as the Leticia James case against Trump. Straight up soy based nothing burger!
Ah, mod greifing. Sweet. Thanks for making it so easy for us, even after explicit warning.
FYI, this site seems to be moderated nearly to death.
If this site was moderated nearly to death, your post wouldnt even be up, and your comments wouldnt even be up, and yet here were are. So generously allowing you to scream you stupidity from the roof tops.
Your title a little This is misleading. They didn't ask "who anonymous is" they asked "do you know who anonymous is" so his answer changes in a material way
At least your posting something instead of copying news from the MSM. This place used to be thought provoking , now all the liberals are here attacking people.
It seems the past few months people are attacking any post they feel is not acceptable or misleading in their opinion. Move on then if you don't like it.
Sounds like a bunch of liberals on this site now.
Anonymous = CIA (and yes, people will be surprised when they find this out, along with many other "alt media" outlets)
They didn't ask him about Q and your title is misleading as you continue trying to infest this board with that LARP "QOfficial" / "QTheStormm" account.
Typical "I just read the headlines and believe it" folk.
My fucking sides I can't even with you
Why should I help train your algorithm? If you can't see that site for the bullshit it is, lurk more newfag
edit- you've been here long enough to be able to spot a LARP. Furthermore you claim Q not posting with a signature for 63 posts equates to Anonymous = Q. You forget or gloss over the "Anonymous" hacker group who posts cryptic AI- generated videos on YouTube with a Guy Fawkes mask since like 2010's. So you think Q = Anonymous in this context? Come on now what happened to you fren
Then why would they not just say Q or QAnon? Nobody has ever conflated Anonymous with Q. Q / QAnon is obviously how it is known in the public consciousness.
We've been tracking it for the last 3 weeks, where've you been?
The website misquotes Q. Has weird log in password code and retail items for sale. It simply does not hold up at all.
Oh, a count down clock set to repeat.
Yet, we are uninterested?
Most webbrowser have a developer mode. You can right click and inspect the website if enabled.
var CartItemsHeader = function CartItemsHeader() {
var ProductGallery = /#PURE/
It seems like an amateur setup the side via some sort of retail website template. They maybe did not remove code they did not need. It certainly does not seem like something from Q, whom said; No outside comms...
Why are you accepting a count down clock that resets, and misquotes from the original posts?
Does it sound like we have not been tracking this site?
It is not even as accurate as an actual broken clock. But by all means, watch it count down again and again; date fagging all along the way. If something interesting happens let us know.
Wait for Gadot also, please. Report when he finally shows up too.
This was from Feb 2020. When Anonymous made a comeback to headlines after hacking UN website to post pro Taiwan message.
Context is King, and diggers like you who bring us the context are the best!
He didn't know the distinctions. Thinks every Q is the same.
What's with the garbage posts? Bring actual sauce or GTFO.
I just can't hear the initial question, so he could be answering any questions...
I agree with you. All the liberals are coming out of the woodwork attacking everyone. Seems like a planned event to disrupt the forum.
You bet. It happened to me, the shill are attacking, demanding we take down a part they don't like. Sounds like a liberal crying
POST Removal: Misleading title. The question is "Do you know who Anonymous is?", not "QAnonymous" as mentioned in title.
If you repost this, please include the link to the full clip for context and date.
Because it's got nothing to do with Q
Because there are tons of people referred to as Anonymous. Because when mainstream talks about Q they always say Q Anon. Because we have seen Trump being asked in the past about Q referred as "Q Anon".
I have seen all your arguments in this post. If you wish to continue this discussion further, please make sure you include the full clip. Don't complain later I did not give you a fair warning.
Are you really this slow? Don't you get why I keep asking for "context" ? Don'y you understand why I asked you to post the full clip? Because thats how we answer the question "Which Anonymous is being referred to here?"
Do you always leap across Grand Canyon when jumping to conclusions ?
At what time? See, again, why context is important? I dont even know when exactly this clip was from, and you refuse to do your job and dig it up before making assumptions that, frankly, sounds like covering up for the fact that you blatantly mistitled the post.
Alright, looks like I have to spell it out what should be obvious for any self respecting researcher of anything.
Full clip = the full video of this interview, or at least the clip that includes what they talked about before this question.
What else is there to see? Here are some of the things we need to know before jumping to conclusions.
When was this interaction?
What events were happening on the news cycle during that specific time?
What were they discussing before the reporter asked this question, in that interview?
Ah, mod greifing. Sweet. Thanks for making it so easy for us, even after explicit warning.
If this site was moderated nearly to death, your post wouldnt even be up, and your comments wouldnt even be up, and yet here were are. So generously allowing you to scream you stupidity from the roof tops.
I am still thinking it's Melania.
In the beginning, most were not there, Anonymous posted "Q ".
Your title a little This is misleading. They didn't ask "who anonymous is" they asked "do you know who anonymous is" so his answer changes in a material way
Oh true, not q, anonymous. I will correct it
you are way too defensive - if you want to post and be respected grow a thicker skin
At least your posting something instead of copying news from the MSM. This place used to be thought provoking , now all the liberals are here attacking people.
This site has changed. Quit attacking people. Quit being disrespectful to others
It seems the past few months people are attacking any post they feel is not acceptable or misleading in their opinion. Move on then if you don't like it.
Sounds like a bunch of liberals on this site now.
My money is on Elon being Q