Things have taken a turn for the worse for my Brother-in-law’s family. His mother Yvette has been suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for about 2 years. She’s been at an assisted living facility for the past two months with her husband Kenny who also has Alzheimer’s but his is not as advanced yet. Sunday night, Yvette was admitted to the hospital for very low blood oxygen and pressure. It was determined that she has progressed to the final level of the disease, Stage 7. She’s now been moved back to her life-long home with hospice care so the family can be there to comfort her.
Yvette has always been a woman of God, was very committed to Jesus and did good leading her family on a righteous path. She’s suffered many traumatic events in her life, most of which could have been prevented. Yvette lost a foster daughter to “SIDS” when her two boys were very young. Fortunately, God was willing to grant her family a healthy little girl via adoption some years later. About 6 years ago, she lost her youngest son to the complications of schizophrenia. This was very traumatic and crippled three families simultaneously as her youngest son seemed to have finally obtained everything he always wanted, a wife, a daughter and a cabin in the woods. My BIL struggled for a long time over this loss and only recently got back to a better place. Yvette and her husband never recovered as it seems Alzheimer’s started attacking them shortly after.
I’ve never posted a prayer request, but this situation certainly seems worthy. I’m very angry inside as I firmly believe that real cures are intentionally hidden from us. I REALLY want to do everything I can to help spare Kenny (the husband) from this disease, but all the family members lined up to get their injections and ostracized us for not following the crowd. Maybe I’m extra sensitive to this, but my conscience won’t let me stand by and NOT do anything. Reason being, my niece passed away at 11 years old after battling two different brain cancers her whole life. Earlier this year I lost my Aunt to Alzheimer's. Given what I’ve learned because of this amazing community, I’m on a mission to save whoever I possibly can as our family can’t handle much more unnecessary suffering.
Looking for tactical advice here:
Therefore, I’d like to bring my BIL some lunch tomorrow (he’s alone watching his mom during the day) and discuss possibly helping his father’s Alzheimer’s before he has to put him on hospice also. I was thinking of printing off several pages of the Parasite Pill 2.0 which discusses Alzheimers and bringing him a tube of Ivermectin. It’s probably too late for his mom, but WHAT IF we can help his dad? Prayers and advice on how to present this would be most helpful Frens. I don’t want to strain my family relationship especially at this difficult time. Simultaneously, I don’t want backlash for NOT speaking out when it could’ve still been helpful for Kenny.
Can you get the pills ? May be easier to get him to agree thr n bring Quote “ Horse paste “ as the demons brainwashed everyone . I would talk to him about inermectin and simply say “ I’m going to Bring your dad some , what can it hurt “ praying for you dear Fren !?
Good idea. Maybe I could do that and have him request some from Kenny's Dr. There's nothing to lose at this point other than pausing the disease progression.
I will get down voted but here goes..they have done mri on brains before and after psyilsibin..after the brain is lit up like a Christmas tree . psyilsibin creates new connections in the brain temporarily replaces the serotonin John's hopkins is doing studies on this..It cannot hurt to try
Thank you for sharing. I've never heard of psyilsibin, but have started looking into it on your suggestion.
You are a hero.
Let me answer your question with a question. What if you don't try? I missed my chance with my father and now it's too late. It's a regret that I have to live with every day.
Prayers on the way fren, and I would try the ivermectin,you don't have much to lose.
Thank you PB Man. I'll give it a try.
This family seems to be afflicted with a generational curse. That's demonic attachment through some type of open door. It's a big subject to tavkle in a comment.... but Don Dickerman's book, "Keep the Pigs Out" is a great one. I pray you habe the right words tomorrow and you bring with you peace.
Thank you for the prayers and book recommendation Fren.
If he does the ivermectin, do it five days in a row, and repeat 3 months in a row. Take 50 mg zinc with the iver. MUST eat a meal with zinc pill. Or nausea will discourage taking it. Very important to get the zinc, it works with the iver accessing the cells.
Thank you for the tips. I'll make some notes to share with my BIL.
Long ago I did some research into Alzheimers.
When I was a kid you didnt hear much about Alzheimers. Back then sudden heart attacks was the big scare. Then doctors claimed blood clots caused the heart attacks, and watched levels of cholesterol. So they come up with statin drugs and blood cholesterol levels. OK so heart attacks were somewhat under control = watched= but the result was Alzheimers became that dirty word. I also noticed over time normal cholesterol recommended levels kept dropping.....250.....225.....200. which meant more statins were Rx'd. I am told statins are the most highly prescribed drug out there ($ Pfizer's Lipitor is the most prescribed statin). I later learned that the brain is comprised mostly of cholesterol, so taking the statins starves the brain and causes the Alzheimers. I noticed in the 'old country' my people ate foods with A LOT of fat. They never heard of Alzheimers, their most common cause of death was diabetes or cancers.
This info may not help in your family situation now but might help others. And I can help you and family with my prayers today.
Yes. Thank you. I stopped taking my Simvastatin last March after reading about the side effects and lack of effectively lowering cholesterol.
I also noticed that they kept moving the goal posts down.
Thank you Mary.
I will pray for you. You know your family best and how to broach the subject, but I would simply be deferential to whoever has effective power of attorney and explain that you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't try to help.
God works miracles. May He bless you, and your family.
(This was my miracle. I have heard that the treatment works for Alzheimer's too, but I haven't researched it myself.
Thank you Mr A. I remember your amazing post when you first shared it. Your experience gives me great hope and thanks that your family is on the mend.
I don't have advice but I can pray for Yvette, Kenny, your BIL, and you. 🙏🙏❤️🙏🙏
Thank you very much Fren.
Best of luck to you. What have they to lose by trying? My aunt passed away Tuesday after a five year struggle. Is Yvette vaccinated? My aunt took a turn for the worse since the vaccines, and I can't help but wonder about the connection.
Maybe they accept your help, maybe they don't. You will be better for trying. You have my prayers.
Thank you Fren. I'm very sorry to read about the loss of your aunt. I pray that she's been accepted into the Kingdom of God and will watch over you and her family.
I'm not sure about her vaccination status but I'm inclined to believe they were since her husband was being cared for by the Veterans Affairs doctors.
The family will be in my prayers.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for the tips and prayers.
Thank you very much. I certainly will pray for guidance.