I shop on Etsy a lot. I don't see any info about how many are in cart or who's following this store. I'm not disagreeing with you just stating I'm not seeing what you are seeing. In the past I've clicked on something I want to buy and poof it's sold out. I buy face products, candles, vintage and hand made gifts.
Sadly maybe the “putting it in your cart” is their way of knowing who wants the item. I highly doubt they are taking actual payment through the platform. So sick
It's now ...
Only 1 left and in 7 carts
Here's the account name...
Vanilla Rey is the owner of LalaBabez
They also have a listing for a boy eating chicken wings, and do you notice the children (I know they aren't real children, AI maybe?) all are winking?
Edit: There is a "list of admirers" of the page I linked to, and it shows who they are... https://www.etsy.com/shop/LalaBabez/favoriters
Edit again: The number of people who have the little girls image in their carts is up to 10 now.
I got the favorites page on web.archive.org
https://archive.today isn't being very helpful and is stuck in a loop atm. Will try again later.
Good God, even the name sounds pedophilic.
I shop on Etsy a lot. I don't see any info about how many are in cart or who's following this store. I'm not disagreeing with you just stating I'm not seeing what you are seeing. In the past I've clicked on something I want to buy and poof it's sold out. I buy face products, candles, vintage and hand made gifts.
I have seen # in cart (hinting) pushing to checkout before someone else ordered especially if item only have 1 or limited quantities
I have also just not on the shop link in this post. I tried to report it but can't find a way.
Sadly maybe the “putting it in your cart” is their way of knowing who wants the item. I highly doubt they are taking actual payment through the platform. So sick
it's an auction
Why is that strange to you