If you or someone you know is wise to natural healing remedies and tinctures. Get together and form a natural apothecary, spread the word. And lets take some ground and profit from the beast system
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My business partner in WA owns an apothecary. I couldn't stand being there so I left the blue hair city.
We will all need to hang a sign by our house soon. I have been saying that. I know several here who could hang a sign.
Except they'll probably arrest you for practicing medicine without a license. They have this shit wrapped up pretty tight.
This is the truth. On the other hand, my functional Dr is also an MD. During Covid, the lovely FDA threatened to revoke her license for prescribing Olive Leaf and Myrrh Extracts to fight the virus, so she didn't even want to verbally tell her patients. She would write it on the after visit summary as a recommendation that we would have to aquire on our own. Btw, that combo is amazing for immune support and I recommend daily intake based on my experience.
Imagine, all the old stuff works and all the new diseases are created and managed and the law enforces the poisoning. We're in the level just above total hell, I'm sure of it. 👹👹👹🤮🤢
We definitely do flutter near hell-dimension on Earth. And also "heaven". Speaking from experience, lol. I was just thinking a bit ago about the whole pharma thing "create a problem then offer the cure" both which make them oodles of money. I realized it also applies to them ruining people by social corruptions/moral decay/destroy families/flooding us with drugs/fuoride/destroy our children/make sure many get terminal illnesses etc etc creating lots and lots of "useless eaters" which they complain about and vow to kill off with vaxx and chem poisoned food and products in a global demicide. It really is a DEATH CULT, they are obsessed with it. Identify the problem so you can fight it. That's step one. And we have. This is "the war" eveything else is a distraction.
Yes, they really are an evil pedophilic death cult. Unreal, but true nonetheless. 👹👹👹
Death for profit.
More importantly endless disease for profit.
Verbally told would be better. When placed in an electronic health record, the government and insurance have access.
It was handwritten on my copy. Not recorded. She worried her office was bugged.
Oh, sorry I missed that morsel. Wise woman. Trust no one!
Not sure where you live, but would it not make more sense that there are natural things growing in our own ecosystem to support our health? My theory, especially after I started down the path of researching Dandelions...
But in today's woke world, can't you just say "I identify as a doctor"?
🤣👍 I was thinking of identifying as a younger woman and forcing them to pay for a face-lift. True Story. 😜🤔🤪
They won't do that in Trump's New Freedom Cities.
Private memberships.
There is a local chain in NC called apothica. They sell mostly CBD products but they have many medicinal tinctures as well.
They also carry local meat, honey, nut butters, jams, ECT.
Awesome, and thriving business model, and the owner is a cool guy.
Apotheca, in the Raleigh-Durham area? I heard about the CBD but didn't know they had all the other stuff. In the Triad area we go to different local farms and they're starting to make their own tinctures too.
He has stores all over nc, the one in Cornelius is the one with all the local stuff that I shop at
Thanks for confirming, I will check this out.
The issue of natural remedies sometime not work for everyone… it has to be combined with spiritual and energy healing and time to rest …
how about combining natural remedies with fresh air, fresh water, exercise and a healthy diet?
Only time most people ever really rest anymore is when they are downed sick or depressed and just want to sleep all the time. Even people with "simple lifestyles" are go go go, mentally if not physically, from the moment they wake up until they crash into bed each night.
Yup! Local compound pharmacies. And local medicinal plant growers. I aspire to have greenhouses to work around the issue of very short growing seasons at higher elevation.
This is my life goal. I am already making progress towards it. The most important part of natural healing remedies is eating a healthy diet. That is why I have designed the healthiest diet in the world, The Medicine Diet. PM me if you want more information.
I healed my daughter and son's ear infections with oregano oil, put some on a cotton ball and put in ears overnight. I wasn't sure if it'd work at first, was pleasantly surprised! I've been studying plants and herbs with healing qualities and how to benefit from them fully. My kids call me a witch, and now I understand the reason behind the burning of the 'witches'...they didn't want competition that came so cheap...kind of like how they 'set fire' to ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine...
I'm sure all of you trust your local essential oils crazy cat lady to provide you the right dosage of dandelion root and nightsbane.
She's more trustworthy than the average pharmakeia doctor these days. I told my bff I was now my own doctor due to my lack of trust for the actual doctors. She said, "You need to sue yourself for malpractice".
eh, know someone who considers herself a "kitchen witch" aka: uses local herbs and such for basic care that she preps in her kitchen each year.
You'd be surprised.
We used to have an herbal expert at work who would help with actual poultices and teas and tinctures. Nice thing about real natural stuff is that it's a lot harder to overdose than synthetic toxic stuff. But I'm sure your trusted doctor already told you all that.