Complete with a degree in medical anthropology… perhaps the he/she/tranny/non-binary can identify whether the victims of the shit they’re pushing we’re male or female during the autopsies after the SADS incidents. Oh, wait…. No gender studies degree so….
The people that made this need to be shot, then drawn and quartered. There needs to be a punishment where people are shot, brought back to life, over and over again, until they get unlucky and just die
Affiliated with Global Health Council, which administers the Gates award, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Has gotten grants from Rockefeller, etc. Just a regular “Who’s Who” of DS eugenicists.
It is ridiculous, but actually has to do with the alleged 'John Snow' character they call themselves after who they claim was a man who cleaned up sewage from the water supply, saving many lives. They discuss their origin story on their website.
We killed Santa a long time ago in my family. Hasn't been a child in my family put under that spell in two generations. People think it's cute but it's a lie.
Santa always listened when the famous doctor spoke, So he had all his injections and his death was from a stroke. There. Fixed it.
Ha Ha !!
I love it. Thanks for the laugh!
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I noticed that, too!
These 'People' are literally fucking insane...Period
So he listened to every word his doctor said, and still died?
What a twist!
Direct Links:
A Very COVIDY Christmas:
Who is JSI?:
The John Snow Project:
The HHS has also said, “The more often you get COVID, the higher your risk of complications.”.. .....Dumbass!
Here’s one of their “experts”…
Complete with a degree in medical anthropology… perhaps the he/she/tranny/non-binary can identify whether the victims of the shit they’re pushing we’re male or female during the autopsies after the SADS incidents. Oh, wait…. No gender studies degree so….
'It' is cross-eyed, crooked teefed, and homely. I wonder what its anthropology degree would tell itself of its natural origin?
It’s the wild eyes (or, in this case, one eye) that always screams MK Ultra to me.
Ok this has to be a movie. They would never be this obvious.
Satan died from Covid
The people that made this need to be shot, then drawn and quartered. There needs to be a punishment where people are shot, brought back to life, over and over again, until they get unlucky and just die
People need to be executed for this
This is off the charts evil
Santa isn’t real? Now I’m sad.
The Satanists want to mess up another Christmas.
Affiliated with Global Health Council, which administers the Gates award, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Has gotten grants from Rockefeller, etc. Just a regular “Who’s Who” of DS eugenicists.
santa/satan hmm... both love red. both love ho's too.
Lamstein. Hirschhorn.
These lizards are disgusting. What a colossal steaming pile of lies. Wood chipper for every one of them who are involved.
logo is a water drop with a doodoo inside it ? sounds like satire
It is ridiculous, but actually has to do with the alleged 'John Snow' character they call themselves after who they claim was a man who cleaned up sewage from the water supply, saving many lives. They discuss their origin story on their website.
This propoganda BS make Hulk SMASH!
I want those 52 seconds of my life back
A lot of their propaganda is on "long covid"! Long covid is caused by the clot shots which destroy a person's immune system.
We killed Santa a long time ago in my family. Hasn't been a child in my family put under that spell in two generations. People think it's cute but it's a lie.
They are sick people
Nah. He couldn't pull off the benevolent face of Santa! Maybe Schwarzenegger for Santa and Fauci for an elf.
FUCK these ass clowns!
What in the fuck was that nonsense? Hell, maybe it’ll wake more people up simply because of how ridiculous it was.