there’s a lot to what you’re saying & it ties in with President Trump going to Norman Vincent Peale’s church. NVP wrote the Power of Positive Thinking. also reminds me of when Q asked ‘what is a spell’’…think we’re under a spell of negativity & need to ‘ascend’ out of it.
Funny how even people here keep falling for fake Telegram channels and don't bother to see what he's saying on Truth or even Twitter. While we have many smart anons we do also have our share of morons who are retarded as the left but just happen to agree with us on certain topics. To paraphrase what Burning Bright has said a number of times "we have to remember we have a lot of people who originally only voted for Trump out of spite for the left or because they're single-issue and liked one of his policies, there's a lot of people on our side who are not remotely awake."
I tend to believe that these imperfections are necessary in this info war, regardless of whether done so knowingly or unknowingly. if we look to pure truth spitters like Assange, Bill Binney, William Cooper, Andrew Breitbart, etc, we see what happened to them and they aren't able to continue being a force for truth either because they are mysteriously dead or have been silenced.
in this info war it's hard to now who's a white hat, so I will not be surprised if Flynn falls on either side, but that being stated, folks like Flynn need to make a living while spreading truth which is not without a seemingly significant time commitment.
so in addition to understanding that folks passionate about spreading the truth need to put food on the table, I think they also need to be careful about being too perfect about their information and apparent motives. lest they end up jailed and silenced such as Assange. grifting and clear misunderstandings of certain evil realities might be necessary to save them from the most heavy handed persecution/execution.
agree & also think it’s part of spiritual law…we have to ‘seek and find’ these things ourselves for the internal awakening to happen. have to do our own homework🕵️
Can you post the link to this? I'd like to get in on this $150M giveaway. lol
Ha! Yep, Right there should make it obvious to everyone.
Looks like his account was hacked. Can we have a link?
Here is the thing guys.
I am an entrepreneur.
The most valuable asset you have is your time. You can lose money and make it back.
You cannot get back lost time.
If someone is going to spend a lot of their time speaking in the movement like Flynn. He cannot completely do that for free.
This is why the producing content is a risky thing to do. If you spend a lot of time doing it for free.
You are wasting a lot of opportunity cost. People have bills to pay.
You are correct, people seem to think people should be like comic book heros and do it all for free.
Member that time Jesus demanded "donations" to baptise people?
Me neither. Empty your bowls people, God provides for the faithful.
Or you know, just buy some Bitpoon and see how it goes.
there’s a lot to what you’re saying & it ties in with President Trump going to Norman Vincent Peale’s church. NVP wrote the Power of Positive Thinking. also reminds me of when Q asked ‘what is a spell’’…think we’re under a spell of negativity & need to ‘ascend’ out of it.
I couldn't find this on Truth. It could be there but I can't see it. Is it real?
Funny how even people here keep falling for fake Telegram channels and don't bother to see what he's saying on Truth or even Twitter. While we have many smart anons we do also have our share of morons who are retarded as the left but just happen to agree with us on certain topics. To paraphrase what Burning Bright has said a number of times "we have to remember we have a lot of people who originally only voted for Trump out of spite for the left or because they're single-issue and liked one of his policies, there's a lot of people on our side who are not remotely awake."
Fake post
That is my assumption, given no link. It is also cropped so I wouldn’t know where to look and when to look to verify.
that's $150,000,000 if they were to give each of 1500 people $100,000...
we sure this is the same Gen Flynn? Seems pretty far fetched
Totally fake! Lol...Like he can pay out $100,000 to1500 people. That's $150,000,000. Ya, right. Get a clue.
Oldest scam in the book.
I think Flynn is being sarcastic, he will never get enough people to join his channel to give out 150 M in prizes.
Lin Wood was right again!
I tend to believe that these imperfections are necessary in this info war, regardless of whether done so knowingly or unknowingly. if we look to pure truth spitters like Assange, Bill Binney, William Cooper, Andrew Breitbart, etc, we see what happened to them and they aren't able to continue being a force for truth either because they are mysteriously dead or have been silenced.
in this info war it's hard to now who's a white hat, so I will not be surprised if Flynn falls on either side, but that being stated, folks like Flynn need to make a living while spreading truth which is not without a seemingly significant time commitment.
so in addition to understanding that folks passionate about spreading the truth need to put food on the table, I think they also need to be careful about being too perfect about their information and apparent motives. lest they end up jailed and silenced such as Assange. grifting and clear misunderstandings of certain evil realities might be necessary to save them from the most heavy handed persecution/execution.
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
agree & also think it’s part of spiritual law…we have to ‘seek and find’ these things ourselves for the internal awakening to happen. have to do our own homework🕵️