Insignificant announcement! I crossed 3,000,000 post karma (PDW and GAW combined) on Christmas Day. Praise Jesus—and all that. But this quick sticky isn't about me, it's about YOU. If you're not on the DIGITAL BATTLEFIELD, you're not in the fight. Join up! WE HAVE JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Congrats… I don’t know why people are bent out of shape about this. When another Anon has success, we should celebrate.
What a waste of time…..
Who gives a shit about fake internet numbers?
What moron thinks this is about my fake internet numbers?
Last post: 11 months ago
See you next year, frog! Happy new year!
You are a waste of time!!
If you are indicating that occurred over a 6 year period, that would be ~85 posts an hour, for every waking hour (assuming 16 hours awake each day); that doesn't seem possible, but I guess if you have nothing else to do :)
Other people up vote.
He has 26 here in the last 30 minutes.
Those are 'Up Votes' on COMMENTS, not on POSTS. That is a separate category from Posts he/she/they made.
Just look at their COMMENT SCORE ONLY: A daily average of 71.69 'Up Votes per day, which is much more believable.
'Up Votes on Comments Alone over 4 years = 104,669 divided by 1460 (days in 4 years) = 71.7 upvotes per day.
But for POSTS ONLY - we don't know how many posts were actually made, but the total 'Up Votes' received for total POSTS made ONLY (not including comments) = 3,012,524,000 in just 4 years (1460 days).
3,012,524,000 divided by 1460 days = 2,063.4 votes received each and every day, regardless of holidays, internet outages, moderator duty, sicknesses, vacations taken, comments also made on other's posts, etc.
I mean... really?
He posts a lot of high quality stuff.
^^^ HELLO, this frog is paying attention
Totally agree. I have had these thoughts myself but absolutely no math skills to do what you did. When someone comments that you only need 40,000 combined karma points to get an avatar and that they’ll be there in no time I just don’t get it. How? My intuition tells me something’s off here.
Ok, that makes more sense. I thought the number was referring to the number of typed in comments :)
Help me out pedes -
Over 3 million 'Up Votes' on just posts made over 72 months?? Actual numbers shown on Catsfive's profile is 3,012,524,000 total 'Up Votes' on their 'Posts' alone.
Divide that by 365 days per year, for 6 full years? That comes to:
1,375,581.7 'Up Votes' each and every day for 6 full years????
If you look at the posts made by Catsfive in the past 2 days, just 4 posts were made on this site with a total of 375 'Up Votes'.
I mean, Catsfive is this board's owner, is the main moderator, reads everyone's posts, enacts bans against other posters daily, and still manages to find articles to post, makes comments on other people's posts and somehow gains this many 'Up Votes' also?
Make it make sense!
It's the chemtrails.
Its aliens! Its always the aliens! Kek.
4 years
And 2 weeks ;)
I'm enjoying how frisky you are, lately, I must say
Owner? I've wondered how he ascended to being able to wield the Hammer of Thor upon we lowly frogs.
Sort me by top, epic researcher. I have hundreds of posts that have 5000+ upvotes. Things have changed.
How do you miss that?
See you next year.
Awesome Catsfive 🥰🥰🥰 congrats!!
Why is this stickied?
Insignificant announcement! I crossed 3,000,000 post karma (PDW and GAW combined) on Christmas Day. Praise Jesus.
...and all that. But this quick post isn't about me and "muh fake Internet points," it's about YOU. If you're not on the DIGITAL BATTLEFIELD, you're not in the fight. Join up!
Just being present on GAW or PDW isn't enough anymore. WE'RE GOING MAINSTREAM. Don't doubt yourself—there's so much you can do. Those PDW memes about the absurd Marxist rat bastards out there? Write emails. Distribute likes. Upvote the hell out of everything good. And be a patriot normie—ridicule the tards on X that think they're still operating under the same bullshit censorship framework from 2018. VICTORY IS ALREADY OURS. We just need to flip the table.
Email your mom. Thank her for raising a patriot. She'll respond with something from the NeW YoRk tImEs. Laugh in her face. Do it with the most lovingly sarcastic "LOL, mom, you're too much!" and change the subject. Then meet her for lunch and talk about anything but The Awakening. Can you see her, tilting her head and asking herself, "Wait, are 'patriots' normal people, again?"
After six years being banned, it's pretty goofy yet dead serious being back here on X. You don't have to be a borderline retarded, weaponized autistic meme master (y'all know I'm both) BUT, each of you has a new and expanded part to play in this. Don't believe me? Hang on. What are you reading this on? A toaster?
Don't hate the player, hate the game. The "tilt" against us in the digital battlefield is changing. And so many frogs are out there, capitalizing on that!
And if you have a wicked sense of humour, make some memes and post them. I can't wait to sticky your efforts and put our frogs over the top here!
L F G !
Well done.
I have 70k upvotes with my two accounts.
Keep it up! I just came from the grocery store. 70% of the blacks I saw were wearing masks. My guess is they are vaxxed to the eyeballs and keep getting sick; so it must be something in the air. Much more to do.
I saw this on x earlier...
this you cats?
I’m in the fight block 200 libs a week on x
LFG CatsFive! Slingin quality memes and such like its machine gun!
Cheers to you Catsfive!