In boxing? BOXING? Where upper-body strength is a huge factor? Where the participants' skulls and jaws get punched as hard as the other guy can hit? (Women have thinner skull bones and more delicate jawbones than do men).
SBDAmerican is right: this is murder -- a decision to cause the injury, maiming, and death of innocent people. I hope this is reversed before anyone gets killed.
USA Boxing will allow biological males to compete against women ...
... but not for very long!
This is just sick.
The only question you need to ask is why are men's and women's sports segregated? If there is a good reason then maybe we should adhere to it and if not then why not just combine the categories and have done with it?
All these organizations are owned by 5he bad guys. Its a systematic exposure. Wef invented the problem and they control this. Head of this snake is wef.
A tranny MTF doesn't need a cup to protect the nuts. So the female can kick there because there are no nuts there. (Yeah riiiiiggghhhht) When the MTF tranny collapses in excruciating pain, he's getting what he deserves.
I pray every female that is matched to a tranny refuses to fight the male in drag.
In boxing? BOXING? Where upper-body strength is a huge factor? Where the participants' skulls and jaws get punched as hard as the other guy can hit? (Women have thinner skull bones and more delicate jawbones than do men).
SBDAmerican is right: this is murder -- a decision to cause the injury, maiming, and death of innocent people. I hope this is reversed before anyone gets killed.
First poor girl killed or Maimed for life and we need to see USA Boxing go Belly up. What MAN wants to watch something like that?
Real men won't watch, for the sake of the women.
Death will follow. But, that is what THEY want.
Go woke, go broke. Ultimate fighting already made them irrelevant.
Evil, just evil!
Then make cups illegal and nut shots legal. I'd be going after ball sack like a cruise missle to discourage them.
I like it ..kek
... but not for very long!
This is just sick.
The only question you need to ask is why are men's and women's sports segregated? If there is a good reason then maybe we should adhere to it and if not then why not just combine the categories and have done with it?
All these organizations are owned by 5he bad guys. Its a systematic exposure. Wef invented the problem and they control this. Head of this snake is wef.
Boycott their sponsors
Mike Tyson announces his comeback to professional boxing!!! /s/
Michelle Tyson. LOL
Stupidity never ceases to amaze
USA boxing is just another bud light...they can suck it!
A tranny MTF doesn't need a cup to protect the nuts. So the female can kick there because there are no nuts there. (Yeah riiiiiggghhhht) When the MTF tranny collapses in excruciating pain, he's getting what he deserves.
The people who make these retarded decisions should be shot.
What could possibly go wrong...
That would be something to watch. Friday Freak Shows.