They mean it when they say they want to protect Our Democracy™. It's theirs, not yours. They know what's best for you. Just like owning nothing because you're too irresponsible to manage your own possessions, citizen voting is an antiquated relic of too much personal choice. Besides, they've already eliminated free and fair elections with their Young Global Leader scheme. You think you're getting an honest candidate, but that's far from the truth. They've already selected the agenda for you. So, in a way, Klaus is right.
They mean it when they say they want to protect Our Democracy™. It's theirs, not yours. They know what's best for you. Just like owning nothing because you're too irresponsible to manage your own possessions, citizen voting is an antiquated relic of too much personal choice. Besides, they've already eliminated free and fair elections with their Young Global Leader scheme. You think you're getting an honest candidate, but that's far from the truth. They've already selected the agenda for you. So, in a way, Klaus is right.
Just like when they say Our National Security™. It's theirs, not yours.
Klaus can say what ever he wants, just as long as he shoves it where the sun doesn't shine. Hope he is alive and well on Inauguration day in 2025.
Time to drain the schwamp
It’s time to Schwab the boot deck
words cannot detest how much I hate this guy. One day he's going to hit that wall of karma and its going to ruin everything he has going.
2020 kinda illustrated that point
And I suppose he thinks HE'S going to be Chairman of the World? I'm sure there are plenty of other megalomaniacs who would beg to differ...
Every read Robopocalypse?
I hope his middle name is "Elections"
The only relics we gonna het rid of are you amd your ilk. Hopefully we give you a nice cold dirt nap.