"Journalist" who criticized Djokovic for refusing the death jab, dies while covering the Australian Open.
Karma Is a BITCH!
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Djokovic is a truly honorable fellow for doing this.
Got to follow the wives.
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But it's archived here - https://archive.ph/TVwY2
Oh, the irony. Journo 0 - Novax 1.
Game, set, and match.
Original source: https://humanevents.com/2024/01/20/journalist-who-tried-to-cancel-novak-djokovic-over-not-taking-covid-vaccine-collapses-and-dies-while-covering-australian-open
Appears to be a died suddenly.
Suddenly, yes. Unexpectedly, not so much.
FAFO he did.
That should a diagnosis. ICD code: BAFFLED
They believe their own bs
Ya knows what they say about Karma!
And our guy served up an ace for the heckler. Chad
Novak is a class act.
Novax Djokovic
"Serves" him right.
The shock of getting owned was too much for his mRNA riddled heart.