US President Joe Biden has rescinded the national emergency order used to fund Donald Trump's border wall.
In a letter to Congress on Thursday, Mr Biden wrote that the order was "unwarranted" and said that no further tax dollars will be spent on the wall.
Mr Trump declared a state of emergency over the southern border in 2019, which allowed him to bypass Congress and use military funds for its construction.
When Mr Trump left office, about $15bn (£11bn) had been spent on the project.
Shut the fuck up, Mittens. You are entirely irrelevant, RINO scum. Actually, that's an insult to scum. You're the gaseous muck at the bottom of the swamp. Fucking clown needs to just go away.
Given that I suspect this really is all scripted and some kind of movie, he's not 100% wrong. If there is a script, then the white hat alliance COULD also have chosen a different script/strategy without an open border. So in a sense, Trump did want the border open, and manipulated events to that purpose.
That doesn't mean Trump's actions are appalling though. Until this is all over and we can all see the entire strategy, none of understand what the true purpose of all this was.
I, for one, am extremely tired of the lies and deception of this war. I want just one mortal person to stand up today and speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Let's lay everything out and start the final battle. If I die, so be it. But nobody has the courage to do that. Even Trump isn't doing that. Whatever the truth is, it's past time to disclose it. It's time to end this charade. Let the chips fall where they may.
So don't be too critical of this sad sack of fecal matter. It's unlikely he's far from the truth. He's just misrepresenting the reasons behind it.
Another perspective. Mitt is lying. The deal the commie-zionists propose keeps the border open, and that is why the patriots are saying no. No Deals. Trump does not want the border open. Trump is not a dictator and follows the WILL of the people. He is telling the people if you want the border closed, then vote for him. The border states have been informing the people for years to no avail. It has only been the last year or two patriots started gaining enough traction to take back our Republic. Consider how little has been done for the J6ers. Granted patriots are not funded by banksters, corporations, NGOs, and government entities and the same have been weaponized against them, along with the MSM.
"I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congress people that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."
US President Joe Biden has rescinded the national emergency order used to fund Donald Trump's border wall.
In a letter to Congress on Thursday, Mr Biden wrote that the order was "unwarranted" and said that no further tax dollars will be spent on the wall.
Mr Trump declared a state of emergency over the southern border in 2019, which allowed him to bypass Congress and use military funds for its construction.
When Mr Trump left office, about $15bn (£11bn) had been spent on the project.
11 FEB 2021 (or pick your sauce Romney)
Shut the fuck up, Mittens. You are entirely irrelevant, RINO scum. Actually, that's an insult to scum. You're the gaseous muck at the bottom of the swamp. Fucking clown needs to just go away.
Will then "Mitt", all Biden has to do is secure the border. Problem solved!
Can he just disappear now? 🤮🤮🤮
Mitt Romney is a RINO cunt
Hope his dog on the car roof is okay.
Given that I suspect this really is all scripted and some kind of movie, he's not 100% wrong. If there is a script, then the white hat alliance COULD also have chosen a different script/strategy without an open border. So in a sense, Trump did want the border open, and manipulated events to that purpose.
That doesn't mean Trump's actions are appalling though. Until this is all over and we can all see the entire strategy, none of understand what the true purpose of all this was.
I, for one, am extremely tired of the lies and deception of this war. I want just one mortal person to stand up today and speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Let's lay everything out and start the final battle. If I die, so be it. But nobody has the courage to do that. Even Trump isn't doing that. Whatever the truth is, it's past time to disclose it. It's time to end this charade. Let the chips fall where they may.
So don't be too critical of this sad sack of fecal matter. It's unlikely he's far from the truth. He's just misrepresenting the reasons behind it.
Another perspective. Mitt is lying. The deal the commie-zionists propose keeps the border open, and that is why the patriots are saying no. No Deals. Trump does not want the border open. Trump is not a dictator and follows the WILL of the people. He is telling the people if you want the border closed, then vote for him. The border states have been informing the people for years to no avail. It has only been the last year or two patriots started gaining enough traction to take back our Republic. Consider how little has been done for the J6ers. Granted patriots are not funded by banksters, corporations, NGOs, and government entities and the same have been weaponized against them, along with the MSM.
Mittens. We call him Mittens.
"I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congress people that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."