TRUMP/TUCKER 2024 - Can we MEME this into reality? It's clear that he's the best choice, has his head on straight, isn't afraid of saying the Truth when it's important. He would stand up to anybody they could throw at him and actually a good dude too. I dunno guys the more I think about it...
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Press Secretary, sure. VP no.
Yeah I like him, but it sure took him a long time to wake up.
Tucker's world-wide REACH right now is epic; more people are watching his interviews and other content than all the cable shows combined, is my guess.
He's doing the most he CAN do for America and for humanity right now, where he is. Let someone else do the VP job.
I don't disagree about Tucker's quality as a person. Being in politics can destroy families so I have concerns about a man or woman with kids, being in that high pressure position. But then I think of how well our Sara is doing. And what a pit bull Kari Lake would be as VP.
Maybe Tucker might need a few more years of awakening for a callous to form over the gash that so much truth causes. He is a baby MAGA. But that's ok. Bottom line is I will trust Trump's decision
okay let's stop the trump tucker thing here. tucker while I think a man of good character isn't Sunstone ready for the political arena other than interviewing.
I agree, Tucker's doing great for America, he's getting a lot of info out to the Public that they still need to wake up. I'm sure he has a lot more to say bout the Putin / Snowden interview, too. Just hope he is safe.
Now, now - he could do the VP job it's difficult I'm sure but he would have a great staff - plus he's like the only person in the country who makes the MSM seethe even more than Trump does
like of all the jobs the vp is basically just a figurehead with no real powers other than to break the tie. plus I do think tucker actually taking the position would him be just taking a massive pay cut which is why I don't think he would do it in the first place
Dick Cheney says hi.
bush 2 was a closet cross dresser so he's really a unique case. (Please read with sarcasticlly)
I like tucker but his voice is nasally and annoying
There are better people in Trump’s inner circle for this post.
Why not admiral rogers?
he has contacts in Russia!
They probably all do. Though as the VP isn't it more of a domestic-focused position?
It is what the President makes it. Remember - Biden was the Ukraine point man for Obama.
I’dI like to entertain the idea of Eric as VP. Potentially Presidential material one day for sure. And with Lara just getting the RNC co-chair. Imagine the Reeeeeeing with a TRUMP TRUMP ticket haha!
Tugg Speedman has entered the chat
Candace or Kari for VP would allow Tucker to continue his magic across the media.