posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +35 / -0

After WW2, the USA disingenuously changed the name of the Department of War to the Department of Defense, presumably to re-brand and re-frame the military industrial complex in a way that would be difficult to oppose.

Politicians could easily call for cutting “war” spending, but its harder to call for “defense” spending…

And ever since then, the department of war has had a blank check to do whatever they want, including mis-placing trillions of taxpayers dollars…

But they must not have thought it all the way through, because now we can turn their bullshit narratives around on them, when it comes to gun control.

We have heard time and again that “assault” weapons have no place on Americans streets.

But what is an “assault” weapon anyway?

Isn’t that what the Department of “Defense” uses to “defend our (illusion of) freedoms?

How is it even possible that the department of defense is able to use assault weapons for defense?

And if the department of defense is able to use assault weapons for defense, why can’t everyone else?

So either the department of defense isnt actually defending anything, and are actually “assaulting” other nations,

Or assault weapons really do have a legitimate place in the defense of Americans.
