Resident Bye-Dan responds in a press briefing, "I do not believe the American people need concern themselves with this discovery.
My Son, Beau, who died a valiant death, in many different ways, said he was often eaten by many back hoes, while he was fighting to free the Spice Trans-Girls in Afganiran, er Usbekamania, um... you... you know the thing!!"
If it eats a sun per day when will it run out of suns to eat? What will it do if it begins to starve? This story is frightening. I feel compelled to pay more taxes and obey the leaders.
the sun is used as a strong, sanitizing dose of light to counteract the effects of a black hole that is eating up all one's resources. This is the current management theory that is consistent with Service Logic - i.e. the money a business receives is from the customer - so one's customer service must be in tip-top shape these days, to be comptetitve.
So, I think that this obviously fake space-news article LOL is warning about something (a black hole) that is swallowing the ability to do functional regular business. Something is eating at the business world. I guess it is the current war trajectory we are on. Something something, communications breakdowns causing the swallowing of suns - meaning that all their carefully planned customer service has gone out the window, into the quasar/black hole.
Remember that a quasar/blackhole has two centres that revolve around each other. So maybe they are talking about the twinned issues of Israel and Ukraine. Both cannot be financed. Meanwhile the 'customers' (soldiers ?) on the ground are getting swallowed.
In a quasar there ARE two bodies. The quasar is so named because they appear to blink: there is a big star AND a Black Hole. Both of them have a centre of mass.
The blinking is caused when the star moves behind the hole, and it re-appears when the black hole slips behind the star. Of course, we cannot see the black hole, only the blinking star. This theory was explained by Carl Sagan back in the eighties.
The etymology of quasar is quasi-stellar, because earlier astronomers detected that quasars emit radio frequencies like stars do, but behave unlike stars in other respects. A quasar is the nucleus of a galaxy and is made of pieces from many more than two bodies. It surrounds the super massive black hole whose gravity crushes stars and other objects down into small bits. A binary system wouldn’t survive the gravity of a super massive black hole and its surrounding quasar.
Next time, look it up yourself instead of trying to remember Carl Sagan from forty years ago.
A quasar is an AGN -- active galactic nuclei. It is a feeding super massive black hole. Material in the accretion disc moves at different speeds and can reach 80% the speed of light determined by its distance from the center of mass. Tremendous magnetic forces and friction are created heating the disc up to millions of degrees. Some of this material escapes through jets at the poles. It is these jets and the friction in the accretion disc that produce light that outshines entire galaxies.
Pretty sure it is these jets that create the gamma ray bursters and if one is pointed at your world, even billions of light years away, you are cooked. Im also pretty sure that SagA*, the SMB at the center of the Milky Way, has had an active phase like this in its past.
Assuming the story is not fabricated for the sake of comms, the scale is mind boggling. Twelve billion light years away is far outside the Milky Way which is only about one hundred thousand light years across. The accretion disc surrounding the black hole is seven light years across, which as the article points out is about one and a half times the distance between our sun and its closest neighboring star. The disc is like a swirling storm of intense gravity, fast moving matter, violent collisions, and incredible heat and light.
I wonder about the future of such a black hole. How much matter is in the vicinity of its accretion disc? As the black hole’s mass increases and its gravitational reach lengthens, will it be able to pull more and more faraway matter into its grasp seemingly indefinitely? Or will it eventually reach its limit in the void of space and run out of fuel to grow?
Oddly enough, astrophysics has remained pure-"the brightest object ever found" is so far awaythat the light took 12 billion light years to get here. Comms??? NO, there is no threat to us at all however at the locale of that quasar life is chaotic for stars in the neighborhood where it got big enough to invite all the local stars in for a hoedown..
A while back some of us discussed that a comm often works better when the news story accompanying the comm is actually true or at least largely true. That way the news story is more difficult to debunk and discard, which would leave the comm conspicuously unaccompanied. The secrecy of the comm is not worth risking on a bunk story. Outer space stories are difficult to debunk because most of us rely on the word of the people with the powerful telescopes, but cracks can still appear:
There are exceptions along the lines of “the medium is the message”, such as when the act of lying is the comm itself and the news story is supposed to be easily debunked.
Resident Bye-Dan responds in a press briefing, "I do not believe the American people need concern themselves with this discovery. My Son, Beau, who died a valiant death, in many different ways, said he was often eaten by many back hoes, while he was fighting to free the Spice Trans-Girls in Afganiran, er Usbekamania, um... you... you know the thing!!"
Hhhaaaahahaha 😂😂😂
Corn Pop is involved in there somewhere too.
C'mon man!!
Whya gotta go there?!? Corn Pop is watching.................... EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!
LoL 0_o
I'm glad you settled that. LOL
And the vaxxines killed 17 million people. Coincidence.
Be afraid, be very afraid. To this threat that is 10 million light years away muahahahaha
If it eats a sun per day when will it run out of suns to eat? What will it do if it begins to starve? This story is frightening. I feel compelled to pay more taxes and obey the leaders.
17bn times that of our solar system - heh heh. Must be those darn White hats /s
Re: comms - Black holes seem to be talked about in the business world in regards to communications
Dictionary definition states that the term can be used for a deep, immeasurable space into which people or things vanish; an abyss.
Comms re: Sun are also to do with communications - but on the customer service end of things -
the sun is used as a strong, sanitizing dose of light to counteract the effects of a black hole that is eating up all one's resources. This is the current management theory that is consistent with Service Logic - i.e. the money a business receives is from the customer - so one's customer service must be in tip-top shape these days, to be comptetitve.
So, I think that this obviously fake space-news article LOL is warning about something (a black hole) that is swallowing the ability to do functional regular business. Something is eating at the business world. I guess it is the current war trajectory we are on. Something something, communications breakdowns causing the swallowing of suns - meaning that all their carefully planned customer service has gone out the window, into the quasar/black hole.
Remember that a quasar/blackhole has two centres that revolve around each other. So maybe they are talking about the twinned issues of Israel and Ukraine. Both cannot be financed. Meanwhile the 'customers' (soldiers ?) on the ground are getting swallowed.
Rambling, sorry.
No, a binary system is when two bodies revolve around their center of mass..
In a quasar there ARE two bodies. The quasar is so named because they appear to blink: there is a big star AND a Black Hole. Both of them have a centre of mass.
The blinking is caused when the star moves behind the hole, and it re-appears when the black hole slips behind the star. Of course, we cannot see the black hole, only the blinking star. This theory was explained by Carl Sagan back in the eighties.
It’s a pulsar that seems to blink, or pulse.
The etymology of quasar is quasi-stellar, because earlier astronomers detected that quasars emit radio frequencies like stars do, but behave unlike stars in other respects. A quasar is the nucleus of a galaxy and is made of pieces from many more than two bodies. It surrounds the super massive black hole whose gravity crushes stars and other objects down into small bits. A binary system wouldn’t survive the gravity of a super massive black hole and its surrounding quasar.
Next time, look it up yourself instead of trying to remember Carl Sagan from forty years ago.
LOL I love it.
A quasar is an AGN -- active galactic nuclei. It is a feeding super massive black hole. Material in the accretion disc moves at different speeds and can reach 80% the speed of light determined by its distance from the center of mass. Tremendous magnetic forces and friction are created heating the disc up to millions of degrees. Some of this material escapes through jets at the poles. It is these jets and the friction in the accretion disc that produce light that outshines entire galaxies.
Pretty sure it is these jets that create the gamma ray bursters and if one is pointed at your world, even billions of light years away, you are cooked. Im also pretty sure that SagA*, the SMB at the center of the Milky Way, has had an active phase like this in its past.
This story appears to be comms as most space stories are.
I agree. Tell it to the user named Sadness
oops meant to reply to sadness
Yes I believe that is located in the NOPE Sector of the Galaxy.
it's a very distant galaxy that it is consuming
Yes, got that. I was just laughing at the enormity of what it is doing, thinking I sure as Hell don't wanna go anywhere near that.
Hence, NOPE Sector.
Assuming the story is not fabricated for the sake of comms, the scale is mind boggling. Twelve billion light years away is far outside the Milky Way which is only about one hundred thousand light years across. The accretion disc surrounding the black hole is seven light years across, which as the article points out is about one and a half times the distance between our sun and its closest neighboring star. The disc is like a swirling storm of intense gravity, fast moving matter, violent collisions, and incredible heat and light.
I wonder about the future of such a black hole. How much matter is in the vicinity of its accretion disc? As the black hole’s mass increases and its gravitational reach lengthens, will it be able to pull more and more faraway matter into its grasp seemingly indefinitely? Or will it eventually reach its limit in the void of space and run out of fuel to grow?
Oddly enough, astrophysics has remained pure-"the brightest object ever found" is so far awaythat the light took 12 billion light years to get here. Comms??? NO, there is no threat to us at all however at the locale of that quasar life is chaotic for stars in the neighborhood where it got big enough to invite all the local stars in for a hoedown..
Waiting is..... 😎
Hence my opening phrase:
A while back some of us discussed that a comm often works better when the news story accompanying the comm is actually true or at least largely true. That way the news story is more difficult to debunk and discard, which would leave the comm conspicuously unaccompanied. The secrecy of the comm is not worth risking on a bunk story. Outer space stories are difficult to debunk because most of us rely on the word of the people with the powerful telescopes, but cracks can still appear:
There are exceptions along the lines of “the medium is the message”, such as when the act of lying is the comm itself and the news story is supposed to be easily debunked.