I agree and the notion that they can serve for a single year and then retire and receive a pension from the American taxpayers for the rest of their life needs to be abolished as well. They need to KNOW that they are OUR servants. Hopefully, when President Trump brings back the Republic, these things will be addressed properly.
What "service" are they providing? We have the internet. We don't need some centralized group of dipshits calling shots. It has negative value in the current world.
Our founders got a lot of things right. They just didn't see a world wide fast as light communication network coming into existence and completely altering the bedrock of society.
In a democratic republic (which we are) they are SUPPOSED to be representing their constituents' (us) wishes in the Congress and voting accordingly. I think they've strayed far from that, though.
He was pairing that with hard anti-corruption restrictions. The idea being that if you start making decisions for the nation you get the ability to grift taken away, and that’s what the additional compensation would be for. No comment from me, just pointing out the other side of what he was proposing.
And then how do you go about bannning their spouses, children, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, step children, parents, step parents from trading on the same info? As we see from the current crop of public dunces, tthey spread it around to family...
You make it illegal for them to disclose this information, and formal investigation automatically started if their family ends up benefiting from major shifts.
Somebody complained about being left out. They kept him in to shut him up. Only proves mr. Beast is part of the swamp, along with other youtubers and streamers.
No, don’t pay them more. Just We the People say, if you want to run for Congress, it will be 1) illegal to use insider trading for you, your family, friends to use the information to trade or buy stocks; 2) it will be illegal to act as a foreign agent or accept payment from any foreign country, 3), it will be illegal to accept money, gifts or the promise of a job post Congress for 10 years. Violation of these Federal laws will result in 30 years in prison plus fines commensurate with the fraud, also immediate removal of any sitting member of Congress involved in these acts AND forfeiture of Congressional pension and all benefits, including health care. No member of Congress will be allowed to accept a job/position in government, the defense industry or news organization for a period of at least 5 years post Congress.
They are paid far more than average Joe, and since the poverty line is $30K and they make nearly six times the poverty line, I don't see why they need to make more.
Instead, they need to be questioned on how exactly they end up worth millions and tens of millions.
I still think that being in the house or senate, or even president, should be like jury duty. You serve 6 weeks when you are told to serve 6 weeks. You are called randomly (and it needs to be monitored so it is random). Then you go back to your job. It's minimally paid, it's required, and it's short. Everyone has to do it.
I'm all for it except for the part about paying them more. This is supposed to be public service, not a career.
I agree and the notion that they can serve for a single year and then retire and receive a pension from the American taxpayers for the rest of their life needs to be abolished as well. They need to KNOW that they are OUR servants. Hopefully, when President Trump brings back the Republic, these things will be addressed properly.
They actually have to serve six years.
Of course, that’s so much better than my twenty years in the phone company where I got what I saved plus a small match. Not a hint of a pension.
They’re parasites on the body politic of the nation.
That's good to know; thank you. You are right in that they are most definitely parasites.
What "service" are they providing? We have the internet. We don't need some centralized group of dipshits calling shots. It has negative value in the current world.
Our founders got a lot of things right. They just didn't see a world wide fast as light communication network coming into existence and completely altering the bedrock of society.
In a democratic republic (which we are) they are SUPPOSED to be representing their constituents' (us) wishes in the Congress and voting accordingly. I think they've strayed far from that, though.
An idea from when you needed a horse and 30 days to actually get to Washington D.C.
They shouldnt even be getting paid.
Fuckers take recess way more than a third grader wtf.
He was pairing that with hard anti-corruption restrictions. The idea being that if you start making decisions for the nation you get the ability to grift taken away, and that’s what the additional compensation would be for. No comment from me, just pointing out the other side of what he was proposing.
And then how do you go about bannning their spouses, children, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, step children, parents, step parents from trading on the same info? As we see from the current crop of public dunces, tthey spread it around to family...
You make it illegal for them to disclose this information, and formal investigation automatically started if their family ends up benefiting from major shifts.
It certainly would end this "life long political service" BS they created.
Most "service" positions are well paid, they have to be. Plus the many "benefits" always included. What these folks do is illegal and always has been.
Somebody complained about being left out. They kept him in to shut him up. Only proves mr. Beast is part of the swamp, along with other youtubers and streamers.
He's literally managed by Disney, bro. He was never a "good guy."
I know he's not a good guy. That's why I don't support him.
Some extremely interesting 17 comms coming from him. Decoding Symbols has done some fascinating digs and there’s more there.
...who is the [ firm ] handling the trades
I think President Trump knows.
No, don’t pay them more. Just We the People say, if you want to run for Congress, it will be 1) illegal to use insider trading for you, your family, friends to use the information to trade or buy stocks; 2) it will be illegal to act as a foreign agent or accept payment from any foreign country, 3), it will be illegal to accept money, gifts or the promise of a job post Congress for 10 years. Violation of these Federal laws will result in 30 years in prison plus fines commensurate with the fraud, also immediate removal of any sitting member of Congress involved in these acts AND forfeiture of Congressional pension and all benefits, including health care. No member of Congress will be allowed to accept a job/position in government, the defense industry or news organization for a period of at least 5 years post Congress.
They do not need to be paid more.
They are paid far more than average Joe, and since the poverty line is $30K and they make nearly six times the poverty line, I don't see why they need to make more.
Instead, they need to be questioned on how exactly they end up worth millions and tens of millions.
Also, everybody needs to realize that President Trump lost money during his Presidency.
The second I realized I could not find how MrBeast originally made his fortune, I knew he was not to be trusted.
But even a blind squirrel finds a nut. See here.
Pay them more?!
Tell them to serve their over paid $175K a year term then go home and resume their old job as a hooker, or bartender.
I still think that being in the house or senate, or even president, should be like jury duty. You serve 6 weeks when you are told to serve 6 weeks. You are called randomly (and it needs to be monitored so it is random). Then you go back to your job. It's minimally paid, it's required, and it's short. Everyone has to do it.