Nikki Haley Ends 2024 Bid, Setting Up Trump-Biden Rematch
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She and her handlers just realized they couldn't get enough Dems to crossover to vote for her to outnumber the red maga tsunami.
But she almost won lol
Good thing she didn't wish herself Happy Birthday to this future President.
But...but...she took DC. And Vermont. She's on a roll!
Now, she’ll make the rounds on every msm channel stumping for Biden.
If she does that, our innate distrust of her will be vindicated. So go ahead, Nikki, show us what you're REALLY made of.
Okay, things will escalate rapidly now. Biden's time is coming to an end, Taiwan will heatup. I am predicting lots of moves in a short period.
Says the person who wants to pop some bubbles
Oh, its not about whether I want to pop 'em bubbles. The bubbles will pop - that is an inevitability. Every ponzi scheme must end at some point, no matter how many fraudulest ways you try to avoid it!
She might have set up a rematch with Biden, but I've got my doubts Biden makes it to election day.
They know he is a loser, and they don't have anyone in the bullpen.
I think their next step is chaos to try to stop the election from taking place.
She’s only suspending, not conceding.
historically, there is no difference
Participation trophy for you!!
Next up, Gavin Newsom.
New Scum
The plan was to be in place when they took out Trump. Now on to plan P.
She didn't set up shit. She never had a chance. And I wouldn't be too sure about biden.
this is the equivalent of Brock Lesnar vs zach gowen