She didnt eat or drink anything. Slept all day. She ate this morning but shes definately not feeling good. The mouth stink is horrible again.lump seems to be puffed up again. Shes got tears in her eyes. It might be time.
Still waiting to hear from my vet. Ill probably call him again today if i get tge chance.
Its so hard to do..... done it several times and its never easy.
Each day I check in, nervous to read your post. We are all with you. Prayers.
It seems, everytime you report this, the next day she's fine. remember, the detoxing has to come out of her mouth and anywhere dogs don't sweat. Fenben is causing that rxn. Everytime her body tries to do a major healing, you think, it's time for you to die. Dogs are sensitive to their owners emotions. IF she's healing and you're thinking I'm gonna do you in for you rown good, imagine!
Keep with the program until you know. Dog tears are them removing bad stuff they can't sweat out. They aren't like humans that way.
I pray imprecatory prayers for the assholes beating up on our fren here. A downvote. How classy. Direct messaging fren and telling fren they poisoned their dog. Makes my blood boil. ESAD, BULLIES
They should call my vet and tell him they know more about the meds he gave me than he does.
Hang in there, fren. You are the one there, not any of us. Only you can judge what is best for your dog. Do right by her - whatever that may be - it is not for us to say or judge. 💜
I don't read DMs, not interested in what some anonymous person has to say in private to me. They're gutless cowards, only gutless ******* won't say it in front of everyone here.🤬
They show up with the notifications of somebody commenting on your post or comments. Got no choice but to read them. I know theyre full of shit. If it was gonna poison my dog,i doubt my vet wouldve gave it to me and said it wont hurt to try.
I think it's time fren.
"from Hithrys sent 38 minutes ago You slowly poisoned your dog. That's on you."
If they only had an idea what theyre talking about.
Prayers for both her and you. Stay strong.
Praying for you and your sweet pup
Prayers with you all…you gave it a valiant fight, sometimes it’s just not Gods will.
Prayers that you are all ready and that it goes easy.
Im not ready but i cant make her suffer. Atleast i tried. Its been about a month since the vet said she had a month maybe 2 left before i had to do it. It really sux cuz other than this,shes perfectly healthy.
I’m so sorry…..just a year ago next week I had to do the deed with my pit mix. She was in heart failure. Vet said maybe 7 months to a year, she went the 7 months, trust the vet. She was 14 but like a puppy. She did a lot of sleeping, ate good and when it was play time, she could outlast me.
Her “happy your home dance” all of a sudden sent her into coughing fits. Her “yay, I did poop, now it’s time to eat” while running thru the rooms made her collapse and pant. She would recover quickly but episodes happened more frequently and progressed in severity. I’ve had dozens of dogs thru my life, I wasn’t new to, “the end”. I never had so much of a hard time making this decision until this little girl. I think like you it’s because “her puppy feel good self” was still very much there. She had no problem ripping someone’s face off if they got to close to me but when it was just us she was a big sissy. She hated going to the vet which made me hate taking her. A pebble in her toe pad and she limped to me for help with her tail between her legs….
When she was more Down than not and refused food for 2 days straight, I figured it was time…..I wasn’t ready but you have to put the dogs well-being first.
Turns out She wasn’t ready either….that first injection that calms them and puts them in a sleep…did nothing. She wouldn’t even lay down, just stood her ground with her hard muscular little body. Did all that fighting with a sick little heart at 1/3 function. She didn’t want to give in and go with it.
My advice given to you with love and a heavy heart….if that happens, change your mind and take her home…..
Should I have waited a couple of days ? Should I have paid double to have the vet come to the house ? Should I have just let her go at home ? Should I have waited for signs of suffering, something you never want to see…..I don’t know and I still don’t.
She held her own on the final shot and passed with her eyes open looking at me. I knew in my brain that the time was here but my heart had never had such a hard time with dozens of dogs I loved just as much…..was I feeling something from her that I didn’t realize ? Who knows ?
Please wait until she all but tells you. We want to be their hero and save them suffering but I think they know what’s going on too and are braver than us.
It’s a year later and that sweet face is still haunting me. If your little girl doesn’t go down easy on that “sleeping” shot saying…..amen and thank you……she’s not ready.
I’m so sorry Fren, I wanted to be encouraging and give you strength but I felt something in you with doubts and when I heard, “when she’s good, she’s still healthy” I had to share, having been there and seeing that.
There are some things we just don’t understand, I think dog brain is probably one of them. There’s a lot going on in there that we don’t even give thought to….
Give it thought, give it prayer, ask for guidance. Please watch her response from the first minute on.
Four months prior to this ordeal her buddy my old Jack Russell, an old girl who wasn’t in sickness but just ….done. Blind, bad teeth, old and tired, getting finicky with food probably in tooth pain. She had it, and it showed….
Carried her in, laid her down on her little “blankie” buried my face in hers with tears dripping. First shot she slept, next shot it was over…..calm, quiet peaceful ! She was in a better place and I could feel that ! Broken hearted or not I KNEW I did right, I felt it through out…..
I’m so so very sorry 94f, I wanted to give you strength and courage but had to share reality also…..
You’ll feel that too. Read your puppy girl go with your heart and brain and Gods grace. He knows better than all of us !
Please know I mean well and that I’m sorry if a made this harder. I just know that feeling regret is worse than feeling sad and sorry….
With all our prayers here I’m sure the right feeling will come to you and the right moment to do it…….
God Bless
This is so hard. I loved the pups I have had & this really is so hard to hear.
Praying still for your whole family.
Sorry fren.
I'm so sorry for your Angel, my fren. You have done a tremendous job trying to save her, and we appreciate you sharing your struggles with us. There will be tough days ahead, I'm afraid. I've been there, i feel for you.
Checking in on you 94f450d. Our old lady pup of 20+ years had that shit on her head by her ear. She went to the Lord's kennels about a month ago. May you be strong and courageous, especially in the face of clear satanic attack as happened earlier. Still keeping up those 'good' prayers for that asshole. Let em be saved but as one pulled out of a fire with some people, no lie. As for you fren- don't give up yet. Good people here are praying for you and your whole family. Be strong and courageous.
Oh how sad I feel, I miss my baby girl and I will never have her again. It is a horrible feeling in your heart. I am crying right now badly, I am very very sorry. This a prayer that I do every month if I can for Ani and Sven.. I hope you don’t have to do it for now. PRAYER FOR DEATH OF A PET "A PRAYER FOR HEALING" Jesus, the Great Physician, You have blessed me as a steward of my beloved pet for many years. Through Your grace, I have made many memories and have greatly enjoyed my time with them. Yet, You give and You take away. You are good in all things, and so I give thanks and praise to You, O Lord. Bring healing to my broken heart and help me to get through this season of grief. Amen. I haven’t healed but hopefully one day I will and I will see my two beautiful puppies who die same year one month apart. 🥲🥲🥲 Again so so so sorry. My sympathies to you and your family.
(((Big hugs)))
(((Big hugs)))