Mike Lindell Announces his Case is Finally Going to the Supreme Court Next Friday at 3PM ET
“We’ve been waiting three long years for a breakthrough to the Supreme Court and now we have it.
The evidence we’re gonna drop you’re going to see on Friday is the most explosive you’ve ever seen.”
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
OK God, you can pretty much tell...this, thy good and faithful servant Michael, has laid his entire life, career, fortune, and sacred honor on the line for his country. He's already apologized for being a drug addict, became a wildly successful and famous entrepreneur, and swore his life to Jesus. Now he's as broken as Job but still going strong in faith.
Maybe cut him a break here, Big Man? Maybe actually let him win? What's the worst that could happen—you know he's going to give you all the credit and glory anyway, so that's another win. Just think it over, OK? Thanx.
If any one since Job, has demonstrated his faith, his willingness to lay his fortune aside to stand up for what is right; this man is among the select few. I hope he reclaims his fortune, much more than 3 fold.
If this supreme court case goes through, I won't be the only one going to his website and buying his stuff. I don't even like his pillow, but I bought one to support him.
Same, well I still use the body pillow and case from MyPillow.
NO Greater Glory than when ONE lays down his life for his Fellow Man!!!!!!!!!
That is a VERY strong sentence to the character of Mike....God Speed and May the Archangel of Michael be riding on your Right Shoulder and Jesus on the Left Shoulder....
God Speed!!!!
AMEN friend - brought me to tears
The first paragraph of your prayer is good. The second paragraph is condescending. "Big Man"? Who in scripture can you ever see calling the Lord of Heaven and Earth "Big Man"? And then telling God to "think it over ok thanx." Would you speak to your boss or your earthly father like this? What about Trump? I understand we are to come boldly to the throne of grace but this does not mean we treat God as anything less than what He is.
I highly encourage you to reread Job and see how he treated God even amidst his dire situation. Only with reverence and respect.
I agree. God is not our bro. He is the all-knowing creator of the infinite universe. He deserves more reverence than we can even comprehend.
God meets us where we are. He is all forgiving and all loving. And we are supposed to follow his example.
Agreed with the other poster about respect, but the main poster was just using some levity in desperation.
Levity can lift spirits and make them stand back up again.
It is enjoyable to make atheists complain when saying something like "Big G God" too.
"Follow His example."
"Therefore be imitators of God dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved and has given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma..."
God has never talked to us condescendingly in scripture. Not even a hint toward those who love Him. Gave everything and died. A modicum of respect, you will agree, is due to God.
If I talk to God like he's my friend, what business is it of yours, Sparklefarts?
Maybe the supplications are said by a pacific islander?
Good grief. Holier than thou, much?? Ugh. What is with you intolerant, overly-critical religious folk. It's not at all endearing.