I doubt i could find it anymore, but Marina Abromovich made a documentary about fertility cults, where there were fat naked men having sex with the ground.
was one of those next level moments for me, can't go back after seeing that 🤡
These people are PERVERTED. They are possessed by SEX!
So let's get back to Nature. Sexual attraction between a man and a woman has the purpose of reproduction, to bring them together as a couple through love, in order to raise their children so the children can survive, etc.
Now sexual attraction is perverted and leads to "sex" with anyone and anything.
Can we just call it fornication and sodomy? It would make much more sense.
Awww. The deviants are sliding further and further down into their abyss. How special. Luv is luv, right? (The psychiatric drugs they're all hopped-up on must be showing their side-effects).
It starts with the trees. Then, it’s the saplings. 😢 😂
So that's why they call 'em SAPs! Sapling attracted person.
They always go for the kids!
ok thats it for me, im done with the internet today.
I doubt i could find it anymore, but Marina Abromovich made a documentary about fertility cults, where there were fat naked men having sex with the ground.
was one of those next level moments for me, can't go back after seeing that 🤡
They keep coming out with new terms for this and that but guys humping ground, women on trees,...fags is still the appropriate term.
I’m a realtor and showed a property once to a lady who couldn’t stop hugging the trees. Strange indeed.
LoL I imagine her being covered in ants and sap and by the time you're done showing her she looks like the mosquito in Jurassic Park.
I'm pretty sure the operative phase is "Functionally retarded".
This isn't new, tbh.
These people are PERVERTED. They are possessed by SEX!
So let's get back to Nature. Sexual attraction between a man and a woman has the purpose of reproduction, to bring them together as a couple through love, in order to raise their children so the children can survive, etc.
Now sexual attraction is perverted and leads to "sex" with anyone and anything.
Can we just call it fornication and sodomy? It would make much more sense.
I'm not a tree fornicator but I have been known to caress leaves.
Does getting a BJ in the woods count?
Was a knot hole involved? Then yes.
Only if the tree gave it to you....
Until they rub their privates with ‘Monkshood’ 😂😂😂
Well than go fuck a duck. I don't care.
Well, I was going to post "Got wood?" but I'm guessing neither of them do...
Watch when humping a sweet young Hazel tree, they may look enticing but it leads to darker things. Ask Treebeard about the disappearing Entwives.....
Chafing is its own punishment
This gives new meaning to 'smell the roses'.
So the only sexuality that isn't some variant of "gay"
Branch out, folks.
Damn tree huggers
Awww. The deviants are sliding further and further down into their abyss. How special. Luv is luv, right? (The psychiatric drugs they're all hopped-up on must be showing their side-effects).
I saw a dog raping a slope tree. Is that ecosexuality too?