Wisconsin Investigators Discover Illegal Aliens Are Flooding the Voter Rolls in Swing States
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This is happening at super scale – think hundreds of thousands already – it is completely invisible to all current relational technology. It is equally invisible to the RINO bunch telling you to vote early, ballot harvest and do not question elections.
The only difference is in 2024, the Wisconsin team found it early – and has a successful, tried and proven strategy to fight it.
Here’s the scam.
Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and register them.
Just a slight clarification... not all Catholics are do-gooders. Catholics are divided red and blue, liberal and conservative, like the rest of the country.
Exactly, they infiltrated all religions and one can not paint them all with one brush.
You're thinking too small.
I totally agree with you.
I am curious about 2024...
We either don't get to the election because 2020 gets fixed and the New Republic deports people prior to conducting a secure election...
Or, the WH's allow the steal AGAIN, thus waking everyone up (although this will really turn ugly and I would hate to be a Mexican or Latino who is here legitimately), contributing to the Precipice...
Or, WH's prevent the elction from being stolen, mass deportation ensues, and the country is still not unified because the Big Bad Trump is deporting people.
The only way to have a unified country in my opinion is to show the fraud of 2020 and follow the first option, or, Trump loses again to FJB, to help awaken more people so that the correction will result in unification rather than division.
But still... there are so many millions of people who cannot stand Trump... I estimate 10 percent, or 15-30 million adults (which is a lot of people, and it's probably more)... and that means ongoing division.
We therefore need the pedo stuff to come out, and combine it with 2020 fraud. That's my opinion about what it will take BEFORE the election to unify the country.
It's entirely possible WH allow 2024 to be "stolen" to wake up more normies and libs. I've accepted that possibility.
My personal opinion is that Dems will find a way to shut down the election either by starting a war prior to it, or inciting riots at polling places after the vote counts don't go their way.
In any case, it's all theater. We're just trying to predict the script.
My feeling is we won’t have a clear winner. If they can’t rig, the dnc will just muck up the whole process so much then try to say Biden needs to stay in for continuity purposes.
But we won’t have a clear winner or answer. That’s when the party gets started. The dnc is going to lose no matter what, so why not just annoy everyone like a 2 year old tossing a tantrum. The corrupt judges and LAWFARE will pick up even more all this happening while violence and economic strife picks up…. Turn in the MSM and they’ll blame maga and anons and say this will all end of our families turn us in.
Playbook known.
I can easily see it going down like this. It's consistent with election delays and "No clear winner" in 2020 and 2000 with Bush/Gore.
I suspect it is all coming out before the elctions. Will their be elections ? We must be prepared either way. This is coming to a head now.
Voting must be for only American citizens with the right to vote (not prisoners, or dead, etc.). Each voter needs to be verified as an American citizen. Can’t use drivers license either. Those who say illegals don’t vote because they can’t, who is verifying each voter registered is an American Citizen??? If they are registering illegals thru criminal means, who knows that when they show up to vote??? My voting place just checks name, and address.
Is this why we, the US citizens, have to get a new drivers license with a “star” on it perhaps? I still haven’t gotten mine yet. They say it’s to be able to fly state to state, to prove we are US citizens, without extra hoops to jump through, but maybe it’s for voting reasons also. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that we, US citizens, have to get a star drivers license just to fly from state to state. I disagreed with it, but if it’s to prove we are citizens for voting being the dems are giving illegals licenses, then maybe not so bad. Because anyone can walk into the polling stations and hand them their licenses and vote. Well at least in Alabama we have to show and scan our drivers license to vote, though we have paper ballots we still have to put them into a machine to count them.
Amen, the Founding Fathers almost made it so only land owners could vote. They never intended for the UK to come in to vote, or any other Foreign Nation.
Along the freeway from Chicago to Milwaukee....the park and rides have camps, RV's and tents of illegals. They fly foreign flags at times, Columbia is one. This is a fact, a friend of mine who lives in IL and works in WI sees them all the time. They've got to be illegal immigrant stops or cartel.
Thank you for sharing this information. Notice they select the bigger cities.
"Non Citizen" = citizen of ANOTHER country. Anyone allowing a "non citizen" to vote in the USA is allowing other countries to vote in our election, to have a voice in what the USA decides. They should in no way be allowed to be anywhere near our voting system. That is like one of us flying to another country, squatting there for a few weeks and casting a vote in that country's election. Now imagine 20million from China or Russia flying into your country just to squat and cast votes for your local leaders. SAME thing, hell, soon why not let Iranians just mail votes from IRAN to decide our elections. THIS fully nullifies our sovereignty as a country allowing it.
Here it is with Foreign interference in elections.
Were Frucked
You have been enjoying it your whole life.....time to stop it.
Exposing more election fraud with Foreign interference.
it's sure seems that we are going that way.