Disgusting! Calgary church to merge drag show with Easter Sunday service
Calgary Unitarian minister Samaya Oakley says the church wants to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community 🤮 sacrilegious
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Unitarians aren't Christian anyway. They are a pretend church in it for the tax benefits.
You can be whatever you want, the feels ya know... I grew up in the Unitarian "church" in Omaha-last I went, they were using public confession of issues...for the feels...
Calgary church; your minister is a demon and it is mocking Christ and Christianity. Ditch the bitch.
Absolute sacrilege. But, yeah, Unitarians are heretical Satanists. Pray for these misguided fools!
God be aiming his shotgun at a certain church in Calgary right about now
Choose one.
If there was ever a time for The Hand of God, this is it.
Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0
You misspelled urination.
The Great Whore, who sits on many waters.