115 Malicious backdoor found in ssh libraries | Low Level Learning (www.youtube.com) posted 329 days ago by CoolAsACucumber 329 days ago by CoolAsACucumber +115 / -0 26 comments share 26 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The guy who submitted the malicious code has apparently been contributing to a wide range of modules - probably littering them all with backdoors. There was some discussion on 4chan
This shit is why we need a God level reset. Wipe out the bad people and go forward with only good people. heck we wouldn't even need passwords either.
I agree. God level reset or a holy split.
A holy reset
The month of april has a lot of references to "we have it all"
The problem is that they are keeping it all to themselves. The sheep need the truth, even if it is shocking.
Exactly. I hate that q says a lot of it will be hidden and a lot of people will skate.
The way this was implemented was extremely elegant. Nobody would have been able to find this. I think whoever discovered this was divinely inspired.
This has CIA/Mossad written all over it. Get your crypto off exchanges until the extent of this is known and patches have been put in place.
Good point. Perhaps it was not discovered. They simply chose this time to reveal.
It was a Programer from CHYNA .. who helped with a lot of open source projects. Now they are going thru all his Code Contributions.
This is wild, and it's gonna rock a lot of boats.
Worth running the checking script to see if you are likely to be affected
wget https://openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/29/4/3
chmod +x 3
sh 3
I am using a modern version of Fedora and seems I am "probably not vulnerable"
Epic fail. If pwnie awards (https://pwnies.com/) were still a thing this would win first place.
ssh is Secure Shell Protocol which is a cryptographic protocol that is primarily used for open source projects.
Its much bigger than banking.
Linus Torvalds is a communist faggot who only accepts work from communist faggots.
For the "programming socks" down vote crowd: https://news.itsfoss.com/linus-torvalds-woke-communists/
I guess you think Bill Gates is a saint then.
His own words: https://news.itsfoss.com/linus-torvalds-woke-communists/
Hate harder nerd
I stand corrected.
No need for the ad hominem attack though. It just weakens your argument and makes you look bad.
You implied I like Gates. Quite insulting.
Fair enough. Cheers!
Most linux distros are for noobs. Windows is for ultra-noobs. If you wanna actually be secure use openBSD or Qubes OS https://www.openbsd.org/ https://www.qubes-os.org/
I've heard others say Linus is a Marxist too but didn't have anything to back it up. Where is your source for this info?
His infamous "I strongly suspect I am one of those “woke communists”" tweets
I don't think it's wise to throw out the entirety of Linux though, babies and bathwater and all that.