If one looks into cannabis with an open mind and evaluates all the history and uses of this plant, one might come to see it as I do... the single most valuable plant on earth. But I gave up trying to "green" pill people about it. So many are still caught up in the Hearst driven narratives of the early prohibitionist days of our collective pasts. I suspect the reason for it seeming to clean up radioactive soils is that it grows a really deep and extensive roots structure that would collect much of the energies being pushed by the radioactive elements doing the contaminating. Hemp was once by decree and laws passed in the colonies REQUIRED to be sowed into your lands someplace.
In case you are interested "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" is a great read by 'Nam era Marine Vet Jack E. Herer that gives as much truth as I have found in any book written by a human. 10,000 years of use by humans around the world in all its forms to be suddenly and unjustly villanized by a few powerful rich men looking to make themselves more powerful and wealthy at the expense of all of us. Seriously, if you think you can debunk anything in the book I believe there is still a bounty offered to this day of $50,000 to prove an error in the original publication. To my knowledge no one has collected on that offer. When it was offered in the 70's one could have bought a nice homestead for that kind of cash. Now it would by far less but still a nice lump of silver to pocket.
Adding to your comment and expanding a little. Our answers are in front of us.
Heavy metals and toxic chemicals accumulating in our environment is an ever persisting and serious issue. These toxins end up in our food chain (such as heavy metals, PCBs, and dioxins) and bioaccumulate, which is the “gradual accumulation of a certain chemical into the living tissue of an organism from its environment [and] may result from direct absorption from the environment or from ingestion of food particles” (Institute, 2020). Fungal mycelia can remove these toxins in the soil before they are able to enter our food supply and ultimately us.
I can add to that conversation as well. A good friend of mine is in the environmental remediation business. He's currently deploying a waste water treatment plant that have biodigesters that do just that, remove toxic substances from the waste stream. Between that as well as ozone, there are a lot of technologies that are available to remediate. It's cool stuff.
I do like the basic approach on planting hemp. It has some many things that you can do with this.. truly a miracle plant.
Fiber, building material, soil cleanser, medicine, "leather". I grow it and use it for medicine. The oils and flowers from the plant, depending on the strain, treats epilepsy, chronic pain, anxiety and depression. The fibers from the non medicinal type have no rival for toughness, it grows fast every season. I live in a legal state. It should be legal in every state, and if not legal, then every homeowner should have the right to grow it if they want to, for their own use.
They do this in China already. That is why you need to be careful about where you get your CBD from. It could be loaded with heavy metals picked up in the plant from contaminated soil near old mining sites..
Hemp can be used to make paper, biodiesel and so many other products is is mind blowing. You can produce 100 times the paper on a 40 acre plot of ground over a 20 year period than pulp wood can produce. ENTER International Paper Co. and their lobbyist get Congress to outlaw Hemp.
Sensiseeds huh... is this the "stoner" version buying playboy for the articles? I always thought that was a "Hightimes" function. I just know the only reason you went there as to peruse all the wonderful hemp articles. Me... I love seed shopping at various sites. The best potporn is free to view. I just wish it were scratch and sniff digital imagery.
What I find amazing is that nature will do this on her own. We bombed the hell out of the bikini atoll when were testing our nukes. Without us doing anything, weeds started growing all over the atoll and these weeds turned out to be cleaning the soil.
Hemp has been used for thousands of years for products such as ropes and clothing. After World War II growing hemp became illegal. This was partly due to the lobbying of DuPont, the American manufacturer of synthetic materials. Only in 2018 was the cultivation of hemp re-legalised in the USA.
Of course ..... It sounds familiar. Vaxx is the only solution to this crisis ...... no .... what about Vit D ? Oh ... there' s no money in it ...
If one looks into cannabis with an open mind and evaluates all the history and uses of this plant, one might come to see it as I do... the single most valuable plant on earth. But I gave up trying to "green" pill people about it. So many are still caught up in the Hearst driven narratives of the early prohibitionist days of our collective pasts. I suspect the reason for it seeming to clean up radioactive soils is that it grows a really deep and extensive roots structure that would collect much of the energies being pushed by the radioactive elements doing the contaminating. Hemp was once by decree and laws passed in the colonies REQUIRED to be sowed into your lands someplace.
In case you are interested "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" is a great read by 'Nam era Marine Vet Jack E. Herer that gives as much truth as I have found in any book written by a human. 10,000 years of use by humans around the world in all its forms to be suddenly and unjustly villanized by a few powerful rich men looking to make themselves more powerful and wealthy at the expense of all of us. Seriously, if you think you can debunk anything in the book I believe there is still a bounty offered to this day of $50,000 to prove an error in the original publication. To my knowledge no one has collected on that offer. When it was offered in the 70's one could have bought a nice homestead for that kind of cash. Now it would by far less but still a nice lump of silver to pocket.
Adding to your comment and expanding a little. Our answers are in front of us.
Heavy metals and toxic chemicals accumulating in our environment is an ever persisting and serious issue. These toxins end up in our food chain (such as heavy metals, PCBs, and dioxins) and bioaccumulate, which is the “gradual accumulation of a certain chemical into the living tissue of an organism from its environment [and] may result from direct absorption from the environment or from ingestion of food particles” (Institute, 2020). Fungal mycelia can remove these toxins in the soil before they are able to enter our food supply and ultimately us.
I can add to that conversation as well. A good friend of mine is in the environmental remediation business. He's currently deploying a waste water treatment plant that have biodigesters that do just that, remove toxic substances from the waste stream. Between that as well as ozone, there are a lot of technologies that are available to remediate. It's cool stuff.
I do like the basic approach on planting hemp. It has some many things that you can do with this.. truly a miracle plant.
I just saw the video of using mushrooms to turn oil soaked straw into wonderful soil. He believes Mycelia can save the planet. Paul Stamets.
Pot legal now in ohio ok
Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018?
Cattails detoxify too
Right...burn it or bury it
Also SUNFLOWERS. THe Japanes planted millions of them after Fukushima.
Fiber, building material, soil cleanser, medicine, "leather". I grow it and use it for medicine. The oils and flowers from the plant, depending on the strain, treats epilepsy, chronic pain, anxiety and depression. The fibers from the non medicinal type have no rival for toughness, it grows fast every season. I live in a legal state. It should be legal in every state, and if not legal, then every homeowner should have the right to grow it if they want to, for their own use.
And cancer
RSO - Rick Simpson Oil
People really need to look and open their eyes on this. Hemp and CBD CBG and other parts are very beneficial too.
I would find something else for cancer, like turkey tail and reishi. The Rick simpson did not help my sister at all.
You can thank the paper industry and crooked politicians for the reason that hemp is outlawed.
It's no longer outlawed.
that depends on the place.
They do this in China already. That is why you need to be careful about where you get your CBD from. It could be loaded with heavy metals picked up in the plant from contaminated soil near old mining sites..
China is the biggest pot growers in the USA, so now I have real trust issues.
I think that's true with most plants...
Hemp has a sales value and is easy to grow. Not true in all plants.
Just hope Bill Gates doesn't start growing food on contaminated sites...
The Greens would celebrate this idea as progress. Now we wait and see if it happens.
Would go good with the bugs...
You're a Natural at the art of pairing. 🍷
I could go on and on. but I won't....
Hemp can be used to make paper, biodiesel and so many other products is is mind blowing. You can produce 100 times the paper on a 40 acre plot of ground over a 20 year period than pulp wood can produce. ENTER International Paper Co. and their lobbyist get Congress to outlaw Hemp.
Sensiseeds huh... is this the "stoner" version buying playboy for the articles? I always thought that was a "Hightimes" function. I just know the only reason you went there as to peruse all the wonderful hemp articles. Me... I love seed shopping at various sites. The best potporn is free to view. I just wish it were scratch and sniff digital imagery.
Ironically, old Playboy articles are probably loaded with clues about the behind-the-scenes stuff coming out now.
What I find amazing is that nature will do this on her own. We bombed the hell out of the bikini atoll when were testing our nukes. Without us doing anything, weeds started growing all over the atoll and these weeds turned out to be cleaning the soil.
afaik Mushrooms also metabolize radiation..
Of course ..... It sounds familiar. Vaxx is the only solution to this crisis ...... no .... what about Vit D ? Oh ... there' s no money in it ...