Perturbed New Guinea Academics Lash Out at Joe Biden Over Cannibalism Claims: "They Wouldn't Just Eat Any White Man Who Fell fro...
Earlier this week Joe Biden accused New Guinea cannibals of likely eating his Uncle Bosey when his plane crashed on the tropical island decades ago.
My son just came back from there yesterday on missions, he was preaching and helping to build a school and hospital. He is an electrician by trade and assists with the solar power installations.
He said the tribes he knows of that are cannibals, sometimes will eat a man after killing him in a fight.
In their belief it's can be to prevent the spirit of the man from tormenting or haunting them.
He spoke with several converted cannibals, who are are now serving Christ.
I prefer dark over white at Thanksgiving dinner.
Well it's true. The brand of cannibalism over there, which still exists in remote villages, is about revenge on one's enemy. One would eat the brain, or the heart or whatever, to properly make sure that that enemy is done. Human meat is not just regular meat for food. Certainly a dead body from a planewreck into the sea, will not be just 'eaten'.
Makes sense. Probably regarded as the grade E beef of Papua New Guinea.
Actually, his uncle was, but not by people from New Guinea, or it is an establishment in his basement where the practice of Cannibalsm is entertained.
Joe 'go big or go home', and 'repeat it enough times, they will start believing it.' saul alinsky
“And then they made me their chief...”
-Joe Biden
This is the same uncle that Joe said he awarded a Purple Heart to while he was VP. Problem is, the uncle died in 1999, and Joe wasn't VP then. So the uncle was shot down over PNG, eaten by cannibals, I guess he was reanimated and brought back to the states, died again in 1999, was brought back again, awarded a Purple Heart by a US Senator that was not allowed to do that, and I guess he then went back to his grave and covered himself back up.
You know it's off-the-charts bad when Politifact goes ahead and fact-checks Joe. This one was for the Purple Heart. I hope they cover this for the cannibals too.
One of the cannibals also ate Uncle Bosey's wristwatch. To this day Joe freaks out at the tick-tock of an old-fashioned watch, fearing the cannibal has returned to eat more Bidens.
The only certainty is that Joe ate Ashley.
Hillary got kuru from eating human brains