As an Australian let me just ask that you guys actually watch her video before condemning her on her soundbite comments.
Yes, she is a very outspoken senator, but she actually spent 4 mins of 5.30 interview discussing ways to get housing crisis addressed here in Australia (which we desperately need as rents are skyrocketing and even employed people are ending up on the streets), before they asked her about X.
But I certainly dont agree with her saying Elon Musk should be put in jail because he has no social conscience (her words). She think his continued allowance of this shooting footage to be posted is Elon encouraging hatred (rather than freedom of speech)
On the plus side she is willing to put her money where her mouth is and leave the X platform, so its not all bad news (for the rest of us that is).
thats a man baby.........
fugly one at that.
You beat me to it, again!
I was thinking a lizard person but it could be a man-lizard person I guess
Why is she so afraid of Free Speech?
Because people talking freely... ruins her agenda.
She or he ain't the only politician in Oz pushing this. The prime minister is too. They claim they're the news only
if ozzie and sarah sanders had a baby........
Fucking bloke innit
Dude looks like a lady... Kekekekek... cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️😂🤣😂
Elon needs to tell her where to go since he doesn’t have to conform to her BS.
That's a really ugly dude.
looks like that thing up in Michigan...
There’s that “wants” again.
Well, decent people want to imprison Jack and his fellow Marxist minions for treason so...
Fucking ugly EVIL dried-up psychotic cunt. The demon is nakedly on the outside of this one.
As an Australian let me just ask that you guys actually watch her video before condemning her on her soundbite comments.
Yes, she is a very outspoken senator, but she actually spent 4 mins of 5.30 interview discussing ways to get housing crisis addressed here in Australia (which we desperately need as rents are skyrocketing and even employed people are ending up on the streets), before they asked her about X.
But I certainly dont agree with her saying Elon Musk should be put in jail because he has no social conscience (her words). She think his continued allowance of this shooting footage to be posted is Elon encouraging hatred (rather than freedom of speech)
On the plus side she is willing to put her money where her mouth is and leave the X platform, so its not all bad news (for the rest of us that is).
As a fellow Aussie, she's a gronk. She's not for us just like every darn other politician. She's sold her soul for the money
Kek .. I wanted to say something like that about her, but was trying to stay neutral.
But agree with you 100% on the other point.
Al good my brother. I dont let the downdoots bother me.